Sauron in Tokyo (Lord of the Rings/Sailor Moon Merge)

oh okay thanks in that case...
[x] Talk to her. You do not need a human form for this. (Learns Bewitching Voice, costs 10 P per use)
-[x] Trick her into thinking you need her help
out of all the powers bewitching voice sounds like it would be the most useful out of the powers available
--[x] Say we were once a wizard named Gandalf before being transformed into a cat, it will be hilarious.
[x] Talk to her. You do not need a human form for this. (Learns Bewitching Voice, costs 10 P per use)
-[x] Trick her into thinking you need her help
out of all the powers bewitching voice sounds like it would be the most useful out of the powers available
[x] Talk to her. You do not need a human form for this. (Learns Bewitching Voice, costs 10 P per use)
-[x] Trick her into thinking you need her help
[x] Talk to her. You do not need a human form for this. (Learns Bewitching Voice, costs 10 P per use)
-[x] Trick her into thinking you need her help
--[x] Say we were once a wizard named Gandalf before being transformed into a cat, it will be hilarious.
Um, to all you Gandalf voters? Sauron reviles the Wizard. It would be massively OOC for him to use Gandalf as a pseudonym.
[x] Talk to her. You do not need a human form for this. (Learns Bewitching Voice, costs 10 P per use)
-[x] Trick her into thinking you need her help
--[x] Say that you sense a great power within her and that a great danger is coming.
--[x] Say we were once a wizard named Gandalf before being transformed into a cat, it will be hilarious.
Actually I'm vetoing this vote after meditation on it (I happened to meditate in school today). Sauron would have no reason to do it because names are important in LotR verse (everyone who is important had like 5 that etymologically is about them. Ex. Sauron is The Abhorred, Gandalf is Elf Wand), would be giving someone else credit for what he is doing, and most importantly doesn't want to attract the attention of the Valar. Altogether it is OOC, even ignoring the practical reasons for you guys not to choose it which no one has brought up.

Don't think I'm going to veto all funny options (I wasn't going to veto trying to get an apartment as a cat) though.
Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Feb 19, 2018 at 5:10 PM, finished with 33 posts and 8 votes.

  • [x] Talk to her. You do not need a human form for this. (Learns Bewitching Voice, costs 10 P per use)
    -[x] Trick her into thinking you need her help
    [x] Talk to her. You do not need a human form for this. (Learns Bewitching Voice, costs 10 P per use)
    -[x] Trick her into thinking you need her help
    --[x] Say we were once a wizard named Gandalf before being transformed into a cat, it will be hilarious.
    -[x] At night
    [x] Follow her to her school. (Learn Illusion)
    [x] Talk to her. You do not need a human form for this. (Learns Bewitching Voice, costs 10 P per use)
    -[x] Trick her into thinking you need her help
    --[x] Say that you sense a great power within her and that a great danger is coming.

Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Feb 19, 2018 at 5:52 PM, finished with 33 posts and 8 votes.

  • [x] Talk to her. You do not need a human form for this. (Learns Bewitching Voice, costs 10 P per use)
    -[x] Trick her into thinking you need her help
    [x] Talk to her. You do not need a human form for this. (Learns Bewitching Voice, costs 10 P per use)
    -[x] Trick her into thinking you need her help
    --[x] Say we were once a wizard named Gandalf before being transformed into a cat, it will be hilarious.
    -[x] At night
    [x] Follow her to her school. (Learn Illusion)
    [x] Talk to her. You do not need a human form for this. (Learns Bewitching Voice, costs 10 P per use)
    -[x] Trick her into thinking you need her help
    --[x] Say that you sense a great power within her and that a great danger is coming.
oh okay sorry I'm not really familiar with the LOTRverse outside of the hobbit and the LOTR Trilogy so I didn't realize how OOC my suggestion was.
in that case my vote is...
[x] Talk to her. You do not need a human form for this. (Learns Bewitching Voice, costs 10 P per use)
-[x] Trick her into thinking you need her help
-[x] say that you are here because you are seeking to recruit her to battle agaist a coming darkness in order to manipulate her into your service
why don't we try the Kyubey Approach™
[x] Talk to her. You do not need a human form for this. (Learns Bewitching Voice, costs 10 P per use)
-[x] Trick her into thinking you need her help

Though to be honest I would have rather gone with the cat army.
Recruiting and Training
[x] Talk to her. You do not need a human form for this. (Learns Bewitching Voice, costs 10 P per use)
-[x] Trick her into thinking you need her help
--[x] Say that you sense a great power within her and that a great danger is coming.
--[x] say that you are here because you are seeking to recruit her to battle agaist a coming darkness in order to manipulate her into your service

You jump up on the table and face her. Looking at her paper, it seems to be work for her school. You spot her name at the top: Kino Makoto*.

"Kino, I, Tevildo, Lord of Cats, require your aid," you say. She gets up, and looks around. She clearly does not realize it is you. "Yes, I am talking."

"I must be dreaming," she says. Well, you suppose one does not meet a talking cat every day.

"No, you're not dreaming. This is real, and I need your help." She starts pinching herself for some reason. Humans are so strange.

"Well, I guess I'll play along, if this is a dream. What do you need my help with?" she asks.

"A great danger is approaching. I came to you because I sensed great power in you. I wish to recruit you to battle against a coming darkness."

"Great power? Coming darkness? This sounds like a bad anime plot line. I'm really not anything special." So she is still hiding it? Or perhaps…

"I can see your Fëa, which you would call your soul. It burns brightly. I know you are powerful, it cannot be hidden. Besides, surely you have noticed how much taller and stronger you are than everyone else. This is outward proof of your power."

"My soul? Power? I don't know what you are talking about." She stands up and starts looking around, presumedly for a weapon. It appears that she does not know about magic. That is even better; you can teach her and assure her loyalty to you.

"You may be unaware of your power. This is acceptable; I can teach you how to use magic. But I still need your help. Will you trust me? Will you grant your aid to me? Do not think this is without reward." You put power into your voice. It has a smooth melodious flow, enticing the listener to agree.

Roll: 22 + 50 = 72, Req 40 = Success

"Fine, I'll help with this great danger of yours. I don't know why but… I feel like I need to. Like it's destiny." She looks at you directly while saying this. Ha! She is mistaking your magic for destiny. Very nice.

"You have my thanks." You pause for a moment. "If you are to help me against the darkness, you will need to be in combat. Do you know of a secluded area I can teach you a basic offensive spell?" As much disbelief as she had before, you doubt she will wake up without thinking it was a dream, especially if you are not there. If you get her to do magic herself that will skip her disbelief, and you need her to be competent in a fight if she will serve you anyhow.

You would teach her how to create fear, but it might put her off at this point, so you decide to go with a spell that should still allow her to be useful in combat.

Does she know? Roll: 78, Req 40 = Success

"I know where an abandoned house is nearby," she responds. Hmm, good. That should suit your purposes. That said though…

"You should get a mask of some sort. I do not want you to be in danger." It would be bad if your enemies, and surely you will have some, attacked your current residence.

"I've got some sunglasses." She walks over to a drawer and takes some tinted glasses out. She also puts a baseball cap on. Not exactly the best of disguises, but you suppose it will have to do for now. You do not plan on being seen. That said, if she does get caught and forced on the run, she will be forced to rely on you which would ensure her loyalty.

You look around the room once more before leaving. So many plants, how annoying. They really are everywhere. It reminds you of Yavanna, the Vala (Goddess/angel) of growing things, and one of your old enemies. It is best not to get distracted now, though.

"Then let us go. Come!" You walk over to the door and wait for her to follow. She takes the lead now, walking to the elevator so you can leave the building.

"We'll have to take the bus. Here, I'll carry you." Well, it is only proper you to not have to walk. You jump into her arms and she walks to the bus stop.

Random Encounter: Roll 53, Req 90 = none

You end up sitting in the back of the bus, and luckily no one talks to you. After a time, Kino gets up and she heads off the bus. Eventually you reach a large dilapidated house that is completely overgrown with weeds. You suppose this will do nicely, despite the chaos.

"Let us go inside so we are hidden from sight," you command her. You jump off her arms and stride towards the doors. She lets you inside, and the two of you find a large room that was presumedly the old living room.

"I will be your teacher now. We will begin with a simple spell."

You search through your memories for something weak. You recall a basic spell that would cause an explosion at a distance**. That will be good enough. For a normal acolyte, you would have to spend years teaching them how to access the dark power Morgoth left in the earth before he was defeated. For this one though, using her own power should be instinctual, especially for something as crude and inelegant as this.

"See the world as it is. Now, you must enforce your will on it. Feel your power swell up from inside, and make it exist in front of you. Then push it forward." You reach out to her metaphysically to show her how.

Roll to learn: 74, Req 60 = Success

"Mana Blast!" Her blast heads toward a couch and explodes, causing many pieces of the couch to go flying everywhere.

"Very good! You did great. You do not have to shout out the name, however." She beams at your praise, then looks annoyed.

"Saying the name seems right," she insists. You decide not to press it for now, but it will be important to correct later.

"For now, try to practice a few more times before we leave. You should be able to use it pretty fast."

A few destroyed household objects later, the two of you leave the house. She gets back on another bus, and you return to her apartment building.

Once back in her apartment, she notices her papers at her desk.

"I forgot to do my homework!" She seems panicked, quickly sitting down and starting to write on a sheet of paper. She had brought it back from her school earlier, and looking at it, it appears to be educational work. It must be practice for her schooling.

You decide to nap while she does her homework, since even you need sleep. You curl up on her bed and fall asleep.

A while later, you are woken up. It seems she has changed into night clothes and is preparing to sleep as well.

"Goodnight Tevildo." She yawns, and goes under her covers.

You still have much to be done, however. You could stay well rested by sleeping, but as a Maia you do not necessarily need as much sleep as a mortal so you could work through the night. There is also he matter of getting delayed and her waking up to find you gone.

-10 P

[] See if you can secure forging equipment or a place to eventually put it.
-[] Optional: Wait until morning.

[] Seek out and spy on one of the monsters who has been draining energy.
-[] Optional: Wait until morning

[] Seek out another of the people with power.
-[] Optional: Wait until morning.

[] Find where the stray cats live so you can later gather them into an army.
-[] Optional

[] Write-in

*That is the civilian name of Sailor Jupiter, who is one of Sailor Moon's friends later on in the series. She typically uses lightning attacks.

** The spell is basically Gandalf's fireworks going forward instead of up, if you were wondering where I got the idea from. Except, of course, without the explosions looking pretty.
Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Feb 20, 2018 at 9:59 PM, finished with 43 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Find where the stray cats live so you can later gather them into an army.
    [x] Seek out and spy on one of the monsters who has been draining energy.
    [x] Seek out and spy on one of the monsters who has been draining energy.
    -[x] Optional: Wait until morning
    -[x] have your new apprantice come with you on the pretense of stopping the evil monster

Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Feb 21, 2018 at 8:13 AM, finished with 47 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Find where the stray cats live so you can later gather them into an army.
    [x] Seek out and spy on one of the monsters who has been draining energy.
    [x] Seek out and spy on one of the monsters who has been draining energy.
    -[x] Optional: Wait until morning
    -[x] have your new apprantice come with you on the pretense of stopping the evil monster
    [X] See if you can secure forging equipment or a place to eventually put it.

Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Feb 21, 2018 at 9:30 AM, finished with 50 posts and 13 votes.
Last edited:
[X] Find where the stray cats live so you can later gather them into an army.

Cat army! Man, I really want to make one, also a cat spy network could be really useful.
[X] Find where the stray cats live so you can later gather them into an army.

I highly doubt the cats would actually be useful as an army, but we need a spy network.
[x] Seek out and spy on one of the monsters who has been draining energy.
before we start building an information network we should figure out how to power ourselves up
actually hold on i just had a great idea so i'm changing my vote
[x] Seek out and spy on one of the monsters who has been draining energy.
-[x] Optional: Wait until morning
-[x] have your new apprantice come with you on the pretense of stopping the evil monster
this way we can build Sailor Jupiter's trust in us, give her some combat experence, and study the monster without exposing ourselves directly.
[X] Find where the stray cats live so you can later gather them into an army.

Time to put some actual weight behind our title as the KING of Cats.
[X] Find where the stray cats live so you can later gather them into an army.

Any chance for Rhett Butler?
Uh guys, theres the OTHER magic cat who's supposed to be their mascot. Probably want to keep the kitty on the down low.

[X] See if you can secure forging equipment or a place to eventually put it.

But we're the best damned artificer in this world.
Lets get the forge set up. If necessary we can make it out of a box of scraps easily.
[X] Find where the stray cats live so you can later gather them into an army.

Next logical stage, catgirls! (even though I doubt we can do it)