Sauron in Tokyo (Lord of the Rings/Sailor Moon Merge)

I have created a tentative leveling system for abilities. This mostly applies to characters other than Sauron, because Sauron is skilled at pretty much everything he does due to his age. I've also added Makoto's character sheet below the main one for now. It will only be updated with what you know about it IC.

Levels of Experience: +# to Roll /Exp needed to level
Completely new: -20 /10
Inexperienced: -10 /10
Normal: 0 (Default for senshi mostly) /10
Slightly Experienced: +10 /20
Experienced: +20 /30
Very Experienced: +30
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More Cats
[X] Go to the other group of cats and make them loyal to you as well.

Before Makoto goes to bed, she walks over to talk to you.

"Great news! The apartment building allows pets*. That means you can stay here without getting in trouble," she says. It is very unlikely they could actually force you out, but the attention such would cause would be unacceptable.

"That is good news. Not being able to stay here would be antithetical to us and our future wellbeing." You can truthfully tell her that you are thankful in this case.

"Ah… yeah." She seems confused. Perhaps you should limit your vocabulary as she is still young. You forget that sometimes, as she is so powerful, with much untapped potential. Most you have met like that were highly educated elves.

"I mean it would be a great disappointment if I could not stay with you." She smiles at that.

"I enjoy your company too." She ambles over to you and sits down before petting you. You and she stay like that for a short while, before she goes back to watering her plants.

"You like these plants a lot?"

"Yeah. Gardening has always been my passion. I hope to have a flower shop when I am older." You believe she said she wanted to own a bakery earlier. You will not comment on it however; she is not going to be doing either, so it is irrelevant.

"I am sure your flower shop will be very beautiful," you lie in reply.

"I hope so," she says. Makoto then returns to watering her plants.

Some time later, Makoto finally gets ready for bed. She lays under her blankets with you curled up on it.

"Goodnight Tevildo," she says.

"Goodnight Mako," you say using the name she requested you to use. Such a diminutive is unbecoming for great beings such as the two of you, but you have done worse things in the interests of manipulation.

You wait for an hour to make sure she is asleep. She seemed to be tossing and turning significantly, but is deeply enough asleep that it is no matter. Then you get up and head over to the door. You open it once more and put it mostly closed so you can get back in, but not open enough so someone would easily notice and take advantage.

Then you take the elevator down by jumping to hit the keys like before. You take the opportunity to attempt to study the elevator's mechanisms. It seems to be being held up by a metal rope that slowly lowers it down. If you ever rebuild Barad-dûr, your tower that you ruled from, you will have to install one of these.

Once on the first floor you head out the window and are out on the streets.

You decide to head for the other group of cats that your first group had been feuding with. It will allow your cats to spend more time working for you if you stop this distraction. In addition, you will have more to serve you which will be useful in covering the large area which is Tokyo.

Search: 89, Req 10 = Success

You find this group of cats much faster than the previous one. You saunter over to the group. The first you meet with hisses, smelling their rival gang of cats on you. That aminocity will not do.

You hiss back, driving the cat away; you will get him later, once more of this group of cats is under your control. He runs back into the horde.

You stare at another, dominating her will. She bends to your proper rule as Tevildo, Lord of Cats. You start on the next cat. This will be a long, tedious night, you think.

It takes time, but eventually they are all dominated by your will and will obey your commands. Altogether, you have almost ninety cats serving you now. You have also commanded them to stop fighting with each other. Infighting was always a problem with orcs, and you would not like to see it repeated with cats.

You command these to look for the youma as well, after giving them a description of what to look for.

Random Encounter? 11, Req 70 = None

You have no interruptions, but it is still almost dawn by the time you are done with everything.

You stroll back to the apartment, having plenty of time before Makoto will wake up, though not enough to do anything of import.

You stealthily enter the window of the apartment building, closing it behind you. Then you travel up the elevator and into Makoto's room. You close it, thereby preventing her from knowing you had left.

You return to Makoto's bed and sleep the rest of the night curled up on it, which is still only a few hours.

You wake up to another alarm. It really is such a useful invention, you ponder, making everyone wake up on time. You wish you had such an invention to inflict on your old slaves; that is a time long gone, however, at least for now.

Makoto yawns. "Good morning."

"I trust that it will be. But I do believe it is up to us to make it that way." You would smile enigmatically, but you are a cat.

"Yes, I suppose that's true." Makoto gets out of bed, and you leave the room so she can get dressed.

Later, you notice she has trouble making her lunch due to her injury.

"Are you okay?" you ask her. It is best to show concern after all, and you do not want her arm getting infected and preventing her utility for your plans.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I can do this." You let her continue without comment. You believe she is the type to shoulder through her pains, which is a good thing.

While she finishes preparing for school, you think about your immediate plans.

What do you do next?
[] Go to both groups of cats and invest your power to increase their effectiveness and allow you to communicate from afar. (Learn Invest Will)

[] Search for another of the unusually powerful people. (Learn Illusion)
-[] Specifically search for Luna.
-[] Specifically search for Sailor Moon.
-[] Search for someone else.

[] Search for forge equipment. You need this to create your own energy absorbing stones. (Learn Create Magical Artifact)
-[] Optional: If you do find some, where will you put it? You will leave it where it is if you do not choose this option.

[] Have Makoto call in sick and teach her magic at the abandoned house. (Learn Seal Doorway)
-[] Inspire Fear
-[] Illusion
-[] Fire (more powerful than magic blast)
-[] Practice Magic Blast
-[] Practice Brawling (Involves you shape shifting into a human)
--[] Annatar form (Elvish, likable)
--[] Sauron form (Tall, terrifying, powerful)
--[] Write-in
-[] Write-in

[] Get a better disguise for Makoto. (Learn Illusion)
-[] Optional: What? (Improves chances)
-[] Optional: Have Makoto call in sick to school and take Makoto with you.

[] Search for another of the youma. (Learn Inspire Fear)
-[] Optional: Go to the first group of cats to see if they found anything.

[] Write-in

*Presumedly in episode 91 she would have mentioned if the apartment did not allow her to, thus it must allow it. So no rolling to check this since it is canon.
[X] Search for forge equipment. You need this to create your own energy absorbing stones.
-[X] Set up in abandoned house. Basement or other hard to access space if possible

It seems to be being held up by a metal rope that slowly lowers it down. If you ever rebuild Barad-dûr, your tower that you ruled from, you will have to install one of these.
Towers. So. Many. Stairs.
[X] Search for forge equipment. You need this to create your own energy absorbing stones.(Learn Create Magical Artifact)
-[X] Set up in abandoned house. Basement or other hard to access space if possible
if we take this now we can craft gear for makoto and anyone else we bring under our command.
[X] Search for forge equipment. You need this to create your own energy absorbing stones.
-[X] Set up in abandoned house. Basement or other hard to access space if possible
[X] Search for forge equipment. You need this to create your own energy absorbing stones.(Learn Create Magical Artifact)
-[X] Set up in abandoned house. Basement or other hard to access space if possible
if we take this now we can craft gear for makoto and anyone else we bring under our command.
[X] Search for another of the unusually powerful people. (Learn Illusion)
-[X] Search for someone else.

I want another person on the team so they can support each other.
[X] Search for forge equipment. You need this to create your own energy absorbing stones.(Learn Create Magical Artifact)
-[X] Set up in abandoned house. Basement or other hard to access space if possible

Soon though, we should probably see to training Makoto a bit more in terms of melee combat, if she can't aim then she may as well just punch youma to death. Not to mention it would free us up to be able to use another form when necessary which could be a problem otherwise.
"Goodnight Mako," you say using the name she requested you to use. Such a diminutive is unbecoming for great beings such as the two of you, but you have done worse things in the interests of manipulation.
D'aww, he cares. In that weird, but sweet cat-like way

[X] Search for forge equipment. You need this to create your own energy absorbing stones.
-[X] Set up in abandoned house. Basement or other hard to access space if possible
[X] Search for forge equipment. You need this to create your own energy absorbing stones.
-[X] Set up in abandoned house. Basement or other hard to access space if possible
[X] Search for forge equipment. You need this to create your own energy absorbing stones.
-[X] Set up in abandoned house. Basement or other hard to access space if possible

Though I agree we should begin training her soon. We don't have Sailor Moon's powerful plot protection and the more time goes by the more likely something out of her league will pop up. Though I don't think taking a humanoid form in the near future would be good. The magical animal isn't supposed to do that for a long while if ever.
[X] Search for forge equipment. You need this to create your own energy absorbing stones.
-[X] Set up in abandoned house. Basement or other hard to access space if possible
Mini-update and Vote

One cat is not strong enough to carry an anvil, according to extensive online research. (Highest number I found was 7kg, and Sauron atm is slightly stronger than a normal cat.)

So in order to carry the anvil to the abandoned house I need another vote. For context, you are in a house stealing the anvil and forging supplies attached to it and are a few blocks away from the abandoned house. The full story will be in the next update.

[] Shapeshift so you can carry the anvil. Costs 100 P and 5 P more to shapeshift back.
-[] Annatar form (Elvish, likable)
-[] Sauron form (Tall, terrifying, powerful)
-[] Panther form (Great black cat)
-[] Wolf form (Giant wolf)
-[] Write-in

[] Leave the anvil there.

[] Wait for Makoto to get back from school and have her help carry it.

[] Write-in
Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Mar 1, 2018 at 12:16 AM, finished with 176 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Shapeshift so you can carry the anvil. Costs 100 P and 5 P more to shapeshift back.
    -[X] Panther form (Great black cat)
    [X] Shapeshift so you can carry the anvil. Costs 100 P and 5 P more to shapeshift back.
    -[X] Annatar form (Elvish, likable)
    [X] Make your army of cats tow it.
    [X] Shapeshift so you can carry the anvil. Costs 100 P and 5 P more to shapeshift back.
    -[X] Wolf form (Giant wolf)
[X] Shapeshift so you can carry the anvil. Costs 100 P and 5 P more to shapeshift back.
-[X] Panther form (Great black cat)
[x] Shapeshift so you can carry the anvil. Costs 100 P and 5 P more to shapeshift back.
-[x] Panther form (Great black cat)
we should make sure that our annatar form is kept under wraps so that we can use it without it being assoiated with us later, by using the black cat form we make it seem like we're less powerful than we actually are by making it seem like we are limited to catlike forms.
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[X] Shapeshift so you can carry the anvil. Costs 100 P and 5 P more to shapeshift back.
-[X] Annatar form (Elvish, likable)
[X] Shapeshift so you can carry the anvil. Costs 100 P and 5 P more to shapeshift back.
-[X] Panther form (Great black cat)
[X] Shapeshift so you can carry the anvil. Costs 100 P and 5 P more to shapeshift back.
-[X] Annatar form (Elvish, likable)
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[X] Shapeshift so you can carry the anvil. Costs 100 P and 5 P more to shapeshift back.
-[X] Panther form (Great black cat)
[X] Shapeshift so you can carry the anvil. Costs 100 P and 5 P more to shapeshift back.
-[X] Wolf form (Giant wolf)

Linking this back to us is a bad idea in general I think. Let's others know what we're doing and gives more insight into our actual plans. Better make it seem like it's something else or someone else. Hell, maybe we can spin it (if for some reason we're spotted or rumors pop up) that there is an evil faction and they have evil wolves like the 'good' 'faction has cats. I mean why not? Fits the genre well enough and that might make people more inclined to believe that.

Also gives more cover on the 'evil' we're supposedly trying to stop.
[X] Shapeshift so you can carry the anvil. Costs 100 P and 5 P more to shapeshift back.
-[X] Panther form (Great black cat)
You guys realize the large animal forms carrying an anvil in broad daylight is going to attract a lot more attention than a pretty boy when all the people who might see that matter are in school right?
Yep. That's why I don't want to link things to cats.