Anime Rival Quest (Very Meta)

[X] "...I'll think about it, but no promises."
-You'll make up your mind on the go rather than trying to decide a long term course of action here and now.

[X] *sigh* "Fine... Just be ready to patch me up if she stabs me again okay?"

We'll get used to her filling us with her sword.

That sounded weird...
[X] "...I'll think about it, but no promises."
-You'll make up your mind on the go rather than trying to decide a long term course of action here and now.
I want to see her put what we beat into practice first. We'll need to watch her next fight so the camera can pan to us watching when she defeats the enemy.
[X] "...I'll think about it, but no promises."
-You'll make up your mind on the go rather than trying to decide a long term course of action here and now.

Going after her too quickly goes against the type of rival we've already set I think.
[X] "...I'll think about it, but no promises."
-You'll make up your mind on the go rather than trying to decide a long term course of action here and now.

The kind of rival we're trying to sell ourselves as is the type to show up the next episode to see if she actually did learn something, and take an obviously intentional loss to let her show that she did improve, but that we're still better. Than we wait a few episodes, have another go at it, and then have a proper training montage with her.
My only question is: Do we aim for the romantic subplot ala Tuxedo Mask or not?
[X] *sigh* "Fine... Just be ready to patch me up if she stabs me again okay?"
-You'll go out searching for her. You should be recovered enough already to fight at top form so you'll be ready for another encounter, and given protagonist status, she's probably already out of that clinic you dropped her in.

Tsundere time!!!
[X] "...I'll think about it, but no promises."

Engage Tsun denial mode!
[X] *sigh* "Fine... Just be ready to patch me up if she stabs me again okay?"
[X] "...I'll think about it, but no promises."

Guys, rushing into things is her job, we're supposed to be the one who considers things thoroughly.
[X] *sigh* "Fine... Just be ready to patch me up if she stabs me again okay?"

The "I'll think about it" line is one of my least favorite. It's better for both of us if we're eager to cave in each others faces for training all the time so that we can get stronger.
[X] *sigh* "Fine... Just be ready to patch me up if she stabs me again okay?"
[] *sigh* "Fine... Just be ready to patch me up if she stabs me again okay?"
-You'll go out searching for her. You should be recovered enough already to fight at top form so you'll be ready for another encounter, and given protagonist status, she's probably already out of that clinic you dropped her in.
[X] "...I'll think about it, but no promises."
-You'll make up your mind on the go rather than trying to decide a long term course of action here and now.
[X] "...I'll think about it, but no promises."
-You'll make up your mind on the go rather than trying to decide a long term course of action here and now.
[X] "...I'll think about it, but no promises."
-You'll make up your mind on the go rather than trying to decide a long term course of action here and now.