Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

Time for Angra to shit post on the internet and start a flame war.
Call Jack a pirate with no balls that is a rip off of a real mass murderer and Bonesaw is closer to why the original was scary. Then Post a shiffic about the Sea Sick Seven.

Then he starts Shit Posting about the Empire like how Purity is Black and Hookwolf is Hispanic and it's because they cover themselves that no one notices!
Can someone do a master-servant list.
I think it's too early for PHO, nothing exciting aside from little scufle of Romulus and Chiron happened ._.
Master-Servant List

Master: Armsmaster
True Name: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Master: Vista
True Name: Chiron

Master: Theo Anders
True Name: ROMA!!!!!!!!!!! i.e. Romulus
Well, there's a problem with the PRT trying to capture a Servant: they can turn immaterial.

Although knowing the PRT they're going to give the Servants a Mover Rating for teleportation, aren't they? They technically wouldn't be wrong...
Nah, the spirit form thing would be a Breaker rating, since it's pretty much the same as Shadow Stalker's power.
soooooo, is romulus going to spend a large amount of time on the pho? as you know it's a forum... and therefor a remnant of rome :?

[X] Use PHO
-[X]Put out a ad for Masters

and yes that would fit perfectly together...
Still don't understand why people are writing in that we should put an Ad. It wasn't an option and the QM said they weren't doing write ins.

Are people just copy and pasting whatever anyone posts?

So confused.

Also it is driving me crazy, or crazier as the case may be.
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[X] Use PHO
-[X]Put out a ad for Masters

Let's go and shitpost in thread Ziz is in and attract her attention. I wanna give a master spot to at least 1 Endbringer.
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[X] Use PHO

Looking for Holy Grail War candidates. Winner will get their wish come true. Incredibly real, definitely not fake.

Candidates must have a wish, determine, and suffering in some way. Heroes or Villains, anyone is accepted.

PM @TheActualHolyGrail for more information regarding this.
Call Jack a pirate with no balls that is a rip off of a real mass murderer and Bonesaw is closer to why the original was scary. Then Post a shiffic about the Sea Sick Seven.

Then he starts Shit Posting about the Empire like how Purity is Black and Hookwolf is Hispanic and it's because they cover themselves that no one notices!
So, in other words she's basically going to be doing this?
[X] Search for Masters

Even Through PHO choice will probably win.

1.) It likely to be reported and come to attention on the PRT, which mean they will be interfering in further master contract
2.) There is no Guarantee that those who interest will really meet the criteria, unless AM can detect intent on internet.

Personnel reason
3.) It is already becoming a large issue with 2-servant fighting and destruction, and PRT know that there will be up to 7, which is a minimum of A-class or even S-class from their perspectives. Making it known nationwide would make it a bigger mess.