Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

Is it me or are the votes for this quest very cohesive? All the votes feel very one sided, at least since the Theo vs Amy one.

A lot have ended up one sided, but the Servant choices at least tend to end up pretty close for the most part, the Romulus got a much bigger lead than any of the other Servants did.

I've tried to make difficult choices, but when people can't decide between a couple options they bandwagon. I suppose it is to be expected.
Until I'm convinced that Contessa loses her powers my vote is
[X] Summon a Ruler

Hmmmmmm kind of don't want to reply because I know this will sway some opinions, but not replying seems like a dick move.

Ugh. Okay. I won't deal in certainties, so I'll say this. Either Contessa/Musashi gets full access to a Servant's capabilities (she is a little nerfed right now) or they separate, but then Contessa is still, in practice the same. Right now Contessa is getting her information through Musashi (in a similar way the 3 parts of the Grail communicate). If they separate, this can still happen through the mental communication Masters and Servants are able to have with one another.

[insert angry pouting here]
Hmmmmmm kind of don't want to reply because I know this will sway some opinions, but not replying seems like a dick move.

Ugh. Okay. I won't deal in certainties, so I'll say this. Either Contessa/Musashi gets full access to a Servant's capabilities (she is a little nerfed right now) or they separate, but then Contessa is still, in practice the same. Right now Contessa is getting her information through Musashi (in a similar way the 3 parts of the Grail communicate). If they separate, this can still happen through the mental communication Masters and Servants are able to have with one another.

[insert angry pouting here]

Well I was talking about other readers convincing me, didn't mean to twist your arm, sorry. Guess it was my wording. Thanks for the answer though. Hm this is interesting but my main complaint about Contessa is her sheer superiority to other Worm characters so if that's not changing then I'm sticking to my vote. Get a Ruler up in here to bust us out. And if we summon a Ruler then there will definitely be a fight. One of the Triumvirate might show up. We can lay the smackdown on Cauldron, fuck up their day real good.
If we already have a Ruler might as well go all the way and summon seven more Servants. Make it a Great Holy Grail War. Ruler will already be here so we should get all the use we can out of them. Only logical. *nods head sagely while cackling internally*
Wait... wouldn't summoning a ruler screw us over because Angra is 1/3 of us?
Nah, the rulers only job is to make sure that the "war" part of the heavens feel ritual goes as planned, they arent supposed to care about wishes, their consequences or about the grails condition past that it's not broken during the fighting.

Rulers are basically failsafe servants of the grail designed to make sure that the masters fight each other.
Nah, the rulers only job is to make sure that the "war" part of the heavens feel ritual goes as planned, they arent supposed to care about wishes, their consequences or about the grails condition past that it's not broken during the fighting.

Rulers are basically failsafe servants of the grail designed to make sure that the masters fight each other.
Wait. Should we summon a ruler? Would a ruler causes issues with our masters?