Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

I have to admit I'm voting for Sherlock for two reasons.

He's not a waifu, and he will figure out so much shit about cauldron and point out that they are doing everything wrong.

So even if the wish goes shitty, Cauldron may be able to kill Scion anyway without one because of Sherlock.
[X] Ruler (Sherlock Holmes)
Forgive me if I'm being dull, but what truth are we concealing?

Definitely wanting Lisa to get shown up by the real McCoy though.
[X] Ruler (Sherlock Holmes)

Go to hell all of you and your waifus! Holmes is the best one there is! There is none like him!

Also somebody to outsmart Lisa every time she appears in screen should be always one of the end goals of a Worm quest.
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Forgive me if I'm being dull, but what truth are we concealing?

The Servants don't know that the Grail is corrupted. While Sherlock may still do as we say even if he knows that, the simple fact that he knows about Angra Mainyu could lead to others learning about Angra Mainyu (since he is one that brings the truth to light).
The Servants don't know that the Grail is corrupted. While Sherlock may still do as we say even if he knows that, the simple fact that he knows about Angra Mainyu could lead to others learning about Angra Mainyu (since he is one that brings the truth to light).
Right. Thanks. I'm not awfully familiar with Fate. Still voting for Holmes though. There is clearly no other rational choice.

Got to say, so far you're giving Fate a jolly good showing.
[X] Ruler (BB)

BB is best ruler because she actualy wants to do her job of managing the grail war and will do so with a smile.
Now while can understandthose who want Jeanne I don't know what possesed people to vote for Holmes, we are going to get one Ruler , our one trump card to actualy manage this thing please don't go for the one designed to backfire against us we are having a hard enought time getting this war of the ground already.