Ivan the Not-so-Terrible
- Location
- Mikonyan’s USSR
[X] Corrupt Contessa
I am at a loss on which choice to pick. Can someone explain them to me?
Jeanne is close enough that MHX was going to eliminate her too, just to be sure.
We have to summon Jeanne then, just to fuck with her.[X] Summon a Ruler
Jeanne is close enough that MHX was going to eliminate her too, just to be sure.
My thoughts exactly. I am glad that so many people share my feelings.
I really REALLY wanna summon Scathatch as ruler if possible, Shit would be amazing.
[X] Summon a Ruler
Called it again!
Also I really don't want Con as a Master. Don't know why though.
X Corruption - this is the option to corrupt her with Grail Mud, which is the physical manifestation of the corruption of the Grail by Angru who is a sort of manifestation of a diety refered to as All The World's Evil. He isn't, but the Grail made a goof when no one made a wish during the first two wars and now he's becoming it.
Exposure to the Mud can cause death, horrible pain, fire, and/or turn people bat shitting evil.
X Ruler - this means summoning a special class of servant that's job is to defend the Grail and make sure the war goes on as normal. They have no Master and should have no wish. They tend to be Saints. This means summoning the special class to bail us out.
X. Make her a Master - maker a master and run away after we make her pass out from overload. She already has a servant selected due to shenanigans.
Hope that clears it up!