Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

Kintoki so he seems like the hero path.

Romulus seems like the empire path.

Can't place Siegfried though.

Besides I'm holding our for lancer Scáthach
Siegfried will basically do whatever he is told...So I guess it's the true independent path but with a high chance of personal corruption since he won't guide you morally.


[X] Lancer (Romulus)

[X] Lancer (Romulus)

...I really want to imagine that Taylor looks like a female devil in a red suit...dyed in her own blood. It would be so fitting! She would even be appropriately dressed! Just give her cat ears, a fluffy tail, red eyes, and ear things and you'll have Mephisto-Kyuubey!
...he sounds like he's from a Shred or Death Metal Band! Looks it to!

"Son of a Thunder God and a Mountain (Witch)" just how much Metal and Edge does everyone related to the Empire need?! Just eat a DragonForce already -_-*

Next we'll try giving him to Squealer or something...

Just have him Rocking Out ontop a crazy awesome Edge Truck as both the guitar and the truck spews fire everywhere or something. So Metal.
Oh. The Slave Hero. Cute. Let's not make this Aprocrypha.
Theo should really learn to stop worrying and love the bomb that is Nero Romulus!* He'll make Theo into a real proper American Roman!

*Reference: How I Learned to Stop Hating and Love the Bomb That is Nero (Worm, AU, Historical Insert)
If it was Rome then it could not be conquered by Rome.
Eh, depends on your definition of "Rome" and "Conquer". The Holy "Roman" Empire took over Byzantium by abducting the leader and replacing her with a different one after all. Renamed the capital to Constantinople.

Also everything technically is already Rome so... Yeah...
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Strength: B+
Endurance: A
Agility: B
Mana: C
Luck: E

Class Skills:
Magic Resistance: ---
… It's magic resistance.
As compensation for obtaining the 'Blood Armor of the Evil Dragon', his Magic Resistance Skill has been lost.

Riding: B
The ability one has to ride mounts and vehicles. Can't be used to ride Dragons.
Most vehicles and animals can be handled with above average skill, even vehicles that did not exist in the time period one was alive in, for they are no exception. However, cannot ride the likes of Phantasmal Species such as Monstrous Beasts.

Personal Skills:
Golden Rule: C-
A Skill that refers to the measurement of one's fortune to acquire wealth.
For Siegfried, due to the cursed Nibelung treasure promising him a lifetime untroubled by money, he has this Skill, but at the cost of his Luck being Ranked-Down.

Disengage: A
The ability to withdraw from the battlefield in the midst of combat or reset the battle conditions.
Bonus effect of returning battle conditions to what they were at the beginning of the match (1st turn) and restores the condition of this Skill to the initial value. At the same time, it forcibly releases some of the bad status ailments inflicted on the user of this Skill.

Dragon Slayer: A
One of the special Skills provided for those who have took down a member of the Dragon Kind. It is not a talent given from heaven, but from killing a dragon. It can be said that the anecdotes themselves have become this Skill.
Grants significantly improved attack power and defense power against members of the Dragon Kind.

Noble Phantasms:
Balmung: A+, Anti-Army
A Dragonslayer sword, two-handed, magnificent and enormous to the point that it seems to be created by inhuman hands. It is the holy sword of the Nibelungs, used to slay the dragon, Fafnir. It is a cursed holy blade possessing the attributes of Gram, the demonic blade of its origin, so it will change attributes between holy sword and demonic sword depending on who wields it. Having accomplished the feat of dragon slaying, those with the blood of dragons will take additional damage from it. Perhaps because it was owned by a king, it specializes in fighting against armies, shooting off a semi-circular slash wave of Twilight mana.

Armor of Fafnir: B+, Anti-Unit
The 'armor' of Siegfried, his body that bathed and ingested the blood of the Evil Dragon. It is a "continuously active-type Noble Phantasm" that allows for his skin to cancel physical attacks and magic equivalent to B-rank or lower, while A-rank and higher get reduced by a value equal to B-rank, making A-rank attack deal E-ranked damage. The only spot where the armor does not cover is the linden leaf mark on his back, which is 'protected' by a curse that will always make it show.

Das Rheingold: ???, ???
An endless hoard of gold from the Evil Dragon, one would never have to worry for material wealth again for at least four generations, though most humans would become prisoners of the great wealth.

Sakata Kintoki

Strength: A+
Endurance: B
Agility: B+
Mana: C
Luck: C

Class Skills:

Divinity: C
The measure of one's aptitude towards a Divine Spirit. At high ranks, one is considered a mixed race of divine spirit, while one's rank decreases with ranks in Monster and Demonic Beast or one's own dislike in the gods. It also has an effect which reduces special defensive values called 'purge defense' in proportion to the Divinity's Rank, being able to break through skills such as Protection of the Faith, and Enlightenment of the Sacred Fig.

Personal Skills:
Animal Dialogue: C
Communication of intention with animals that do not speak a 'language of words'.
Since it's not like the intellect of the animals improve, very complex nuances are not conveyed. Even then, maybe because Kintoki's mental structure is close to animals, they strangely get into a mutual understanding.

Natural Body: A
The possession of a perfect body as a living being since birth.
Naturally, he has a complete (golden) body as a living being. Grants a plus modifier to his STR. Furthermore, even without training, he's still beyond brawny. No matter how many calories he ingests, his body shape will not change.

Thousand Miles Rush: A

Noble Phantasms:
Golden Drive: B, Drive

Golden Drive – Good Night: B, Anti-Unit/Anti-Army
A charge attack, which changed into its super high-speed charge form. Golden Bear's tires are the transformed hand drums of the thunder god, and its power rises with each revolution.


Strength: B
Endurance: A
Agility: A
Mana: C
Luck: B
NP: A++

Class Skills:
Magic Resistance: B
… It's magic resistance.
Cancel spells with a chant below three verses. Even if targeted by High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals, it is difficult for them to be affected.

Personal Skills:
Natural Body: C
The possession of a perfect body as a living being since birth.
Romulus can temporarily rank up his STR. Furthermore, even without training, he's still beyond brawny. No matter how many calories he ingests, his body shape will not change.

Imperial Privilege: EX
An ability that, due to the insistence of the owner, Skills that are essentially impossible to possess can be obtained for a short period of time. In cases when the Rank is А or above, even the "burden to the body" can be acquired (such as Divinity).
The divine ancestor is almighty. For Romulus, his relevant Skills are Riding, swordsmanship, fine arts, Charisma, Military Tactics, and a truly diverse set of other things. Having this Skill, Romulus has personally sealed his naturally high ranked Divinity.

Septem Colles: A
A Skill based on the hills of Roma where the city was founded near.
Grants blessings to those he recognizes as his 'children', e.g. Roman emperors.

Noble Phantasms:
Magna Voluisse Magnum: A++, Anti-Army
The nation-building spear of ROME. It is endowed with the ability to manipulate plant-life, and the utterance of its True Name makes it undergo a transformation into a large tree symbolizing ROME in the past, present and future. A Mass weapon Rome that buries its enemies in a tide of roots and bark.

Moles Necessrie: B, Barrier
The manifestation of Romulus's killing of Remus as a bloodsoaked Rampart. It is a Bounded Field Noble Phantasm which protects the space isolated by the walls. The fortress walls instantly rise from the earth, so the summoning of the field can be positioned to cleave targets like a guillotine.

I'll throw up a summary of compatibility, how well each Servant goes towards the wish, and how good the Servant is later. Real life's about to kick me.
Adhoc vote count started by greysongarr on Feb 23, 2018 at 6:43 AM, finished with 36 posts and 25 votes.
[X] Rider (Kintoki)

The hero of the children and the golden child of Japan. Incredibly carefree and not too intelligent, that usually causes him to be considered as a comedic relief in a good number of situations. However, in terms of character and deeds, he is a grade A hero.

While the other choices are pretty good and fun in general, I felt like Kintoki would be the best person for Theo right now. Theo has a problem with a lack of power and that in turn made him a bit somewhat of a downer and also a bit too serious. He needs someone to loosen him up and who else could do it better than Kintoki. You could think of Theo and Kintoki possible relationship as something akin to Waver and Iskandar, with a bit less nagging and a bit more deadpan moments.

Also in terms of conflict, I could see him actually going against everyone here. He will definitely fight against the villains, no doubt about that. Heck, he might take an extra focus in the ABB, since a lot of them are his own people and that'll will make him try his best to reform them. However, he might also inadvertently fight against the heroes, due to differing belief. Kintoki is the type to go all out and rescue everyone he could see, while the PRT is the careful sort and might be a bit too passive IMO. Also, I don't think Theo has a positive view towards the PRT, so that could also effect the dynamic between his group and theirs. Sure, the might have an alliance, but I felt that would at best only be temporary.

As for the E88 reactions, well, seeing the son of Kaiser conversing and being good friends with Japan's greatest hero would illicit incredibly interesting reactions. However, what is to be sure is that even if Kaiser wanted to take control of Theo, the origins of his servant would already be a big no no for him and that will cause him to move away. Don't know how Purity will react, but I'm gonna guess a sorta mixed reaction.

Overall, a pretty good and fun servant to have. Might cause a lot of trouble in BB, but I could see Kintoki being an incredibly good influence servant for Theo.
damn, you really are a fan of great choices., hard to choose.
[X] Lancer (Romulus)
i would have chosen siggy or rider if he was already golem.
Okay so I was not expecting Rider Kintoki but all Kintoki are GOLDEN.

But let's move on to the hype!

His Noble Phantasm Golden Drive - Good Night. Kintoki's motorcycle (GOLDEN Bear) is put into overdrive with it's wheels turning into the drums of the thunder god which it then uses in a charging attack. An Anti-Army rated charging attack. And it's awesome.

He can also talk to animals as seen in his personal skill Animal Dialogue.
Adhoc vote count started by Summer Bones on Feb 23, 2018 at 6:45 AM, finished with 36 posts and 25 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Summer Bones on Feb 23, 2018 at 6:59 AM, finished with 37 posts and 26 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Summer Bones on Feb 23, 2018 at 7:20 AM, finished with 39 posts and 27 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Summer Bones on Feb 23, 2018 at 7:32 AM, finished with 45 posts and 31 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Summer Bones on Feb 23, 2018 at 7:34 AM, finished with 46 posts and 32 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Summer Bones on Feb 23, 2018 at 7:42 AM, finished with 48 posts and 34 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Summer Bones on Feb 23, 2018 at 7:53 AM, finished with 49 posts and 35 votes.
[x] Rider (Kintoki)

The thought that the "heir" of E88 has a big ham japanese Servant with ABB in town is instantly hilarious to me. Wrestling with Lung, boozing it up at Faultlines club, hitting on Fenja & Menja while they are huge. These are the things I imagine could happen.
Or alternatively, Labyrinth could just show up and accidentally a portal to the Throne of Heroes of some other weird power interaction.
Wouldn't work, The Throne of Heroes is outside time and space in addition to being purely meta-physical.
Thousand Miles Rush: A
So he has a Skill and it's A Rank but it does nothing? He just has something he can randomly shout?
Golden Drive – Good Night: B, Anti-Unit/Anti-Army
A charge attack, which changed into its super high-speed charge form. Golden Bear's tires are the transformed hand drums of the thunder god, and its power rises with each revolution.
So he comes with his own Theme Music. Neat.

Shred Metal McEdge needs Music Selections now, he managed to weaponize concentrated Awesome and made Music into an Instrument of Shredded Destruction. Also someone should probably give him something to listen on.
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[X] Rider (Kintoki)
This choice it's less about the Servant and more about how to develop Theo. Siegfried matures him as a leader, Romulus as a follower.

I go on the middle ground.
What's the tally looking like? It seems that Romulus and Kintoki are the two big choices.
Adhoc vote count started by Summer Bones on Feb 23, 2018 at 7:20 AM, finished with 39 posts and 27 votes.
[x] Rider (Kintoki)

Really, author - saber that is not a blonde woman? You can as well remove that choice and nothing will change.
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