Sauron in Tokyo (Lord of the Rings/Sailor Moon Merge)

Looks like another landslide vote.

[x] Return to the apartment so you will be there when Kino wakes up. (Learn Magic Blast)

You decide it would be best to return to the apartment. You take one final look over at Luna, then run off yourself in your own direction.

You at first walk on the streets alone. It is still early, but eventually others begin to show up on the streets.

You eventually reach the apartment building. You jump in the window and pull it closed behind you. You walk over to the elevator, jump, and hit the up button. The elevator opens, and you calmly walk inside.

No one else gets on: 71, Req 40 = Success

The elevator opens on your floor. You walk out and into Kino's apartment, pushing the door closed once inside. You walk over to her room to check that she is still asleep.

She is. You jump onto the bed, and then curl up. You may as well get some sleep while you can, so you take a nap as well.

You wake up to an alarm, Kino slamming it off and sitting up. She looks down and sees you.

"Last night really did happen," she says softly. She starts petting you and you let her.


"I still can't believe it's really real. It seems so crazy."

"I am sure you will get used to it," you say reassuringly.

"You said you wanted my help fighting magical evil, right? How strong are they? I mean, I'm strong, but if they are on the level of what you taught me yesterday I'm not sure that will matter."

"Kino, you did great last night. With my guidance, I am sure you will be fine. "

"Just call me Mako, all my friends do." She is growing familiar with you. That is good. That said, who are her friends? You do not want her to be a potential leak.

"Do you have many friends?" She gives off a nervous laugh.

"Well, I get thrown out of schools a lot for fighting, so I'm new at my school again. Other girls are wary of my reputation, so I don't get a lot of friends. Except for my old love, the guy who broke my heart…" She gets a glazed look in her eyes when she says the last part.

No social support? Very excellent. It does seem she is still pining after someone she used to like, which while unlikely could cause future complications.

"I will be your friend. You can count on me."

"I need to start getting ready. May I have some privacy?"

"Of course." You get up and leave the room for her to change into day clothes. You walk over to the window and jump onto it to get a good look. It is not the best view, but it is a view nonetheless of the city. You look over at it. It will eventually be yours, along with the rest of the world. For now, though… you jump off the windowsill.

You look over at the plants covering the room. The room really has too much green. You prefer solid black much better. It is smooth and continuous and clean. Plants are way too chaotic, and your enemies like them too much. The things you must deal with…

Not sure what else to do, you just wander around the apartment while Kino gets ready. You make use of your time thinking.

You really could use a forge. Your rings were a marvelous success with the race of men; perhaps you could give the girl one of them to boost her powers. Your rings were excellent at strengthening men's strengths… and their weaknesses. Both are advantageous.

Without the One* you could not use it to actually control her very easily, of course, but it could still be useful. Sadly, you need an area seeped in your power and useable as a forge to create it, which you sorely lack. You could also make weapons such as Morgul Blades with it, which is lethal given time to any it strikes and turns them into a wraith.

It seems Kino has finished getting ready, and is making her lunch. You walk over to her.

"You enjoy cooking?"

"Yes, it's one of my passions. I want to own a bakery shop when I'm older."

"You are very good at it," you encourage her. Humans like to be complemented. "I enjoyed the chicken last night."

"Oh, you're welcome." She puts her food in her lunch box then gets her backpack.

"Well, I'll have to be leaving for school now," she says to you.

"I have things to do today as well. I will come with you outside, you reply.

"What kind of things?"

"I have to search for the enemy so they do not catch us off guard," you lie. She nods her head in affirmation.

"Make sure not to speak while we are leaving the building," she tells you as if you would make such an amateur mistake. Not that her not knowing how skilled you are at deception is bad thing. She seems unlikely to suspect you of tricking her at this point.

"Of course."

You go in the elevator together. However, partway down it opens and a man steps in. He looks disapprovingly up at Makoto and down at you.

"Cats don't belong in apartment buildings young girl, especially not when they aren't on a leash." You suppose he does not like cats. You hope that does not mean that the apartment does not allow pets, though. That would be inconvenient for you.

"I'll take that in mind," she replies. She is saved from further conversation by the door opening, and she hurries out into the lobby. She leaves the building, with you close behind.

Once outside, you split your separate ways, with her going to her bus and you walking in the street to your next destination.

[] Go to the cats you saw earlier to see if they have found the monsters yet.
-[] Go to and spy on it.
-[] Wait until Kino comes back from school and attack the monster together.

[] Go search for one of the monsters yourself to spy on it.

[] Search for another of the unusually powerful people.
-[] Optional: Specifically search for Luna.

[] Search for forge equipment.
-[] Optional: If you do find some, where will you put it?

[] Write-in

*The One is the ring Frodo tries to destroy in the books. It lets Sauron control anyone who uses another of the rings, such as the Ringwraiths in the books.

AN: Making this update longer than like 500 words was surprisingly hard.
Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Feb 22, 2018 at 10:01 PM, finished with 82 posts and 4 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Feb 22, 2018 at 11:42 PM, finished with 84 posts and 6 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Feb 23, 2018 at 7:27 AM, finished with 92 posts and 14 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Feb 23, 2018 at 4:50 PM, finished with 93 posts and 15 votes.
[X] Go to the cats you saw earlier to see if they have found the monsters yet.
-[X] Go to and spy on it.
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[X] Go search for one of the monsters yourself to spy on it.

I'm waiting for the moment for things to escalate from Cat That seems helpful to Dark Evil Overlord of Mordor, No one is expecting it,

Also I just thought'd I share this with you all while I am here.

[X] Go to the cats you saw earlier to see if they have found the monsters yet.
-[X] Go to and spy on it.

Why not use the resources we have as well?
[x] Go to the cats you saw earlier to see if they have found the monsters yet.
-[x] Go to and spy on it.
remember that we may want to try subverting the dark kingdom rather than helping the sailor scouts destroy them so we should avoid direct confrontation with them if we can. Also having read up on the LOTRverse via tv tropes it looks like a difining character trait of sauron's is that he's always defeated in direct battle so we should plan on winning by trickery and manipulation since thats what he's best at.
[X] Go to the cats you saw earlier to see if they have found the monsters yet.
-[X] Go to and spy on it.
[x] Go to the cats you saw earlier to see if they have found the monsters yet.
-[x] Go to and spy on it.

Sauron wouldn't know shit about the Dark Kingdom either, so it just makes sense he'd be curious.
[X] Go to the cats you saw earlier to see if they have found the monsters yet.
-[X] Go to and spy on it.
[X] Go to the cats you saw earlier to see if they have found the monsters yet.
-[X] Go to and spy on it.

We generally need to find out about Dark Kingdom from somewhere
[X] Go to the cats you saw earlier to see if they have found the monsters yet.
-[X] Go to and spy on it.
Spying on a Monster
[X] Go to the cats you saw earlier to see if they have found the monsters yet.
-[X] Go to and spy on it.

You saunter through the streets, casually walking to your destination. The cats you had met the other day should still be congregating in the same spot as before, so you will get the most information by going there.

It is a much faster trip than last night despite moving slower, as you already know where you are headed.

You reach the alleyway they have made their central territory. One of them walks up to you with information. You stare into her eyes, and get the information the cats have found.

Did they find the monster? 28, Req 60 = Failed

You metaphorically look through the information… there is much information about their turf war with another cat gang. Apparently your cats drove some of the other cats off their hunting grounds. Interesting, but not very relevant, unless you wish to expand your cat forces.

Apparently someone fainted in the market earlier today, but it seems to be mundane rather than caused by a monster. You will remember to check there anyway.

How useless. They have not found anything truly of use. Not that it is much of a surprise; it is not like they can detect monsters like you can, they are only able to look to see if any humans are being fatigued in large groups, which has not happened today.

You consider investing some power into improving their usefulness. If you do invest your power into controlling them, then they will be more coordinated, thereby gathering more information. You would no longer have to waste time traveling to them to receive reports, like you have today. You consider doing it now, but decide not to due to your currently weak state.

You decide that if you are to find anything, you will have to search for it yourself. You begin walking the streets, carefully looking at each person's fëa, checking to make sure they have one. This is certainly a novel experience, and you do not have a lot of those. You are more used to your allies lacking fëar, mostly Morgoth's creations, and your enemies having them.

Before you incarnated yourself, you had noticed that the monsters lacked a fëa, their soul, so presumedly they are created by someone rather than being born naturally. After all, only Eru, he creator of all and your despised enemy, can grant a soul to a being.

Since you can see into the Unseen, the spirit realm, you can tell whether a human has a fëa and therefore is a monster or not. This allows you to quickly check whether someone is a monster in disguise or not.

How long does it take for you to find the monster: 46, Req 20, 40, 60, 80 = 3 Hours

You keep traveling around the streets, but everyone seems normal for now. You spend a few hours checking various streets, but it is no use. This city truly is marvelously large.

You are walking past a jewelry shop when you finally catch an anomaly. A red haired woman in a purple dress is selling jewelry. Normally that is not so strange, jewelry shops usually do sell jewelry after all, but she lacks a fëa; she is soulless. She must be one of the monsters.

You stay outside for some time waiting to see if she does anything, but her act as a human is fairly good. She does not do anything strange that you can tell.

You sneak into the shop. It seems she is selling the jewelry for cheap to dozens of people. They are clamoring all over the place and making a racket. It is very unlikely they even notice you, and would probably not care if they did.

This must be apart of part of her plan to take energy from the humans, as you can see some of them starting to get tired. Although, that may be normal fatigue from shopping for hours. There is no need to be hasty. You decide you need a closer look.

You jump up onto one of the counters away from the monster, taking a necklace in your mouth. You quickly flee the building and head to a nearby alley. You begin to examine it with both your great magical prowess and your skills from being an artificer.

Learn: 88, Req 20, 60 = Success

You first determine that it is, in fact, taking energy from all nearby living things, including you. Or to be more specific, the stone set in the necklace is. It is at a too small rate to really matter in such a short amount of time, so you are safe for now. It would take days for such a weak object to truly harm you, though you suspect a human could only last a few hours with it touching their skin. That said, you do not plan on keeping it near you for a lengthy time.

Studying it further, it seems to be pulling at the energy of nearby life by being a sort of vacuum, and sending it somewhere else. With a few further tests it seems that the rate it draws in energy decreases at an inverse proportionality to distance squared, similar to other three dimensional fields. This is quite logical and advantageous. It means it still follows the rules that were made during the Music*.

You could not figure out where it is being sent, but you think you could replicate the effect. This bodes well. All you will need is a proper forge, or even a normally inadequate forge would do, and you could start making these yourself. You will need to do use them, or take the energy the monster collects, in order to gain power.

You consider what to do with the monsters. The easiest solution would be to just kill them and take their energy, though you do not know how powerful they are together. They would also be good practice for Makoto to fight.

You could ally them, but at the same time, you doubt Makoto would accept an alliance with the monsters. She seems to have too much morals for that; you do need to fix that someday. If you do ally then it will need to be in secret.

You could also just ignore them. You have what you needed: the energy gathering tools. They are not harming you either, so perhaps staying unknown is a good thing.

For now, you pick up the necklace and return it to the store on the ground. You quickly head out.

You make your choice.

-1 P

[] Attack the monster now and take the energy it has collected if you can.
-[] Optional: Wait until the monster is alone.

[] Ask the monster for an alliance.
-[] Optional: Wait until the monster is alone.
-[] Optional: Demand to see the monster's master instead of asking the monster directly.

[] Wait for Makoto to come back from school and have you come with you to attack the monster.

[] Search for another of the unusually powerful people.
-[] Optional: Specifically search for Luna.

[] Search for forge equipment. You need this to create your own energy absorbing stones.
-[] Optional: If you do find some, where will you put it? You will leave it where it is if you do not choose this option.

[] When Makoto gets back from school teach her more magic.
-[] Inspire Fear
-[] Illusion
-[] Fire (more powerful than magic blast)

[] Go to the other group of cats and make them loyal to you as well.

[] Capture and interrogate the monster.
-[] Optional: Wait until the monster is alone.

[] Write-in

*This is where the Ainur, both Maiar such as Sauron and Valar whom are more powerful, created music together. The world was created from this music.
Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Feb 23, 2018 at 11:21 PM, finished with 100 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Wait for Makoto to come back from school and have you come with you to attack the monster.
    [X] Capture and interrogate the monster.
    [X] Wait for Makoto to come back from school and have you come with you to attack the monster.
    -[x] remain hidden while makoto fights the monster so that the dark kingdom remains unaware of your involvement
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[X] Wait for Makoto to come back from school and have you come with you to attack the monster.
I want to capture the monster and interrogate it. I can't think of a good way to write it in
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I want to capture the monster and interrogate it. I can't think of a good way to write it in

I've added an option to do so in the post.

Question, what would happen if we encounter Hotaru?
What would the DC be to detect Mistress 9 in her?

With Hotaru you would notice she seems very powerful, like the other Sailors. To detect Mistress 9 I think you'd need at least a 60, and unless you crit you would only know something strange was going on, not that there is another being inside of her. As a daemon, Mistress 9 wouldn't have a fëa, otherwise you would instantly be able to detect her.
Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Feb 23, 2018 at 10:49 PM, finished with 99 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] Wait for Makoto to come back from school and have you come with you to attack the monster.
    [X] Capture and interrogate the monster.
[x] Wait for Makoto to come back from school and have you come with you to attack the monster.
-[x] remain hidden while makoto fights the monster so that the dark kingdom remains unaware of your involvement