Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

you... kinda have a point, @Ninth.

a PHO thread might be a bit too much trouble for this stage. searching for Masters is a more pending problem, a HGW overview thread can wait for until after the Seven are chosen.

but. it's not like the PHO option is also 'start a thread'. the Grail can just browse it for info

maybe later. as comment thread

1. PRT already knows via Jekyll. intervention into PHO would make the paranoid think 'why did they censor this, was it true maybe?'

2. true, and also we're likely to get a full roster by the time Travellers come.

3. but this is more fun! like, we don't need to uphold the Magi Masquerade and can just broadcast the cool battles! the conflict, the conflict!
So, in other words she's basically going to be doing this?
Uh, no, it was supposed to be a reference to "Reflowering of Brockton" over on the NSFW (Not Safe For Work) part of QQ (Questionable Questing), it's not really NSFW so far but one of the more recent Page/Chapter/Post was about Yuuka basically say "COME AT ME, BRO?!" to the world through PHO Shit Posts starting with the Empire and ending with calling Jack a pirate with no balls before making a thinly veiled parody of them called the "Sea Sick Seven". Bonesaw loved it but Mannique blew up Yuuka's laptop.

I, on the other hand, decided to throw in the fact that Jack Slash is a direct rip off of Jack the Ripper, who in the Real World used a scalpel to cut woman open and steal their organs and sometimes sew them back together very deliberately wrong and even spawned copycats. The Nasuverse version is much more violent and much more disturbing with a similar surgical kink. Either way it's Bonesaw that is the real Jack.
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[X] Search for Masters

Even Through PHO choice will probably win.

1.) It likely to be reported and come to attention on the PRT, which mean they will be interfering in further master contract
2.) There is no Guarantee that those who interest will really meet the criteria, unless AM can detect intent on internet.

Personnel reason
3.) It is already becoming a large issue with 2-servant fighting and destruction, and PRT know that there will be up to 7, which is a minimum of A-class or even S-class from their perspectives. Making it known nationwide would make it a bigger mess.
1) Anything that hinder the good proceeding of the HGW will merit the summoning of Ruler. In other words, if they interfere, they will make shit worse.
2) No and we can't exactly make them a Master from the Internet either, we are just looking for potentials then meet them, it's not even guaranteed that this will be about looking for potential Masters, we should stop a little bit our hunt for Masters or it will start to be repetitive.
3) We are QA, who's goal is to spread conflict. We also are the Holy Grail who's goal is to grant a wish to the winner of a 7-way death battle. We are Angra Mainyu All The World's Evil. We have no reason what's so ever IC to care about that, and OOC it's much more fun. It was the Association which prohibited the public knowledge of magecraft and the HGW and the Holy Grail itself doesn't particularly care.
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For (1)

Thatls ooc reason PRT won't know that AM will summon ruler as a result
Ruler would be detrimental to AM purpose at a whole through.

For (3)

That why I said it's a personal. I already felt that the BB potential cast is already large enough that there is no need to called in lots of cast from other area.
For (1)

Thatls ooc reason PRT won't know that AM will summon ruler as a result
Ruler would be detrimental to AM purpose at a whole through.
Huh? It doesn't matter if they try to hinder Masters contracts or not. We don't lose anything in the end, the HGW will start no matter what and the PRT will be in deepshit with Ruler.
AM is a basically a bad kid who wants to watch or make thing go to shit. That would be the case if we summon Ruler. Of course, we won't be affected.

Huh? It doesn't matter if they try to hinder Masters contracts or not. We don't lose anything in the end, the HGW will start no matter what and the PRT will be in deepshit with Ruler.
AM is a basically a bad kid who wants to watch or make thing go to shit. That would be the case if we summon Ruler. Of course, we won't be affected.

Actually is the Angry Mango from before or after Hollow? I can't remember, @FacelessDoll.

I want to say after, because he's a lot more tame.
It should be noted a Ruler is Summoned when the "War" (because only Apocrypha could be considered an actual War) goes FUBAR. Getting stuck in an alternate Multiverse with parasite derived super powers and having one of said parasites not only latched onto the Grail but the Grail driving it's current Host like it's actually a car should be the kind of thing to get a Ruler at the start but because the "War" has not officially started that means a Ruler can not be Summoned. Yet. There will undoubtedly be one Summoned the moment the last Servant is Summoned.

As for the purpose of a Ruler: they're to ensure everyone kills one another even if they don't want to (or can't) and have the "War" come to an actual conclusion. Rulers are given overwhelming power over Servants to facilitate both personal defense and the Servants actually fight. The Cup is sort of stupid about using them when required though but the current situation is most certainly blatant enough. As long as "Taylor" acts with aims to cause chaos and conflict towards all Servants' inevitable demise then the Ruler will be required not to oppose "Taylor".

For all intents and purposes The Grail itself is the Master of Ruler while making Ruler over-Master of all Servants with Ruler Trumping all Command Seals from previous Masters or Ruler can just outright revoke their freewill privileges. This comes at the cost of not being allowed to actually compete. This is also why Rulers probably would get targeted: your Servant is weakest to the one who can control them.
TL;DR: the PRT will never be a threat to Ruler and Ruler is incapable of being a threat to "Taylor" or Angra Mainyu especially since The Grail has autonomy now. There are ways around this though but I doubt that can occur.

I can't wait till we have to squabble over which Ruler we want to Summon!:rofl::lol:D
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Oh Romulus is a lot more destructive and egotistical than I thought...he's perfect. Looks like there might be a little friction between him and Theo which will be interesting going forward. Also first Grail War battle! Vista/Chiron make a very competent pair, but they definitely were at a major disadvantage by carrying around a downed person.

[X] Use PHO

Using PHO will be a change of pace and allow the Grail to learn more about the surroundings. It should give us a few ideas for possible Masters.
I'm closing voting in an hour. Just letting everyone know.

EDIT: Oops, accidentally a threadmark. That is fixed now. Haha. Sorry
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We should probably talk to Missy and tell her to calm the fuck down. the war didn't officially start and a dead master means we need to look for a replacement, delaying the war and generally being an annoyance. We don't want that.
@FacelessDoll Can we talk telepathically with all Servants and Masters? We are linked to all of them after all since we supply a majority of the mana to support the Servants.
The extent of our connection to Masters and their Servants is a simple one way line allowing us to provide prana to help Masters maintain Servants, unfortunately
Rejection 1.15
Rejection 1.15

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♦Topic: Brockton Bay: NEW CAPES!!!
In: Boards ► Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay Discussion (Public Board)

(Original Poster)
Posted on January 3, 2011:

Holy shit! There I was, shopping at Eternal19 (definitely wasn't there just because GG was there) when we start hearing a bunch of explosions. Knowing this is BB and crazy stuff happens here all the time, I took out my phone and started recording.


We have two new capes! And they do NOT like each other.

The Archer

Okay, lets start with this guy. No clue if those are tinker tech arrows or if it is something with his power, but fuck did those things explode. And he fired really fast too. He jumped around a lot too (you know, to not get ROFLstomped by the big dude), so maybe he's a Mover along with the arrow shit. Oh, he also made Velocity his bitch. I think this guy is a good guy though. He did save that helicopter. I don't know.


Calling him Magnus because we hear him yell it once. He made a big wall thing to stop the arrows, he runs and jumps like nobody's business, he tore down buildings with his big red rock thing, he can control trees, and that BULGE. And, if you watch at the end of the video, he fucking teleports or something. This dude is scary, and looks like a male stripper which makes it worse. Also, probably bad.

(Showing Page 1 of 7)

Posted on January 3, 2011:
Just what we need, more capes

Posted on January 3, 2011:
These guys are insane!

Also, are we sure that the archer guy isn't Magnus? I mean, why would the big dude yell his own name?

Posted on January 3, 2011:
Okay, probably an independent hero and a new villain with history

The Archer didn't cause too much damage. He could have thrown those arrows around a lot more, and he only took out Velocity in self defense. He also got Velocity out of harm's way and saved those PRT officers.

Big tan guy (not convinced Magnus is his name) caused way more property damage, and went after the PRT specifically with his tree things (please don't let this be another Blasto). Pretty villainous to me.

Posted on January 3, 2011:
What is up with the screen tearing? Right when the archer tosses Velocity

►Ali'en (Unverified Alien)
Posted on January 3, 2011:
Something wrong with your phone? Bad screen tearing

EDIT: Strangered

Posted on January 3, 2011:
What the fuck

Posted on January 3, 2011:
Anyone have any info on these guys? What are the PRT saying? Have they even said anything?

►Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Posted on January 3, 2011:
They are being real hush hush about this right now. I don't know much at the moment, and what I do know I'm not allowed to say. I can say that the higher ups are freaking out, though.

Posted on January 3, 2011:
That is not a good sign

Posted on January 3, 2011:
Wasn't there an explosion on the Boardwalk just a bit before? Any chance the archer had something to do with that?
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Posted on January 3, 2011:
@SpecificProtagonist I am not comfortable with calling him "Big Bulge"

►Abstract_Ithaka (Original Poster)
Posted on January 3, 2011:
I think it sounds like a perfectly fitting name

►Leet (Verified Cape)
Posted on January 3, 2011:
Is it just me, or does the archer guy have a horse tail?

Posted on January 3, 2011:
Is he a Case 53? Wonder where his tattoo thing is? Thing any other parts of him are horse like? (if you know what I mean)

Posted on January 3, 2011:

►Wounded_King (Unverified Cape)
Posted on January 3, 2011:
We shall not reveal their identities. You may call the two Archer and Lancer. They are Servants battling for the Holy Grail.

Posted on January 3, 2011:
What? holy grail? And servants of who?

Also, those are some pretty uninspired names.

►Abstract_Ithaka (Original Poster)
Posted on January 3, 2011:
So they are fighting over a Jesus cup? Uh...Skidmark? Is that you? I think you've been smoking something you shouldn't

Posted on January 3, 2011:
What the fuck

►Wounded_King (Unverified Cape)
Posted on January 3, 2011:
We are unaware of any individual known as Skidmark. We wish to be enlightened.
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(Showing Page 7 of 7)

Posted on January 3, 2011:
What the fuck

Posted on January 3, 2011:
@Wounded_King You know, Case 53. Capes whose powers messed up their bodies and who have amnesia.

Posted on January 3, 2011:
@Wounded_King Case 53s are capes whose powers changed their bodies. They also have amnesia.

EDIT: strangered
End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

♦ Private Messages from GstringGirl:

GstringGirl: Hey, I noticed the questions you were asking, and that you seem to know the two new capes and I wanted to ask, and you don't have to answer if you don't want, but are you a Case 53?
Wounded_King: The doctors stated we have amnesia. We are also in a body that is unfamiliar and strange. Given these factors the answer to your inquiry appears to be 'yes'.
GstringGirl: Oh wow. Are you alright?
Wounded_King: We are alone. We have not been allowed to rest. We are undecided on our current state.
GstringGirl: That sounds rough. Umm...if you need help, you can get some at a Parahuman Asylum. They are willing to take in and help Case 53s
Wounded_King: Are you a Case 53?
GstringGirl: No, I just know a lot about them
Wounded_King: Like the one called SpecificProtagonist?
GstringGirl: Ew! No!
Wounded_King: Then we do not understand
GstringGirl: Ok ok, yes, I'm a Case 53, but please don't tell anyone. I don't want people thinking I am weird. Uh, not that you are weird or anything. Anyways, I'm staying at one of those asylums, and they really do a lot to help, so I think if you need it, you should give it a try.

♦ Private Messages from Winged_One:

Winged_One: I am Designation:Endbringer003. You killed my mother. Prepare to die.
Winged_One: I know you saw my message.
Winged_One: You can't ignore me forever. I'm coming for you.

The Grail blinked in surprise as a notification appeared on their phone. Low battery. They had enough knowledge to know that their time on PHO would be coming to an end soon (at least until they stole a cell phone charger).

Still, how to spend their final moments...

The number of Case 53s could provide some prospective Masters, and this "GstringGirl" could be their gateway that regard. Perhaps the girl herself could be a Master? Though making her such would require some...rule bending that would create some complications. Normally the Master was made a Master before the Servant was summoned, but they may need to summon the Servant first and send them to retrieve the Master so they could give the girl her command would be energy intensive, but doable.

Alternatively, there was this "Winged_One" person that seemed to have mistaken them for someone. It was unclear where a conversation with them would lead, however. Still, this person seemed to know something was going on. Enough to be confused at least. Perhaps more knowledge could be gained through them?

Angra Mainyu had found the information it wanted about "Amy Dallon" aka "Panacea", and now just wanted to go find her. Both the Holy Grail and the Remnant insisted that doing such could wait, but Angra Mainyu was arguing that they needed a "backup". The remnant seemed particularly upset by this, and had been repeatedly informing the god that it was [INSULTED] by this (for some reason).


[] Continue chatting with GstringGirl

[] Respond to Winged_One

[] Find Amy Dallon

AN: This is a thing. PHO updates are more difficult than expected. Hahaha. Hope it turned out alright. The PHO generator doesn't work on my computer, so had to copy from what I've seen by hand. Hopefully it is fine.

Also, yeah, seems everyone forgot about my stance on write in votes :/ Welp, anyways, regardless, given the directions that this could go, I hope those people aren't too disappointed.
awwww, was hoping for some more ROMA in the FORUM....yeah that's overdone, i'll stop.

[x] Continue chatting with GstringGirl
- we have no reason to care/give a shit about winged one.
[X] Continue chatting with GstringGirl
I want to go make her a Master. Cause we need more people than just the ones in Brockton Bay, and from what I know of her she seems like a great person to drag into this.

Plus, ignoring Ziz seems fun.