Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

[X] Ruler (Sherlock Holmes)

It's Holmes guys.

Here is what they look like.
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The grail will crash if there isn't at least one saberface in the war. :V
There is still an empty saber slot and with the summoning of Ruler, it went from 'Holy Grail War' to 'Great Holy Grail War' with 14 servants, so two saber slot. And Holmes looks handsome in the fate universe.

EDIT: Ninja'd
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Well, since we missed out on Amy twice already, not sure if we'll get a third chance, might as grab the back-up copy while we can.

[] Ruler (BB)
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[X] Ruler (BB)

I am sorry, Jeanne Alter, but there is a chance of vanilla you being summoned, so I must go with the second most entertaining option :V.
[X] Ruler (BB)

There's chance that different ruler is dragging in different master choice/interaction later.
A Ruler is supposed to be neutral, Jeanne is not anywhere near neutral in Worm. As for Holmes: he would instantly know what is happening and I don't want to be stuck controlling only a Shard or Grail-kun. Also AI and Chaos!

[X] Ruler (BB)
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I think from neutral perspective it'll be

But we didn't really want impartial grail war, just the illusion of it.
Wrong, BB is actually more neutral than Jeanne.

what's making you think that?

In my opinion, BB is likely to bend the rule if possible without breaking it.
While Jeanne will try to be impartial within the confine of the rules.

P.S. I think Apo is an exception due to 2 ruler, which amakusa is already impartial.
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lol at the Amakusa Shirou option being shot down. Looks like someone holds a little grudge against Shirou~

[X] Ruler (BB)

Geez I was preparing to vote for Jeanne D'Arc to mess with Musashi but then you throw out better options. I'm voting for BB because having a playful personality and a neutral character play off the Holy Grail will be good. Plus if we make Amy similar to Sakura then those two will have a lot of interesting interactions.

Also I feel that Sherlock Holmes would take a lot of the fun out of the proceedings of the war by telling the participants about the Grail's condition. I want the Masters/Servants to figure out the Grail is corrupt and not have someone just give them the answer.
I'm actually really torn between Holmes and BB here. On the one hand Holmes could shut Cauldron down HARD and also show up Tattletale. On the other hand he can find out about the Grail Corruption. He'll still obey us but having the info out there at all is super risky and just asking for trouble later on. But BB is also a really fun sounding option. Hmmmmmm.
Sigh gonna go with the one that's calling to me even though it's risky. Unless someone can convince me otherwise.
[X] Ruler (Sherlock Holmes)
Also quick question, does this mean we get to decide to make this a Great Holy Grail War? Having a Ruler doesn't immediately mean it's one since the Third War in Apocrypha had Shirou as Ruler and it was a regular HGW, but do we get to decide to make it one now that we have one on hand?

Edit: Another question, when the Ruler actually gets here I'm assuming that means we're making a fighting escape from Cauldron. Which ruler is most likely to wreck shit on our way out? Possibly cause some Cauldron casualties. I'm assuming Holmes would absolutely own Number Man and I kinda wanna see that.

Edit 2: Also, even though she's way behind, my reasoning for not picking Joan is that she would definitely be against us come the climax. Whereas Holmes is a risk, Joan is a certain betrayal.
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