Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

I think Taylor's actually dead or at least gone mentally. QA isn't being influenced by her at least.
Taylor situation is pretty vague right now in the story. We know that there is a remnant of something that has been effecting the Grail. This was seen when the Grail was thinking about making Amy and Danny a master. Considering that the current three entities are a bit lacking with human morals and common sense, I'm assuming that this remnant originated from Taylor.
You kinda missed the point on what I was talking about. However, I'll admit that I might had worded it poorly. So let me say it again.

Lisa might get antagonistic with us, but it doesn't necessarily means that she knows our nature as All World's Evil. Also, you missed the part where I said, the servants know that the Grail is puppeting Taylor's body.

Even if she doesn't know what our true nature is, this fact alone will make her wary or even outright antagonistic with us, since puppeting someone at this level in Bet is a big no no. Heck, she might even go against us, in the hope of saving Taylor.

Also on regards to the Grail purpose, I'll agree that the Grail only wants to make a wish, but you're ignoring Angra desire for chaos and conflict here. If we're talking about the whole Grail collective here, before Bet, then the corrupt wish happened as a kind of compromise between the two entity. The Grail get to make a wish and Avenger get to curse the world. it's a win win situation for them. But let me digress a bit here and talk about how the current situation got kinda complicated. Sure the shard is alien enough, but there is also a part of Taylor, who doesn't want the make the situation even worse. This result in a disagreement inside the Grail, since Shard/Taylor doesn't want a corrupt wish to happen. So right now, the Grail's purpose is a bit of a mess. It's focus is still making a wish, but one side wants more conflict to happen during the process, another just wants to learn, and the final piece just want to prevent things from going even worse, which contradict a part of the Grail collective.

I think I misspoke. When I was talking about the Grail's original purpose I was talking about what the Servants know and therefore what a Servant might be able to share with Lisa. I completely agree that the Grail and Angra Mainyu had decided on a compromise but nobody else is supposed to know about that. Not servants or masters. It was a pretty big shock to everyone involved in Fate/Zero and Fate/Stay Night IIRC (Except for those who found out it in FZ not being surprised in FSN). Still not quite sold on Taylor still being a major factor. She might still be in there, but I don't think she can actually make a difference in terms of what the collective wants.
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She might still be in there, but I don't think she can actually make a difference in terms of what the collective wants.
The Grail will most often put forward the option of the Servant it feels is best suited for the Master, Angra Mainyu will usually choose a Servant that will fuel the Master's desires and push them to get the Grail, and the third option, that little bit of Taylor and QA, will usually be more biased and less concerned about the war itself.
However, the fragment felt a strange instinct. A desire. It was illogical, but it did not desire to see the man harmed or in danger. It desired conflict, but did not desire to place the man into that conflict.
The remnant forcibly took control of the body, manually flaring a portion of the brain just before Angra Mainyu lost control completely to send a jolt of pain towards the metaphorically drooling mess.
From what we see here, Taylor has some influence towards Grail collective. She could effect the shard option and also control her body back for a short while. It's not much, but it's still something at least.
From what we see here, Taylor has some influence towards Grail collective. She could effect the shard option and also control her body back for a short while. It's not much, but it's still something at least.

Alright, so Taylor's definitely in there in some capacity, but the thing I'm not sure about is Taylor having a say in the wish-granting Holy Grail part. Even if she can influence QA's suggestions, I don't think she can force either the Grail or Angra Mainyu to do anything they don't want to. The way I see it, the collective's goal is still to grant a tainted wish. Taylor may try to stop it any way she can, but I don't think she has a direct say. She can only try to get someone else to stop it.
Alright, so Taylor's definitely in there in some capacity, but the thing I'm not sure about is Taylor having a say in the wish-granting Holy Grail part. Even if she can influence QA's suggestions, I don't think she can force either the Grail or Angra Mainyu to do anything they don't want to. The way I see it, the collective's goal is still to grant a tainted wish. Taylor may try to stop it any way she can, but I don't think she has a direct say. She can only try to get someone else to stop it.
Never said Taylor forcing the Grail Collective decision. If she did that, this wouldn't be a quest in the first place. However, in regards to the wish, she might have some influence towards it. What the collective agree as of now, is to make a wish. Whether it's going to be tainted or not is dependent on each of the three entities. The Robot German Grail is indifferent, but it will try it's best to ensure the wish happened as the master desired. The Very Angry Manjuu will definitely wish to taint it, turning the wish into some kind of monkey paw. And depending on which side of the Taylor/Shard entity has more influence, the HALPING ALIEN GIRL HYBRID will either also be indifferent or ensure the wish is not tainted. In the end, there will be a wish, just that the state of it will be dependent on what we decide.
Never said Taylor forcing the Grail Collective decision. If she did that, this wouldn't be a quest in the first place. However, in regards to the wish, she might have some influence towards it. What the collective agree as of now, is to make a wish. Whether it's going to be tainted or not is dependent on each of the three entities. The Robot German Grail is indifferent, but it will try it's best to ensure the wish happened as the master desired. The Very Angry Manjuu will definitely wish to taint it, turning the wish into some kind of monkey paw. And depending on which side of the Taylor/Shard entity has more influence, the HALPING ALIEN GIRL HYBRID will either also be indifferent or ensure the wish is not tainted. In the end, there will be a wish, just that the state of it will be dependent on what we decide.

Ok, that makes sense. In that case what do we want? Do we want to taint the wish or grant it as requested?
I just realized Chiron is right there in front of a master that doesn't have a servant yet. He also might speak German and know Theo would have sacrificed Missy's life to escape with his.

Theo is in a bad spot.

But then again, Chiron seeing how the grail is working and interrogating masters may prove enlightening for him as well.
That is a question for a much later time. Right now, we're focus on getting participants for the war and just causing general shenanigans.

I'm all for causing general shenanigans and GLORIOUS CLUSTERFUCKS! XD

Edit: Speaking of, does anyone else actually like the idea of causing said GLORIOUS CLUSTERFUCK by attacking Arcadia to kidnap Panacea? I guess it's a moot point since it's up to the QM to even give us the option, but I think it's a neat opportunity to cause chaos. The Wards are already there, so they jump in immediately. The Protectorate, including Armsmaster and hopefully Jekyll/Hyde, are likely to respond soon afterward. If we make sure Vista's there with Chiron, then we might be able to intentionally set Hyde off and cause a Servant fight. If a Servant fight happens, Theo's Servant, should they be summoned by that point (coughmordredcough), might drag him there and boom threeway Servant fight with multiple parahumans also present. It might not happen exactly like that but my point is that it's the perfect hornet's nest to kick if we play our cards right.
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Ah, as far as the Grail collective's desire, there is some weirdness going on.

The Grail's ultimate purpose is to grant a wish. The Holy Grail is a machine, and as such, it will pursue its purpose without fail. However, it needs a solution to the wish presented to it with the wish. If someone wishes for the meaning of life, unless that person knows of a means by which the meaning of life can be learned, the wish cannot be granted. Thus, the more abstract and ill defined the wish, the less likely it will be that the wish will actually be granted.

The Grail became corrupted because of the nature of Angra Mainyu's creation. All of mankind's hopes to become clean and pure...the Grail couldn't ignore them, and so it began to push Angra Mainyu out it's "birthing canal", only for the entity to get stuck there. These foreign wishes have also corrupted the Grail's reasoning. The machine has now learned that mankind wishes for salvation through utter damnation, and as such defaults to destruction and catastrophe when granting wishes. This is not necessarily Angra Mainyu's wish, but a result of him teaching the Grail about mankind.
Angra Mainyu's mind is very much under the influence of what its vessel is at any given time, but it was a human at one point. When a human, it was chosen to be a scapegoat to bear the sins of an entire village. The resulting torture drove him insane, but as time went on he found that he forgave mankind and that he loved the world. Due to having All the World's Evils within him, he does not "hate" of his own accord, but rather it is just a natural function like breathing, and it isn't really thought of. He has not truly hated anyone or anything except for those first few years of torment.

Angra Mainyu wants to grant a wish, not just because it is in the Grail, but because it is a Heroic Spirit created according to the wishes of mankind. It holds an understanding of humans beyond that which the Grail does. It will callously kill humans, and it will bring forth a desire by way of corruption, but it does not truly hate mankind, even if it is made to feel hate. Kirei claimed that Angra Mainyu itself desired to be born, but in truth it was mankind that wished for its birth. Angra Mainyu simply desired to respond.

There is an element of bias to Angra Mainyu as well. When Kiritsugu Emiya proclaimed that he was willing to shoulder all the evils of the world to get his wish, this resonated with Angra Mainyu, and it desired to meet with him. This is why, even though Kiritsugu had not yet won the Grail, he was prematurely declared the victor.
As for the remnant, it has no real desire to grant a wish or see the Grail War to its completion. It simply wants to create conflict, any conflict, to help its fellow shards grow. The remnant also feels it can grow by interacting with the Grail and Angra Mainyu, and as such no longer prioritizes itself finding conflict as much.

The remnant was originally called such because it was a part of the Entity that Angra Mainyu originally met with. The remnant is the best capable of the collective at imitating and interacting with normal humans, and part of this is the fact that it is the most connected to the brain and body. Whereas the other two simply will an action to happen, the remnant actively interfaces with the brain and manipulates the body. This has also caused a crossover effect, where the remnant has assimilated some of the impressions that were present in the brain. For example, if the remnant met Sophia Hess, it would have an immediate and profound negative reaction, even if it did not know why.

Most of the info regarding Angra Mainyu and how it interacts with and influences the Holy Grail comes from Fate/Hollow Ataraxia, by the way. I'm not aware of any contradictory information from other entries in the series off the top of my head, but if there are, just know that that was my primary source on most of this.
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Rejection 1.13
Rejection 1.13
'Can you understand them?' Missy may have been reaching for straws, but Chiron was a weird ghost, so really it seemed like anything was possible.

'Yes. It appears that the Grail is attempted to discern the young man's worth as a Master.' Chiron had been granted a great deal of knowledge by the Grail. Not a lot on the world itself, but he had been given the ability to speak a wide variety of languages. It seemed that any language the Grail knew he knew as well.

Still, what he was watching was odd. Already it seemed like something had gone wrong with the War. At first Chiron had thought that perhaps the Grail's vessel was simply mad, and thought herself the Grail, but overtime it became clear that something more was at work. The Grail system was broken, in some way. The question then became…

Would it be able to grant a wish in its current state?

Chiron frowned. It would be best to assume that it could. To assume that the problem did not lie so deep. Besides, his own Master's wish could be granted by himself without need of the Grail. Even if he could not get his own selfish wish in the end, he could at least work to grant hers.

But still, this young man could be a threat.

Chiron did not react to how Theo responded to the Grail's test. He could not be faulted for wanting to do everything in his power to survive, but it did prove a certain willingness to act, to do whatever he had to, that made Chiron wary. His own Master, he knew, was not so willing. That distinction presented a danger.

He relayed what he heard to his Master, who maintained her glare at the Grail the entire time. She frowned, and sat up a little straighter in response to learning about Theo's unconscious response to the Grail's hypothetical, and not shot a few glances his way. Good. She was cautious.

Finally Chiron relayed the young man's wish, or rather, his ambition, and his Master became contemplative. 'I can eliminate him now if you wish, though that would not decrease the number of foes you would have to face in the end. Until he summons a Servant, killing him will not bring us closer to winning the War, but it will prevent what he plans to do, if you find it disagreeable.'

Missy made a point now of only glaring at the Grail. Theo seemed smart, and if she diverted too much attention towards him he might figure out that she knew what he was saying. 'I hate the Empire as much as the next guy but...I can't agree with him. Summoning a Servant just so he can kill someone...even if it will help people...I don't think he is a bad person, and killing him now would be hypocritical.'

'They appear to be leaving now.'

'...follow them. See what Servant he summons, and defeat them if you think you can.'

'I'll do my best, Master.'

The Grail led Theo away. Theo frowned, but followed willingly, intrigued by the promise of power, if still skeptical. He hesitated when the girl broke the lock to allow them into the back of an empty building with a "For Lease" sign on the front, but he had been through so much crazy stuff that day already that he still followed.

The girl stopped in the middle of the room, turned, and smiled at him. "Theo, give me your right hand."

This was it. His last chance to back out. He shuffled his feet a bit. He could leave now, maybe. Rush out the back door and close it in her face. If he was fast enough maybe he could get around a corner before she could get out of the building. Maybe he'd be able to lose her.

Yet...the promise of power...the ability to fight back against his father…

He held out his right hand.

The girl smiled, and took a hold of it. Then he felt burning.

"Welp, we got another one! What, its only been like two or three days since we first got to this world? We are doing pretty good!"


"Anyways, this kid wants power so he can deal with his evil dad, but more than that I think he wants to move past his origins to be a 'hero'...I miss the days when only Emiya wanted to be a superhero. Oh well. Anyways, given all that, I have an idea."


"What? Who? No! This one fits so much better!

A man born of a thunder god and a mountain witch, one whose origins are deeply rooted in evil, yet who became a great hero despite this. Sakata Kintoki is summoned under the Rider class.

Born the son of an evil cannibal witch, Sakata Kintoki was raised on a mountain, fighting beasts and killing them. He was surely destined to be a monster like his mother, but one day his mother was slain, and he was taken in by Minamoto no Yorimitsu and became his retainer. Kintoki learned the ways of man, and became a great hero who used his power to vanquish evil and punish injustice.

Though, he is rather laid back too. Though he gets excited at times, and can be quite the ham, he sometimes just likes to ride around town with his thoughts. He is that sort of person. One that cn be wild one second, and cool the next.

He is summoned as a Rider for an odd reason. He has somehow taken on the essence of a Kamen Rider. His Noble Phantasm appears to be...wait. Is that a motorcycle? And is the front wheel a saw? Whose idea was it to make the drums of a thunder god parts of a motorcycle? And why does it leave a trail of fire? Even for a Servant, isn't this just too ridiculous?

Ah, anyways...Kintoki will relate to Theo's life, and will seek to adopt him and take him under his wing just as Minamoto did for him. He will help him vanquish evil and slay his demons, though he has a habit of attracting too much attention from the ladies. Hopefully this does not rub off on his Master.


"What the fuck!? Why are you disappointed!"

"This one has another suggestion."


"This one believes it best to provide a hero, yes, but perhaps one not so assertive. One with conviction to create in the boy yet more conviction. Even if that one's conviction led to damnation."

The hero of Germany and slayer of the dragon Fafnir, one who desired only to help all those who could and whose conviction to help others ultimately led to his downfall, Siegfried is summoned as a Saber.

A prince of the Netherlands, Siegfried was a hero with many adventures, though many went untold. His greatest known feat was his slaying of the dragon Fafnir. By bathing in and ingesting the blood of the dragon, Siegfried became invincible, though he has a single weak point when a leaf on his skin prevented the blood from covering his entire body,

After agreeing to help his brother-in-law, a king, marry the queen Brunhilde, Siegfried was made to embrace the woman as proxy. When word of this trickery spread, tensions began to rise. In order to prevent conflict, in order to help everyone, Siegfried came to the conclusion that he had to die. And so he entrusted his weak spot to his friend, Hagen, and allowed himself to be killed as he was expected to.

He did not regret how his life ended up, but he wished that he had not been born a prince. He thought that, had he not been a prince, a famous person from the start, he could have pursued his own will. To stand for what he believes in, even if he was not praised by anyone. He simply wishes to have pride in himself.

Wielding his famous greatsword, Balmung, it is only natural that he would be summoned as a Saber.

Siegfried will encourage his Master to pursue his own path, and will follow dutifully. Those that would seek to subvert or squash the will of his Master will naturally be his enemies. Even if he must kill himself, as long as it is his will to protect his Master than he will pursue that which he believes in. Because that is his wish, afterall.

"I swear if that guy rips out his own heart again…"


"It is a looong story. Anyways, your turn. What do you propose?"


The demigod son of Mars and the absolute King of Nation Building that founded Rome, Romulus is summoned in the Lancer class.

After triumphing in battle against the king of Alba Longa, he chose to found his own nation on the Italian peninsula instead of ruling over the existing country. He tragically killed his brother, Remus, in a quarrel during the founding of Rome, and after overcoming this act of kin killing, he absorbed the nations of the Mediterranean into Rome to create a great empire that would boast a long and rich history.

He is Rome, and he loves Rome, and as the whole world is Rome, he thus loves the whole world. This is the logic of the King of Nation Building. He will look upon his Master and say "you too are Rome", and just like that he will take his Master under his wing as his son. Romulus is normally a strong and wise king, with an air of composure around him, but he can lose himself in battle and at times may resemble a berserker.

If there is one thing he regrets it would be the fate of his brother.

Holding in his hands is a great spear, akin to the great tree symbolizing Rome itself that appeared to his mother in a dream. Just as all things lead to Road so too do all things lead to his spear. Thus, by holding this Spear of Beginning, Romulus is a Lancer.

Romulus believes the world to be Rome, but old habits die hard. When hearing Theo's ambition he will most assuredly be reminded of his battle against the king of Alba Longa, and he will most assuredly desire to create a nation again. Even if he cannot stay, that will be fine. The conquering nation shall be Rome, the resulting nation shall be Rome, but the conquered nation, of course, will not be Rome. If it was Rome then it could not be conquered by Rome. He will help his Master create a new empire. One that is well and truly Rome.

We're all Romans now.

"Well...that's interesting. I feel like the word 'Rome' appeared too many times in that."





"ROMAAAA! Uh, I mean...anyways. Lets just figure out who to pick, okay?"


[] Rider (Kintoki)

[] Saber (Siegfried)

[] Lancer (Romulus)

AN: Some of you may be thinking "What, no Mordred?" or "What, no Nero?", well fuck you! I have plans! ...uh, anyways. Yeah, I have plans, it felt like either of those options would have steamrolled too hard and I wanted to keep things interesting. Also, I felt these options were more interesting in the first place. I do have plans though, and choosing a Saber here won't screw them up, so don't worry about that. I won't say more than that, but yeah, despair for lack of Mordred/Nero option, but rejoice because hope isn't lost!
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