Sauron in Tokyo (Lord of the Rings/Sailor Moon Merge)

[X] Capture and interrogate the monster.
-[X] Optional: Wait until the monster is alone.

We need information about the Dark Kingdom or alternatively, Sailor Senshi, which we means we either beat is out of youma (which is difficult, some are pretty mindless) or go to search for another powerful people (preferably ask Luna directly)
[X] Wait for Makoto to come back from school and have you come with you to attack the monster.

Actively fighting against Evil should show that we're on the same side or at least not enemies to the Senshi when they inevitably show up one of these days. Like it'd be kind of hard to buy we're a great evil if we're prompting Makoto to kill demons.
[X] Wait for Makoto to come back from school and have you come with you to attack the monster.

Kind of thinking we should teach Makoto more spells before the first combat though.
Makoto’s Unlucky Fight
[X] Wait for Makoto to come back from school and have her come with you to attack the monster.

You decide to wait for Makoto to come back from school. This monster will be good practice for her, and you can always step in if need be.

In the meantime, you have a few more hours until she is done with school. You end up watching the monster during this time. Unfortunately, she does not do anything other than act as an over enthusiastic saleswoman.

Eventually school ends, but you do not return to the apartment yet. You see two schoolgirls enter the jewelry shop. One of them has red hair, and looks similar to the monster, but is not one herself. She still has a soul.

Perhaps the monster is pretending to be her mother, based on the conversation you can hear. Or maybe she is allied to the monster and they are working together for a disguise.

It is the other that interests you though. The blonde has the strongest and brightest fëa you have seen so far, so is clearly quite powerful. However, she acts like a normal teenager. You even see her cry on a whim. You suspect it is a disguise, and she may even be in league with the monsters. You do however remember that Makoto had not known about her power, so perhaps it is as it appears.

In any case, it is unlikely they will do anything else soon. You turn to leave, and start jogging back to the apartment.

When you arrive you have to slip in behind someone as they enter the building. You then take the stairs so as to not risk someone noticing you. Eventually, you reach Makoto's apartment and start scratching at the door so she will open it for you.

"Where were you?" She opens the door, letting you in, and sits down.

"I found one of the monsters. She is disguised as a jewelry owner and is selling jewelry that is slowly killing people." You play up the drama to get her focused on killing the creature. You do not want a sudden bout of mercy that humans are prone to do in this era.

"That's terrible! I'm going to go there and stop her." Her green eyes burn with anger. That… was effective.

"Get your disguise first. We would not want them discovering who you are."

"Right." She grabs her sunglasses and hat, putting them on.

"We will also need a code name for you."

The two of you decide on a name for her, then are ready to go.

She goes down the elevator, with you sticking close to her shadows. Luckily no one spots you as you leave the building.

When you reach the streets, you head to a bus stop while trying to be inconspicuous. Makoto does not do well, but everyone seems more focused on themselves. You get on the bus and to a spot near your destination without trouble.

Makoto and you sneak the rest of the way to the store. It seems to be still bustling with people. You feel a cold breeze from the east. This will be your first battle in the newest age.

She seems to hesitate.

"Where is the monster?"

"She is disguising herself as that woman in a purple dress. Trust me, she must be put down for the sake of all the people in there." You try to reassure her and get her to confront the monster.

"Well okay…" she says. You are about to suggest she uses a magic blast–as soon as she has a clear line of sight to the monster–when she walks up to the entrance and poses.

"How dare you endanger the lives of all these innocent people! In the name of, uh, what am I saying?" You suppose she is going with the tactic of a dramatic entrance. This you can understand well, but she seems confused and did not do a good job of it. In any case, a surprise attack would have worked far better at gaining an advantage. You will have to include this in your debrief with her later.

Makoto enters the building, and the monster seems to hiss. She grabs the closest person, who was the girl you saw earlier and looks to be her daughter.

"Take one step closer and I kill her!" She looks like she concentrates for a moment, and the people in the store begin to sit down and faint. She is manually drawing more energy from them, you suspect.

"Mom? Mom what are you doing?" The girl barely chokes out the words.

"I'm not your mother little brat!" Her skin wrinkles and turns grey. Her dress is suddenly black, and her claws look sharp.

"What… what are you?" asks Makoto.

"I am a youma, soldier of the Dark Kingdom. Those who have given their life energy, rise and serve me!" Around a third of the people on the floor get up and have a glazed look in their eye.

What is Makoto doing? She should have shot the monster by now.

"Shoot her!"

"She has a hostage!" You do not even know the hostage, she does not matter. How annoying that Makoto is risking the battle for some random civilian's sake.

Zombie 1 melee: 71
Makoto Brawling: 62 + 10 (slightly experienced) = 72

The first of the youma's minions reaches Makoto and they start fighting, with Makoto easily beating the former shopper to the ground using her wealth of experience from fights. Several more take her place in fighting Makoto.

"Get away from Naru!" Someone new enters the fight. It is someone you have never seen before. You look at her fëa… it is the other girl you had seen earlier, but she is wearing something different. You should not have been tricked by different clothes of all things, even if it just for a second. You do not have time to ponder such things now though. Well, at least it looks like she is not on the side of the Youma. But she definitely does know of her own powers, unlike Makoto.

You had wanted this to be a training exercise for Makoto though. You want her to learn how to fight solo, not with the aid of a possibly more experienced girl who might not even be an ally. You decide to keep the new arrival busy.

"Who are you?"

"Uh, me? I am the pretty guardian who fights for love and for justice! I am Sailor Moon! And now in the name of the moon, I will punish you!" She is even worse than Makoto at intimidation. At least you distracted her for a time.

While Sailor Moon was yelling, the youma had dropped the redhead. She stretched her arm out at Makoto, claws glistening sharp.

"[Code name]! Shoot the Youma!" Your shout causes Makoto to back away from the people she was fighting and instead look to the youma.

Morga (the youma) arm stretch: 30
Makoto intercept: 8 + 20 (Far stronger weapon) = 28

"Magic Blast!" Makoto shoots the youma, but only grazes the claw. It is nonetheless enough to make her pull back.

Makoto Magic Blast: 15
Morga dodge: 100, crit

"Magic Blast!" Makoto shoots Morga again, but she dodged and with Makoto distracted one of the slaves puts her in a choke hold. You decide it is time to intervene.

Sauron Tackle: 76
Zombie dodge: 100 - 50 (can't move) = 50

You scratch the youma's minion, forcing him to let go. Makoto quickly tries again.

Makoto Magic Blast: 41
Morga Dodge: 82

"Magic Blast!" Again, it seems the youma is too swift. This time the youma tried to strike back.

Meanwhile, you are still running circles around her minions and Sailor Moon is cowering in a corner next to Luna.

Morga arm stretch: 85
Makoto intercept: 37 + 20 (far stronger weapon) = 57

"Magic Blast!" Makoto tries to intercept again, but missed once more. You should try target practice next time you train her, you suppose. The youma's claws reach her this time and scratch her arm. It begins to bleed.

"Aaah! I didn't want anyone to get hurt! I didn't want to fight!" That Sailor Moon starts crying. You take back your thoughts earlier today. She definitely thinks she is a normal schoolgirl; Luna must have done the same thing you did. How she got a costume so fast though, you do not know. Perhaps she has a tailor.

The youma turns to Sailor Moon. Good for you, and that shows her terrible strategic instincts. Perhaps she thinks Makoto is out of the fight.

Morga arm stretch: 60
Tuxedo Mask Rose: 65 + 50 (Protect Sailor Moon) = 115 Crit

Her arm stretches out to claw at Sailor Moon, but right before it reaches her a rose of all things blocks it, injuring the arm.

"I am the one known as Tuxedo Mask." A man wearing a suit and cape is standing gallantly in the window, his cape flowing in the breeze. You can tell he is the man you had sensed to be very powerful a few days ago. He seems experienced–if you can, you plan on corrupting him to your side.

"Sailor Moon, remember that crying and hiding behind others isn't going to solve any of your problems." It seems he also has the propensity for silly speeches.

"Yeah, but monsters are scary!" She begins to cry. Loudly.

Sailor Moon Amplified Crying: 38
Morga Resist: 87
Zombies Resist: 38
Makoto Resist: 83

The loud sound echoes throughout the room, hitting everyone fighting. The youma's minions all fall to the floor in pain. The youma herself seems to recover after only a few moments, but so does Makoto, covering one of her ears with her injured arm's hand.

Makoto Magic Blast: 73 - 30 (One handed) = 43
Youma dodge: 26 - 10 (Covering ears) = 16

"Magic Blast!" This time it hits the youma, pushing her back and forcing her to crouch down.

Then the black cat from before next to Sailor Moon begins to speak.

"Sailor Moon, take off your Tiara, and throw it at her while saying 'Moon Tiara Action!'" Luna commands the girl.

"Why? What's going to happen?"

"Just do it!"

Moon Tiara Action: 38
Morga dodge: 64 - 50 (can't move) = 14

"Moon Tiara Action!" Her Tiara turns into a glowing disk, and cuts the youma in half. The youma clearly dies, turning into dust.

You sense an instability, as energy rushes into the immediate area. You feel the slight energy you had lost before return to you. Looking around, it seems the other victims have regained their energy as well. What a shame you could not take it, as it returns to them too fast.

The shoppers look to be getting up now, including the former slaves of the youma. They are unlikely to keep serving their now dead master, but it would be best to get out of here soon.

"Well done, Sailor Moon. I will not forget what happened here tonight." Tuxedo Mask then jumps out the window, falsely presuming her to be safe. You feel a warm breeze from the west through that window.

"Luna, you have a brother?" Sailor Moon seems to notice you and has recovered enough to ask a stupid question.

"No! Well, I don't think so," Luna responds to her first. She turns to you.

"What were you doing here? Are you an enemy?" You now must decide on how to respond.

+1 P

Current Stats:
Makoto: Arm bleeding, very tired.
Sauron: Fine
Sailor Moon: Shaken, physically fine.
Luna: Great shape

What is Makoto's code name?
[] Bellas (Sindarin for bodily strength)
[] Flower Knight
[] Write-in

How do you act to Sailor Moon and Luna?

[] Try to ally them, saying you have the same enemy.
-[] Optional: Suggest to get out of the general area quick so as to not run into police.

[] Be antagonistic to them. You do not want Luna or this Sailor Moon influencing Makoto.
-[] Optional: Start a fight with them. There is only room for one teengirl-cat crime fighting duo in this town.

[] Write-in something more specific. (Recommended)

AN: In this chapter, Sailor Moon characters take the opportunity to talk lots during a fight. Sauron is not impressed. Makoto's sailor mark didn't show because she wasn't facing Sauron or Luna during the fight so no one saw it, thus no one knows she is Jupiter. If she was then Luna would have known.

Also those rolls were ridiculous. This was going to be a Makoto and Sauron stomp fight, but instead it went closer to canon.

I don't know why, but for some reason I spent a bunch of time making a timeline for this day so I figured I'd give it to you rather than just deleting it. Don't expect this in the future for when you have made more butterflies, which will probably be made now.
Last chapter started at 8 a.m.
Reached cats at 8:30
Reached monster at 11:30
This chapter started at 12:00
School ends at 3:15
Usagi gets to jewelry at 3:30
Makoto gets to the apartment at 3:40
You get to apartment at 4:00
Luna gets to Usagi at 4:30, faster than in anime
Gets disguise, reach store at 4:30
Moon reaches store at 4:40 after hearing Naru's cries

In original:
Sunset is around 6 P.M.
Monster reveals self at 5:50, still light
Moon would have come at 6:00, now night
Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Feb 25, 2018 at 9:24 AM, finished with 122 posts and 14 votes.

  • [x] Bellas
    [x] tell Luna/Sailor Moon that you went after the Youma thinking that it was connected to the order of the Istari and then ask for more details about the Youma/Dark Kingdom under the pretense of being concerned about the people of the city and a possible team up between their enemies and yours. If possible try to get them to propose an alliance so that they do not suspect that you are trying to manipulate them.
    [x] Sharbtur (Black Speech for Servant)
    [x] Tell Luna/Sailor Moon that you went after the Youma thinking that it was connected to the order of the Istari and then ask for more details about the Youma/Dark Kingdom under the pretense of being concerned about the people of the city and a possible team up between their enemies and yours. If possible try to get them to propose an allience so that they do not suspect that you are trying to manipulate them.
    [x] Bellas
    [x] Bellas
    [X] Be antagonistic to them. You do not want Luna or this Sailor Moon influencing Makoto.
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"I found one of the monsters. She is disguised as a jewelry owner and is selling jewelry that is slowly killing people."
What a twisted creature, stealing our act like that

[x] Sharbtur (Black Speech for Servant)
[] Try to ally them, saying you have the same enemy.
-[] Optional: Suggest to get out of the general area quick so as to not run into police.

[x] Tell Luna/Sailor Moon that you went after the Youma thinking that it was connected to the order of the Istari and then ask for more details about the Youma/Dark Kingdom under the pretense of being concerned about the people of the city and a possible team up between their enemies and yours. If possible try to get them to propose an allience so that they do not suspect that you are trying to manipulate them.
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What is Makoto's code name?
[x] Bellas
might as well use something from LOTR, it's more IC for Sauron anyway
[x] tell Luna/Sailor Moon that you went after the Youma thinking that it was connected to the order of the Istari and then ask for more details about the Youma/Dark Kingdom under the pretense of being concerned about the people of the city and a possible team up between their enemies and yours. If possible try to get them to propose an allience so that they do not suspect that you are trying to manipulate them.
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[x] Bellas

[x] tell Luna/Sailor Moon that you went after the Youma thinking that it was connected to the order of the Istari and then ask for more details about the Youma/Dark Kingdom under the pretense of being concerned about the people of the city and a possible team up between their enemies and yours. If possible try to get them to propose an alliance so that they do not suspect that you are trying to manipulate them.
[x] Bellas

[x] tell Luna/Sailor Moon that you went after the Youma thinking that it was connected to the order of the Istari and then ask for more details about the Youma/Dark Kingdom under the pretense of being concerned about the people of the city and a possible team up between their enemies and yours. If possible try to get them to propose an alliance so that they do not suspect that you are trying to manipulate them.

Naming our servant servant is an awful idea, it's like being that one kid that names their dog as dog.
while I like the Sharbtur option it should be noted that Black Speech (at least in the books) supernaturally conveys malice and ill-intent IE the scene in which Gandalf reads the inscription on the one ring to frodo in "the fellowship of the ring."
[x] Bellas

I'm not really good at write-ins but my suggestion would be to try to ally them but stay separate. Don't want Luna influencing Makoto.
[x] Bellas

[x] tell Luna/Sailor Moon that you went after the Youma thinking that it was connected to the order of the Istari and then ask for more details about the Youma/Dark Kingdom under the pretense of being concerned about the people of the city and a possible team up between their enemies and yours. If possible try to get them to propose an alliance so that they do not suspect that you are trying to manipulate them.
[x] Bellas

[x] Tell Luna/Sailor Moon that you went after the Youma thinking that it was connected to the order of the Istari and then ask for more details about the Youma/Dark Kingdom under the pretense of being concerned about the people of the city and a possible team up between their enemies and yours. If possible try to get them to propose an alliance so that they do not suspect that you are trying to manipulate them.

playing as Mairon? trying to get back to order?

were also going to have to knock some sense into our current servant by insuring that she practices with mana-blast...maybe mana shotgun? or perhaps some other forms of mana-control that we can learn, and perhaps teach her to use.

its good to invest in quality minions after all, and a more inspired force has greater morale and greater efficiency to get tings done.
[x] Bellas

[x] tell Luna/Sailor Moon that you went after the Youma thinking that it was connected to the order of the Istari and then ask for more details about the Youma/Dark Kingdom under the pretense of being concerned about the people of the city and a possible team up between their enemies and yours. If possible try to get them to propose an alliance so that they do not suspect that you are trying tomanipulate them.
[x] Bellas

[x] Tell Luna/Sailor Moon that you went after the Youma thinking that it was connected to the order of the Istari and then ask for more details about the Youma/Dark Kingdom under the pretense of being concerned about the people of the city and a possible team up between their enemies and yours. If possible try to get them to propose an alliance so that they do not suspect that you are trying to manipulate them.
[X] Bellas

[X] Tell Luna/Sailor Moon that you went after the Youma thinking that it was connected to the order of the Istari and then ask for more details about the Youma/Dark Kingdom under the pretense of being concerned about the people of the city and a possible team up between their enemies and yours. If possible try to get them to propose an alliance so that they do not suspect that you are trying to manipulate them.
Also those rolls were ridiculous. This was going to be a Makoto and Sauron stomp fight, but instead it went closer to canon.
Burn those dices! They're Sailor Moon fans!

On a more serious note, if I know Makoto she will be outright pissed that she wasn't capable of handling the monster herself. This should give her the motivation to get stronger.

[x] Bellas

[x] tell Luna/Sailor Moon that you went after the Youma thinking that it was connected to the order of the Istari and then ask for more details about the Youma/Dark Kingdom under the pretense of being concerned about the people of the city and a possible team up between their enemies and yours. If possible try to get them to propose an allience so that they do not suspect that you are trying to manipulate them.
[x] Bellas

[x] tell Luna/Sailor Moon that you went after the Youma thinking that it was connected to the order of the Istari and then ask for more details about the Youma/Dark Kingdom under the pretense of being concerned about the people of the city and a possible team up between their enemies and yours. If possible try to get them to propose an allience so that they do not suspect that you are trying to manipulate them.
[x] Bellas
might as well use something from LOTR, it's more IC for Sauron anyway
[x] tell Luna/Sailor Moon that you went after the Youma thinking that it was connected to the order of the Istari and then ask for more details about the Youma/Dark Kingdom under the pretense of being concerned about the people of the city and a possible team up between their enemies and yours. If possible try to get them to propose an allience so that they do not suspect that you are trying to manipulate them.
There are multiple websites including this one that do public dice rolls so people can see the QM aren't lying as many have done before.