Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

pwn Karna, Gilgamesh
Pfffft please. If Gil doesn't have some curse resistance item on him all time.

Also you are talking about human spell affecting Servant on very deep level. That is not an easy thing to do, especially when you must worry about not being killed.
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Statement: "Hey I'm just somebody who spen all of 15 seconds coming up with the most hax as fuck master servant pair with a "weak" servant. On the other hand nasuverse conceptual bullshit means that you could either spend months making a mystic code of rule 63 so powerful it acts more as a daemon or divine curse than a mortal mystery or simply make it act as an area in which genders are switched as they apply to spell recognition. The first would mean you have hax as fuck methods of storing prana and are probably calling on the entire internet of people who acknowledge rule 63 to invoke it whilst the other means that instead of a spell that effects servants it would be a spell that affects the spells and mystic codes used in the area.

As for mordred v JTR, that fight was lost of Jack's part not because mordred simply overpowered her but because Jack decided to play with her food allowing mordred to turn a scenario that near garuntees Jack victory provided a little luck into what amounted into 1v1 combat in a relatively open field where Jacks only terrain advantage was fog that was basically nullified.

Basically, JTR fucked up hard by not even trying to maximize her projected killing force in favor of playing around like a small child would.

Had JTR opened up by getting into closer range while activating her OHK on women in The fog phantasm as Mordred was protecting her master mordred would have been screwed either because even if she could dodge which she could not she would still need to tank it to protect her master. In that situation if mordred were to dodge JTR could easily kill the master and leave, possibly taking the command seals with her.

Instead of doing this she played around fluttering about like she owned the pace allowing mordred to protect her master and gain footing to change the circumstances into ones that favor her.

TLDR: Rule 63 spell works via conceptual bullshit, prana storage, and meme magic. JTR v Mordred was lost because Jack the Ripper is an attention seeking child and acts like one. This makes sense because nasu JTR's legend is that of a child murdering others as an attention grab."
[X] Saber (Mordred)

Whilst I do love Chiron and he would probably be better for Vista and help smooth over the PRT relationship, Mordred is going to escalate conflict a lot more, which considering the last servant might be somethign we need.

Also, I have a wonderful image of Mordred learning of a 'dragon' and going and killing Lung, promptly freaking the entire cape scene the fuck out when they realise how powerful servants are. All of her shenanigans are just going to be fucking great, whatever ends up happening.
Chiron at 44 and Mordred at 33.

Casters are never going to win so you guys should try and win some over if you want your vote to win. I'm happy with Chiron winning though.
Statement: "Hans basically made it to the throne by being that much of a masochist. He could only be more appropriate as a zombie goth shota. Making him live is not unappreciated and not to be frowned upon.

He likes the pain."
Wait he is a masochist? No, no and no, that's a bad influence on a pre-teen. I really don't know much about that Hans fellow, I will check on the wiki.
Wait he is a masochist? No, no and no, that's a bad influence on a pre-teen. I really don't know much about that Hans fellow, I will check on the wiki.

Not really, just so pessimistic that it doesn't really seem like a problem to him.

If anything he should/would come off as more of a sadist. He has a human observation skill that functions almost like Tattletale's ability, and is known to rather bluntly put people down, though he doesn't gain any pleasure from it like TT does, he is just being honest.

For example, he was rather disgusted with his Master in CCC, especially since he suspected he was summoned as a child due to her "interests", and made a point of repeatedly calling her garbage, one time criticizing her vanity by saying something along the lines of "no matter how nicely you decorate the bag, a bag of garbage still stinks".
Not really, just so pessimistic that it doesn't really seem like a problem to him.

If anything he should/would come off as more of a sadist. He has a human observation skill that functions almost like Tattletale's ability, and is known to rather bluntly put people down, though he doesn't gain any pleasure from it like TT does, he is just being honest.

For example, he was rather disgusted with his Master in CCC, especially since he suspected he was summoned as a child due to her "interests", and made a point of repeatedly calling her garbage, one time criticizing her vanity by saying something along the lines of "no matter how nicely you decorate the bag, a bag of garbage still stinks".
Yeah, that only makes it worse. :facepalm: A sadist and kinda a 'not-masochist'? At least its a good lesson to actually look up the Servant you are voting for.
Anyway, when is the vote going to be closed?
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Had a beatifull idea: what if we gave Panacea that berserker nurser, the one that wanted to heal all the ills in the world, and thus became a berseker because of it. Idk her name, but it would be funny either her servant trying to make sure her master rests or turning her into an even more of an workaholic.
Had a beatifull idea: what if we gave Panacea that berserker nurser, the one that wanted to heal all the ills in the world, and thus became a berseker because of it. Idk her name, but it would be funny either her servant trying to make sure her master rests or turning her into an even more of an workaholic.

Statement: "Have all of my YES! The only better idea I can think of involve noncanon but entierly logical servants or servants that would exist in the worm universe."

Query: "Speaking of, are we limited to canon servants?"
Had a beatifull idea: what if we gave Panacea that berserker nurser, the one that wanted to heal all the ills in the world, and thus became a berseker because of it. Idk her name, but it would be funny either her servant trying to make sure her master rests or turning her into an even more of an workaholic.
Do you mean Florence Nightingale? I really like that character too.
Not really, she actually doesn't go to the hospital so much in canon.

The whole over worked healing thing is complete fanon to make it seem like she's less of a bitch and more of a woobie.
Ignore fan-art look at actual story to understand character.

People actually think Jeanne Alter is a tsundere from fan art.