Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

I'm conflicted... The Simurgh would be the Stupid!Evil Option, Sveta the True Neutral and Panacea the woobie... What do we do here? I'm really tempted to pick Sveta just because Panacea is always stealing spotlight everywhere.

Yeah Sveta wins...

[X] Continue chatting with GstringGirl
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[X] Continue chatting with GstringGirl

I'm tempted but we can find Amy later. I want to continue this line of conversation. If we decide to make her a Master, her servant would probably have to be a Rider or a Caster in order to retrieve her... Plus Sveta in the spotlight would mean road trip and it would be a interesting pick.
[X] Respond to Winged_One

Pretty sure she's mistaken us for Contessa. Also, is it possible to make the Simurgh a Master? That would be a fun scenario. Would her wish be for freedom from Eidolon and Scion?
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Posted on January 3, 2011:
What the fuck

Winged_One: I am Designation:Endbringer003. You killed my mother. Prepare to die.
Winged_One: I know you saw my message.
Winged_One: You can't ignore me forever. I'm coming for you.
Easily the best part of this entire chapter. I think I'll hold off on voting for a bit. I have to decide the best way to fuck with Ziz.