Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

Theo would entirely be interesting and generate a lot of conflict. He has a father that would pressure him to use the wish for his own wish or who would try to order his servant around and shit like that.

Hell, he may trigger with the amount of stress the war would give him especially if he needs to deal with Mordred.
I concede the point. Although I dount Mordred would be satisfied with that arrangement. She'd probably advocate Theo rebelling against Kaiser whenever possible.

The problem is that Theo would be a bitch and a half to obtain as a master while being stuck in Taylor's body and without metagaming.
I concede the point. Although I dount Mordred would be satisfied with that arrangement. She'd probably advocate Theo rebelling against Kaiser whenever possible.

The problem is that Theo would be a bitch and a half to obtain as a master while being stuck in Taylor's body and without metagaming.

Not really? They could just run into each other on the street for all we know. Like on the boardwalk.


We're pretty much picking up random people of the street anyway.
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In that case it would invariably come down to the strongest Servant/Master Pair if they all complimented each other. Which would not be the kind of conflict we as the audience or we as Angra Mainyu want. We as the audience want an interesting story and Angra Mainyu really wants all them bitches to suffer.

Lies and slander. Moedred is best saber!

Statement: "Counterpoint, the whole point of what the war is supposed to be is explicitly not having the bigger sword lasers as opposed to being able to best engineer a situation where your killing ability and defensive/evasive ability is maximized while minimizing you opponents killing ability and defensive/evasive ability.

Otherwise the only valid classes would be archer saber and saver as opposed to all other them. An example would be Dr Jekyll and mr Hyde who rather than having a territory act as a force modifier and adaptive force for themselves, their masters, and their berserk state. This means that Dr Jekyll and me Hyde are just as effective on well scouted neutral or even hostile ground as opposed to only their own territory because they themselves alongside their master act as what is in effect their territory. This also means that they can be nigh unstoppable for one enemy while ano5er could stomp them easy as they would adapt themselves to their enemy.

Another example of this is literally every assassin except Hassan. They are all weak as fuck but work by turning the circumstances into ones that allow them to project a killing power far beyond what their stats would project.

Basically, it should never boil down to the most powerful servant. It should boil down to which pair is best able to leverage their abilities for maximum killing power.

Some douche with a rule 63 spell and Jack the Ripper should utterly pwn Karna, Gilgamesh, EMIYA, EMIYA, SHIKI, SHIKI, Shiki, Shiki, Shiki, Shiki, Shiki and all those other hax as fuck servants due to having an excellent ability synergy that allows them to make almost any battlefield such that the only way to eliminate them is a one shot ambush. However, said pair should in turn be pwned by any gender less servants like GOETIA, and Enkidu as well as servants who nullify OHK abilities like Heracles and Achilles as well as being easy to one hit ambush as Jack the Ripper has no defensive or sensory abilities beyond the "norm" meaning that even a relatively low prescience concealment or even a mortal magus skilled in stealth could kill them easy as they would be the definition of glass canon on an open hill once you know where hey are

TLDR: The whole point of the classes is that any servant can win regardless of power and if you boil it down to strongest sword laser you are ruining the entire premise and handing everyone the idiot ball. The reason that happened at any point in canon was almost always because of shirou who already has the idiot ball so hard even he thinks he's stupid as fuck."
Not really? They could just run into each other on the street for all we know. Like on the boardwalk.
That would be the QM just outright giving us the option. And is not something that's guaranteed. If your talking about putting off the war until we get him, that would be similarly difficult with six Servants running around.

TLDR: The whole point of the classes is that any servant can win regardless of power and if you boil it down to strongest sword laser you are ruining the entire premise and handing everyone the idiot ball. The reason that happened at any point in canon was almost always because of shirou who already has the idiot ball so hard even he thinks he's stupid as fuck."
Not really. I'd like to point out that in general the Assassin and Caster classes have an unfair disadvantage in any conventional HGW. Saber is also supposed to be the most powerful class for a reason.
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Another example of this is literally every assassin except Hassan. They are all weak as fuck but work by turning the circumstances into ones that allow them to project a killing power far beyond what their stats would project.

Jack the Ripper(loli version) stat wise is only a few stages below King Hassan and can kill any non curse proof female instantly at night. She's a fucking beast(not a beast, beast) too, stabbing her or cutting off her head won't work.

You need to kill all of the wraiths that make up her body. Over 10k of them.

If your talking about putting off the war until we get him, that would be similarly difficult with six Servants running around.

I'm not?

Anyway, besides Vista and Armsmaster our masters are probably going to be found at random in a variety of places. Vista just had the luck of being in our way when we were escaping.

Hell, Sophia could have been a master already if things went different.
That would be the QM just outright giving us the option. And is not something that's guaranteed. If your talking about putting off the war until we get him, that would be similarly difficult with six Servants running around.

Not really. I'd like to point out that in general the Assassin and Caster classes have an unfair disadvantage in any conventional HGW. Saber is also supposed to be the most powerful class for a reason.

Statement: "A conventional HGW takes place between magi whose core tenant is listen to the demon and show off compulsively whilst explaining all your plots and plans. These are the magi whose skill and common sense were so far from making the cut they needed and desired an obvious monkeys paw as the best possible way to advance their craft

Arturia did not win the 4th, Kiritsugu did. Magi in general have the general tactical acumen of a lazy high school dropout math and biology savants with demon induced autism. Kiritsugu had the tactical acumen of an Russian general who decided to spend 15 years going on a crusade. Kiritsugu actually leveraged his abilities and those of his servan rather than taking whatever he got and throwing it at the other team like a 4 year old playing Pokémon for the first time.

Basically, Saber wins because magi are fucking idiots who ignore their servants actual abilities in favor of treating them all like sabers Leading to assassins going 1v1 against sabers like that makes any goddamn sense.

in straight combat on an open field that grants no advantages saber always wins unless facing Gilgamesh, EMIYA, or a Shiki. The whole point of the war and classes is to avoid that scenario at all costs unless you have saber. The problem is that to a magus there is no difference between a Saber, Saver, Assissin, or Avenger because to them all servants are nothing more than tactical nukes that talk too damn much.

Imagine if Bazette saw the legendary hound of ulster and actually tried to leverage and synergies with him. She would have been a fucking beast Ali guide that fucking beast.

TLDR: A normal HGW does not involve leveraging one's abilities because magi have preconceptions about their own superiority and think that 1v1 combat on an open field is always the best way to combat an enemy since all heroic spirits are glorified tactical nukes (an entirely flawed thinking.)

This is not a normal HGW."
I go to sleep, and when I wake what do I see?

An update, people arguing 'the bloodstained dress' aesthetic, waifus (naturally) and the chances of the new Servant brutally murdering a kid and how long it would take to get there. Whew, that escalated quickly. Which, I guess, is the point :V.

I mean, Mordred could just knock Vista out and hack her arm off, but what do I know :V.

[X] Archer (Chiron)

Good, but not too powerful and leaves the more interesting options still open (except if there is someone who could have summoned Nobunaga, I guess, but it's sacrifice I am willing to make).
Well, Well, Well, look at this, I'm gone for a night and Chiron takes the lead! Congratulation shishou/sensei!
So I read a little bit earlier in the thread how Mordred of all the saber is the best?
You clearly don't know about the glory of her Majesty, the Empress of Rome Nero!
Look at this beauty!

Mordred is cliché not in anyway near the level of her Majesty.
I already said that after sleeping, I will show you glory! Now bow before her cuteness!
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I'm a little late but on the Moe and Theo partnership discussion but I want to weigh in anyway. I think Theo's relationship with his father and Kaiser's manipulative personality might remind Moe somewhat of Morgana, which is something we haven't really had a chance to see.

And I'm going to be honest, I kinda want Theo to get Mama just for the sake of making strong mother figure jokes.
Some douche with a rule 63 spell and Jack the Ripper should utterly pwn Karna, Gilgamesh, EMIYA, EMIYA, SHIKI, SHIKI, Shiki, Shiki, Shiki, Shiki, Shiki and all those other hax as fuck servants due to having an excellent ability synergy that allows them to make almost any battlefield such that the only way to eliminate them is a one shot ambush.
Forgive me if I missed something, but didn't Mordred show that Jack is still easily outclassed even in her most favourable circumstances by a higher tier servant?

Hell, I may be wrong but wasn't there a statement in Apocrypha that Jack was the weakest servant of the Black team?

on another note

[X] Archer (Chiron)