Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

To be honest, I dont get why people are choosing the Simurgh option? Like its fun and all, but what will it accomplish. Trolling her? Making her a master? Like the former already got accomplished by simply ignoring her, and the latter is so ridiculous that its not even funny. Ill admit that the initial reactions would be hilarious, but after that, itll be a huge mess. If she still hates us, we will have no proper way to defend ourself, and she would have plenty of ways to mess around with the war through her precog. If she somehow likes us and decided not to off us, she would still use her powers to stomp the other masters. Unless her powers somehow get nerfed during the duration of the war, the chances of anyone else winning is pretty low, and for me, that wont be pretty fun to watch.

Also, just wondering here, if we dont continue chatting with Sveta, could we still find her in a later date? I was thinking we could since we have her user name, but I might be wrong here.
I'll be honest I'm joking about Master Ziz (as great as that would be, I'm not even sure it would be the most FUBAR a Grail War has gone), but if there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that when an Endbringer is throwing a temper tantrum and trying to get you to talk to her, you at least try to pacify them before half of a nearby continental plate/celestial object goes missing.
To be honest, I dont get why people are choosing the Simurgh option? Like its fun and all, but what will it accomplish. Trolling her? Making her a master? Like the former already got accomplished by simply ignoring her, and the latter is so ridiculous that its not even funny. Ill admit that the initial reactions would be hilarious, but after that, itll be a huge mess. If she still hates us, we will have no proper way to defend ourself, and she would have plenty of ways to mess around with the war through her precog. If she somehow likes us and decided not to off us, she would still use her powers to stomp the other masters. Unless her powers somehow get nerfed during the duration of the war, the chances of anyone else winning is pretty low, and for me, that wont be pretty fun to watch.

Also, just wondering here, if we dont continue chatting with Sveta, could we still find her in a later date? I was thinking we could since we have her user name, but I might be wrong here.
I agree. Ziz really won't be all that fun.
Why is everyone wanting to make Ziz a servant when we could give her a Mud bath instead?

Edited: Master. Saving it for the mind breaking lols.

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And I find people wanting to make Ziz a Master? WTF?
Like I get that it'd be funny but it's probably not what that option would lead to. Also it would pull this quest way off course and into Crack territory, which is only fun for a while before you lose any sense of scale and direction. Plus I agree that I don't like humanizing the endbringers. I get that Ziz at least had some form of free will, but she was still an alien drone, not even like Dragon, she had less of a personality, and I prefer it that way. Sveta's interesting but she'd have heroic leanings I think. She doesn't want to hurt people. Then again her lack of control might be interesting? IDK.
But above all else, you guys are forgetting something. WE NEED TO CAUSE A GLORIOUS CLUSTERFUCK. THE BATTLE OF ARCADIA MUST HAPPEN. Besides I get the feeling this is the last chance QM will give us.

[X] Find Amy Dallon

Edit: but seriously I highly suggest not bringing the EB into this until later. We want to stay on this scale for at least a while longer. (Please no Ziz Master, that's just too ridiculous.)
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[X] Respond to Winged_One

Do I want Ziz!Master? No. I do, however, want to see what happens when the Holy Grail tries to have a polite online conversation with an Endbringer. Curiosity, nothing more.
[X] Respond to Winged_One

I would pick Sveta, but that would require us leaving Brockton Bay, and I still want us to have adventures. We can go find Amy any time we want, remember. And we're not nessesarily making Ziz a master, we're just taking with her. Honestly, jokes aside she's a fucking terrifying opponent, and I'd rather we had at least a nonhostile relationship.

Or we could troll her. Either works for me.
I do want to know how Ziz seems to think that a Entity crashing through multiple Earth's and getting lobotomized by a little girl could be The Grail's fault. If it was The Grail that caused the crash then it was [Thinker]'s fault entirely due to screwing up the process. Might as well explain how it's supposed to be done and why [Thinker], as an Entity, is so suicidally stupid that it killed itself and The Grail kept trying to stop it. Also explain that if everything works out as it should then this "War" won't last that long. The Grail is a machine and a machine only does what you ask not what you want and the [Thinker] killed itself using this machine as such Ziz is blaming an emotionless wish granting device for the stupidity of someone else. Might as well explain by it's anger is misdirected so it doesn't screw up this "War" to much. Also: FUCK Ziz. I want Chaos not some literal Plot Device to hijack the Story.

[X] Respond to Winged_One

Huh, didn't know people are still using that Troll.
when we start hearing a bunch of explosions.
T_T could have had a giant rampaging monsters!
Posted on January 3, 2011:
What the fuck
Posted on Januar
Posted on January 3, 2011:
What the fuck
Sort of surprised Ziz is so confused by this.
Winged_One: I am Designation:Endbringer003. You killed my mother. Prepare to die.
Winged_One: I know you saw my message.
Winged_One: You can't ignore me forever. I'm coming for you.

She can't kill The Grail, it's beyond her reach as a nonmagical thing. On top of that The Grail hasn't killed anyone yet not even an Entity and if it did then why would Ziz believe it could do anything to The Grail?!

Might as well send Gilgamesh to deal with this Mongrel.
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I'm just disappointed it took like 70 comments before somebody pointed out the princess bride reference. Come on people, game faces.
I do want to know how Ziz seems to think that a Entity crashing through multiple Earth's and getting lobotomized by a little girl could be The Grail's fault. If it was The Grail that caused the crash then it was [Thinker]'s fault entirely due to screwing up the process. Might as well explain how it's supposed to be done and why [Thinker], as an Entity, is so suicidally stupid that it killed itself and The Grail kept trying to stop it. Also explain that if everything works out as it should then this "War" won't last that long. The Grail is a machine and a machine only does what you ask not what you want and the [Thinker] killed itself using this machine as such Ziz is blaming an emotionless wish granting device for the stupidity of someone else. Might as well explain by it's anger is misdirected so it doesn't screw up this "War" to much. Also: FUCK Ziz. I want Chaos not some literal Plot Device to hijack the Story.

[X] Respond to Winged_One

Huh, didn't know people are still using that Troll.

T_T could have had a giant rampaging monsters!

Sort of surprised Ziz is so confused by this.

She can't kill The Grail, it's beyond her reach as a nonmagical thing. On top of that The Grail hasn't killed anyone yet not even an Entity and if it did then why would Ziz believe it could do anything to The Grail?!

Might as well send Gilgamesh to deal with this Mongrel.

Yes, this is my exact concern, the grail war getting hijacked by a Plot Device. Also minor correction, but I'm pretty sure we killed one prt agent during our escape. We should also avoid trying to fight off one plot device with another plot device, especially if our plot device is an absolute asshole.

Edit: I'm guess I'm fine with just explaining the situation to Ziz, but I really hope she doesn't get too involved until later. Then again based on the wording of her message she might literally be on her way down to Brockton. If we hear EB sirens we fucked up. But that seems a bit extreme of an unforseen consequence? I dunno, I overthink these things sometimes. As long as we get to attack Arcadia and cause a GLORIOUS CLUSTERFUCK at some point, I'm happy. Because god there's so much potential for chaos on that route, it makes me giddy.
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