Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

Okay, so some second thoughts on the update!

Lancer is so proud. Theo is a good son. I can not wait for Lancer to come face to face with Kaiser.

If Mus wanted to be summoned she shouldn't have been a five star. Zero sympathy.

Kaiser is in for a really bad day, but that may mean Purity might make an appearance, and I think she would make an interesting Master.

She has to have potential for one of the worst servant combos in history, her and Medea would be...bad.

And not good bad. Sad bad.
Adhoc vote count started by Summer Bones on Mar 1, 2018 at 8:42 PM, finished with 45 posts and 36 votes.
So can we pick more than one option here? These votes don't really seem to exclude the others. If not...

[X] Summon a Ruler
[X] Summon a Ruler

I don't know why, but when Musashi said, "Fuck your Saber faces," I just couldn't help but think of TFS!Maxwell saying, "Fuck the new Pope!"
[x] Summon a Ruler

I really have no idea what any of this is, I just enjoy the historical/mythical figures and just causing chaos in Earth-Bet. Still, we should probably not make Contessa evil. On the other hand, giving her a master probably would not end well either.

Pick a third option!