Sauron in Tokyo (Lord of the Rings/Sailor Moon Merge)

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AN: I thought of this after reading Dungeon Keeper Ami, and thought what would happen if one of...
United States
AN: I thought of this after reading Dungeon Keeper Ami, and thought what would happen if one of my favorite characters went into her original world. So with the power of google, I now know the setting (using anime version because manga is too OP) and made this. You don't need knowledge of either side of the crossover to be in this quest, although it will be a full merge of the settings. Hopefully I don't write myself into a hole that I can't continue like my previous quests, but I've got plans to avoid that.

The basic premise here is Sauron reforms slightly before the events of the first season. He then meddles with things.

To answer some questions I am sure will be asked:

For the whole good/evil thing, remember, Sauron is evil and therefore antithetical to the Sailors… but Crystal Tokyo (one person with absolute rule, everyone joining their side or being killed, complete peace and order) sounds a lot like what Sauron wants, so although he couldn't know that would happen, you aren't going to be forced to be the Sailors' enemy or ally. In fact, if you want, you could ignore them completely and do your own thing.

The LOTR books do exist in this world, but since this takes place in Tokyo, they won't be mentioned unless you openly call yourself Sauron or some American nerd figures it out.

Many years after you were defeated, from your ring being destroyed by that cursed hobbit, you begin to reform. You were but a dark wisp before, but ambient magic is somehow being produced in a form you can take.

This is different than the power your old master Morgoth left in the Earth which you used to make use of. You thought this could not be: Eru, he who created the world, and your enemy, is the only source of power, and it is impossible for one corrupted by Morgoth to take it. But it seems that mere humans can generate power now. This bodes well for your future plans, especially if you can figure out how it works.

Despite this, you remain intangible for many years. You have little power, and taking ambient magic from the air is difficult. But eventually you grow in power. You are weak, but strong enough to manifest in human form–missing only your right index finger. You enter a town and begin to spy on the humans while staying there after manipulating the lord of the land. It seems to be similar to the towns of humans in the third age, although with much greater magics.

It seems that no one has even heard of races other than humans too. Most likely, orcs were hunted to extinction, the elves left, and the dwarfs dug too deep to ever be seen again. Despite the loss of orcs, you think this is an overall good thing. No more meddling with your affairs.

It is here you learn that there are humans who now live on Isil, the moon! What madness, you think, of the first man to mention it. Tilion, the guardian of the moon, would not let them, and since he is strong enough to fend off Morgoth he could surely beat mere men.

But unless if the small town you arrived in all went insane, it seems true. What potential of these men! What marvels that they have made to attain even the ability to reach Isil, let alone defeat Tilion! Though it is possible that the fool simply let them live there.

It is on your third day there that you hear of it. The Earth was invading the moon. The chaos war would bring can only be good for your plans, you think. It will allow you to take control and restore order. You couldn't be more wrong.

A vast wave of energy sweeps across the earth, killing you once more along with everyone else. You rage. How dare they kill you when you were just starting to come back! How dare they?!

It is useless though. You will have to wait to reform, now with much less ambient magic that you can absorb. You rage does not lessen for years.

Many years later…

You finally have the energy to reform. You have gathered through observation that you are in a city known as Tokyo, and you have an understanding of how to use modern technology and how to speak Japanese. You are eager to learn how to create these new devices humanity has created, such as the 'car' and the 'telephone'.

Magic is not completely unknown either, despite seeming being replaced by this electricity. You can sense power in quite a few people in the city, though you do not know if they use it. The individuals are a seven young females, four young males, an old man, and surprisingly enough three cats.

You have also seen some sorts of monsters taking energy from humans. If you could learn this technique, you could regain your power much faster. As it is, your power gain is negligible. Alternatively, you could just take the energy from them. Or get people to do it for you.

In any case, you must decide on your next course of action now.

You do not start with all your abilities, because it would be too complicated and because you have only just incarnated. You will naturally regain your abilities over time: I have a full list of them. For write-in, you can choose a related ability Sauron has if you know one, or I will choose for you.

[] Transform into a cat. You are, after all, Tevildo, Lord of Cats, and cats are common around here. It will make spying easy. You are able to speak in this form. However, you will need to spend power if you wish to shift back to a humanoid form. (Learn Shapeshifting)
(The cat part)

[] Go into your Annatar, Lord of Gifts, form. This is a fair, elvish form that will make diplomacy easy with others. However, elves do not exist here and others may become suspicious of you. (Learn Bewitching Voice)

[] Go into your Sauron, The Abhorred, form. You will be physically powerful in this form, and will make others fear you. You will not have your armor or weapons until you make them, though. Any diplomacy done in this form other than through fear is pretty much a lost cause. (Learn Inspire Fear)

[] Write-in

You must also decide your first move.

[] Go to one of these sources of power you sense. They could make a good ally… or servant. (I roll to see which one you go to)

[] Go to one of the monsters you have sensed and try to take the energy it has gathered or if possible make it your servant.

[] Try to secure an apartment to live in. You do not need to eat or sleep, but if you can manage to either find the money to rent an apartment or simply convince them to give it to you then it could greatly help your cover.

[] Write-in
Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Feb 17, 2018 at 11:07 PM, finished with 5 posts and 2 votes.

  • [x] Transform into a cat. You are, after all, Tevildo, Lord of Cats, and cats are common around here. It will make spying easy. You are able to speak in this form. However, you will need to spend power if you wish to shift back to a humanoid form. (Learn Shapeshifting)
    [X] Try to secure an apartment to live in. You do not need to eat or sleep, but if you can manage to either find the money to rent an apartment or simply convince them to give it to you then it could greatly help your cover.

Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Feb 17, 2018 at 11:31 PM, finished with 7 posts and 4 votes.

  • [x] Transform into a cat. You are, after all, Tevildo, Lord of Cats, and cats are common around here. It will make spying easy. You are able to speak in this form. However, you will need to spend power if you wish to shift back to a humanoid form. (Learn Shapeshifting)
    [X] Try to secure an apartment to live in. You do not need to eat or sleep, but if you can manage to either find the money to rent an apartment or simply convince them to give it to you then it could greatly help your cover.
    [x] Go to one of these sources of power you sense. They could make a good ally… or servant. (I roll to see which one you go to)
    [X] Observe the monsters stealing energy, trying not to get noticed. If they notice, offer assistance to them in exchange for learning their secrets.

Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Feb 18, 2018 at 8:20 AM, finished with 17 posts and 12 votes.

  • [x] Transform into a cat. You are, after all, Tevildo, Lord of Cats, and cats are common around here. It will make spying easy. You are able to speak in this form. However, you will need to spend power if you wish to shift back to a humanoid form. (Learn Shapeshifting)
    [x] Try to secure an apartment to live in. You do not need to eat or sleep, but if you can manage to either find the money to rent an apartment or simply convince them to give it to you then it could greatly help your cover.
    [X] Go to one of these sources of power you sense. They could make a good ally… or servant. (I roll to see which one you go to)
    [X] Observe the monsters stealing energy, trying not to get noticed. If they notice, offer assistance to them in exchange for learning their secrets.
    [X] Go into your Annatar, Lord of Gifts, form. This is a fair, elvish form that will make diplomacy easy with others. However, elves do not exist here and others may become suspicious of you. (Learn Bewitching Voice)
    [X] Go to one of these sources of power you sense. They could make a good ally… or servant.
    [X] Observe the monsters stealing energy, trying not to get noticed. If they notice, offer assistance to them in exchange for learning their secrets.
    [x] Go to one of the monsters you have sensed and try to take the energy it has gathered or if possible make it your servant.

Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Feb 18, 2018 at 11:43 AM, finished with 17 posts and 12 votes.

  • [x] Transform into a cat. You are, after all, Tevildo, Lord of Cats, and cats are common around here. It will make spying easy. You are able to speak in this form. However, you will need to spend power if you wish to shift back to a humanoid form. (Learn Shapeshifting)
    [x] Try to secure an apartment to live in. You do not need to eat or sleep, but if you can manage to either find the money to rent an apartment or simply convince them to give it to you then it could greatly help your cover.
    [X] Go to one of these sources of power you sense. They could make a good ally… or servant. (I roll to see which one you go to)
    [X] Observe the monsters stealing energy, trying not to get noticed. If they notice, offer assistance to them in exchange for learning their secrets.
    [X] Go into your Annatar, Lord of Gifts, form. This is a fair, elvish form that will make diplomacy easy with others. However, elves do not exist here and others may become suspicious of you. (Learn Bewitching Voice)
    [X] Go to one of these sources of power you sense. They could make a good ally… or servant.
    [X] Observe the monsters stealing energy, trying not to get noticed. If they notice, offer assistance to them in exchange for learning their secrets.
    [x] Go to one of the monsters you have sensed and try to take the energy it has gathered or if possible make it your servant.
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Character Sheet
Name: Tevildo (Sauron)
Power: 1798


Increased strength, durability, speed, etc. scales with Power and form.

Song of Power: Can alter reality. Cost depends on use.

Recreate Form: Create a body again after dying. Costs 1000 P

Shapeshifting: Cannot use a form after dying in it.
Sub abilities:
Create Form: Creates a new form you can shift into at any time. Costs 100 P
Shift Form: Takes a few seconds. Costs 5 P
Tevildo: A black cat.
Annatar: Fair, tall, elf-like attractive human.

Bewitching Voice: Convinces someone of something. Costs 10 P per use: sometimes has to be used multiple times. NOT mind control.

Magic Blast: Shoots a burst of magic that explodes upon contact. Costs 5 P

Create Magical Artifact: Uses your magic to create an artifact of power.
  • Morgul-blade: A dagger than when strikes someone, slowly reaches heart even if not lethal wound. Turns victim into a wraith. Costs 10 P
  • Minor Ring of Power: Increases the wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 50 P
  • Great Ring if Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
  • Energy Absorbing Stone: Absorbs energy from any human who touches it. Costs 5 P
  • Sword: Magic sword that's blade never dulls. Costs 10 P
  • Bow: Magic bow that never breaks. Costs 10 P
  • Shining Armor: Armor that inspires loyalty and inspiration to all who see it. It is unnaturally strong. Costs 15 P
  • Terrifying Armor: Powerful and unnaturally strong armor that inspires terror in all who see it. Costs 15 P
  • Shield: A magic shield that is unnaturally strong. 10 P
  • Mace: A magic mace that will never break and can crush with more force than it would seem. Costs 10 P
Illusion: Creates an illusion. Costs 5 P for human sized, 20 P for large house sized.

Invest Will: Allows you to communicate and control with your minions from afar. Costs 1 P per 25 cats at once or per 10 people.

Seal: Seals an entryway so it can only be opened through great force or magic. Costs 10 P

10 Weak Energy Gathering Stones

Name: Kino Makoto

Abilities: (Exp level) Current Exp/Needed to level up
Magic Blast 5/10
Fire 0/10
Brawling (Slightly Experienced +10) 1/20
Block (Slightly Inexperienced -10) 0/10

Shining Armor

Name: Mizuno Ami

Quick Study: +10 to learn rolls
Magic Blast 3/10
Illusion 0/10

Shining Armor

Name: Chiba Mamoru
Alias: Tuxedo Mask

Tuxedo Mask Transformation (unknown effects)
Rose Throw (unknown effects)

Shining Armor

93 Cats
15 Poor humans
Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Feb 17, 2018 at 11:06 PM, finished with 5 posts and 2 votes.

  • [x] Transform into a cat. You are, after all, Tevildo, Lord of Cats, and cats are common around here. It will make spying easy. You are able to speak in this form. However, you will need to spend power if you wish to shift back to a humanoid form. (Learn Shapeshifting)
    [x] Transform into a cat. You are, after all, Tevildo, Lord of Cats, and cats are common around here. It will make spying easy. You are able to speak in this form. However, you will need to spend power if you wish to shift back to a humanoid form. (Learn Shapeshifting)
    [X] Try to secure an apartment to live in. You do not need to eat or sleep, but if you can manage to either find the money to rent an apartment or simply convince them to give it to you then it could greatly help your cover.
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[x] Transform into a cat. You are, after all, Tevildo, Lord of Cats, and cats are common around here. It will make spying easy. You are able to speak in this form. However, you will need to spend power if you wish to shift back to a humanoid form. (Learn Shapeshifting)
[x] Try to secure an apartment to live in. You do not need to eat or sleep, but if you can manage to either find the money to rent an apartment or simply convince them to give it to you then it could greatly help your cover.

Well, this cross will either go bad or actually good
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[X] Transform into a cat. You are, after all, Tevildo, Lord of Cats, and cats are common around here. It will make spying easy. You are able to speak in this form. However, you will need to spend power if you wish to shift back to a humanoid form. (Learn Shapeshifting)
[X] Try to secure an apartment to live in. You do not need to eat or sleep, but if you can manage to either find the money to rent an apartment or simply convince them to give it to you then it could greatly help your cover.

Let's start off slow, set the stage and work our way up. We have time...
[X] Transform into a cat. You are, after all, Tevildo, Lord of Cats, and cats are common around here. It will make spying easy. You are able to speak in this form. However, you will need to spend power if you wish to shift back to a humanoid form. (Learn Shapeshifting)
[X] Observe the monsters stealing energy, trying not to get noticed. If they notice, offer assistance to them in exchange for learning their secrets.

Edit copying vote from below.
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Oooh… I don't know much about LOTR, as surprising as that sounds, hopefully that isn't a problem since the QM has said so.

[X] Transform into a cat. You are, after all, Tevildo, Lord of Cats, and cats are common around here. It will make spying easy. You are able to speak in this form. However, you will need to spend power if you wish to shift back to a humanoid form. (Learn Shapeshifting)

[] Go to one of these sources of power you sense. They could make a good ally… or servant. (I roll to see which one you go to)

At this point, I don't think attempting to befriend the Senshi would work out that well, given that we are still 'evil' and Sauron doesn't seem to be the type to be willing to make concessions for a person he sees as inferior, supposedly. But this has potential in the future, especially with the hijinks we can cause if we take the cat route.

[] Go to one of the monsters you have sensed and try to take the energy it has gathered or if possible make it your servant.

Draws the Dark Kingdom's attention to us, regardless of whether we succeed or fail. I think it'll be best to lay low for now, and act upon this when they're busy fighting the Senshi. Then we can swoop in on a weakened enemy, and the Dark Kingdom will merely think we're advisors to Queen Serenity, like Luna and Artemis. This misdirection will further help our own plans.

[] Try to secure an apartment to live in. You do not need to eat or sleep, but if you can manage to either find the money to rent an apartment or simply convince them to give it to you then it could greatly help your cover.

Doesn't seem necessary when combined with the cat form for the time being, and wholly unnecessary if we do decide to make contact with one of the Senshi and succeed.

[X] Observe the monsters stealing energy, trying not to get noticed. If they notice, offer assistance to them in exchange for learning their secrets.

This should give us many options in the long run, we can betray them if we don't find the Dark Kingdom useful any longer, and it would help speed up our recovery if we can learn their energy gathering technique.
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[x] Transform into a cat. You are, after all, Tevildo, Lord of Cats, and cats are common around here. It will make spying easy. You are able to speak in this form. However, you will need to spend power if you wish to shift back to a humanoid form. (Learn Shapeshifting)
[x] Go to one of the monsters you have sensed and try to take the energy it has gathered or if possible make it your servant.

before we try to make contact with the heroes we should probably try to power up a little in case the meeting goes south
[X] Transform into a cat. You are, after all, Tevildo, Lord of Cats, and cats are common around here. It will make spying easy. You are able to speak in this form. However, you will need to spend power if you wish to shift back to a humanoid form. (Learn Shapeshifting)
[X] Try to secure an apartment to live in. You do not need to eat or sleep, but if you can manage to either find the money to rent an apartment or simply convince them to give it to you then it could greatly help your cover.
I'm not sure it is really possible to do justice to Sauron and his ability to manipulate and plan long term.

That said, he will almost certainly love modern society with our industry and whatnot.
[X] Transform into a cat. You are, after all, Tevildo, Lord of Cats, and cats are common around here. It will make spying easy. You are able to speak in this form. However, you will need to spend power if you wish to shift back to a humanoid form. (Learn Shapeshifting)
[X] Observe the monsters stealing energy, trying not to get noticed. If they notice, offer assistance to them in exchange for learning their secrets.
[X] Transform into a cat. You are, after all, Tevildo, Lord of Cats, and cats are common around here. It will make spying easy. You are able to speak in this form. However, you will need to spend power if you wish to shift back to a humanoid form. (Learn Shapeshifting)
[X] Go to one of these sources of power you sense. They could make a good ally… or servant. (I roll to see which one you go to)
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[x] Transform into a cat. You are, after all, Tevildo, Lord of Cats, and cats are common around here. It will make spying easy. You are able to speak in this form. However, you will need to spend power if you wish to shift back to a humanoid form. (Learn Shapeshifting)
[X] Go to one of these sources of power you sense. They could make a good ally… or servant. (I roll to see which one you go to)

Not really sure why people are voting for both being a cat and getting an apartment. They seem like the most antithetical choices. Like, in order to really use the apartment, we'd need to be in human form which costs us power. Conversely, as a cat, we don't need an apartment because we're an animal and can either live on the streets or con someone into taking us in.

Basically, with those choices, we'd only need an apartment while in human form and we'd only really need to take human form in order to utilize our apartment. Seems like a waste.
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[X] Transform into a cat. You are, after all, Tevildo, Lord of Cats, and cats are common around here. It will make spying easy. You are able to speak in this form. However, you will need to spend power if you wish to shift back to a humanoid form. (Learn Shapeshifting)
[X] Go to one of these sources of power you sense. They could make a good ally… or servant. (I roll to see which one you go to)

Say, if we find Usagi first we could probably get the idiot to do anything we want?
A cat looks harmless and we're VERY good with words
Ah, I wish to do something different. And not spend Power every damn time we want to transform back into a humanoid form.

[X] Go into your Annatar, Lord of Gifts, form. This is a fair, elvish form that will make diplomacy easy with others. However, elves do not exist here and others may become suspicious of you. (Learn Bewitching Voice)
[X] Go to one of these sources of power you sense. They could make a good ally… or servant.

@GilcuruLend given the time Sailor Moon was made, should we assume the Jackson trilogy hasn't come out yet, if it ever will?
[X] Go into your Annatar, Lord of Gifts, form. This is a fair, elvish form that will make diplomacy easy with others. However, elves do not exist here and others may become suspicious of you. (Learn Bewitching Voice)
[X] Go to one of these sources of power you sense. They could make a good ally… or servant.

Ah, I wish to do something different. And not spend Power every damn time we want to transform back into a humanoid form.
You only need to spend a significant amount of power the first time. Afterwards it is much cheaper, though it does indeed cost a little.

@GilcuruLend given the time Sailor Moon was made, should we assume the Jackson trilogy hasn't come out yet, if it ever will?

Yes. This will be taking place in the early 90s.

Edit: Also, I need a tie-breaker vote.
Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Feb 18, 2018 at 3:03 PM, finished with 17 posts and 12 votes.

  • [x] Transform into a cat. You are, after all, Tevildo, Lord of Cats, and cats are common around here. It will make spying easy. You are able to speak in this form. However, you will need to spend power if you wish to shift back to a humanoid form. (Learn Shapeshifting)
    [x] Try to secure an apartment to live in. You do not need to eat or sleep, but if you can manage to either find the money to rent an apartment or simply convince them to give it to you then it could greatly help your cover.
    [X] Go to one of these sources of power you sense. They could make a good ally… or servant. (I roll to see which one you go to)
    [X] Observe the monsters stealing energy, trying not to get noticed. If they notice, offer assistance to them in exchange for learning their secrets.
    [X] Go into your Annatar, Lord of Gifts, form. This is a fair, elvish form that will make diplomacy easy with others. However, elves do not exist here and others may become suspicious of you. (Learn Bewitching Voice)
    [X] Go to one of these sources of power you sense. They could make a good ally… or servant.
    [X] Observe the monsters stealing energy, trying not to get noticed. If they notice, offer assistance to them in exchange for learning their secrets.
    [x] Go to one of the monsters you have sensed and try to take the energy it has gathered or if possible make it your servant.

Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Feb 18, 2018 at 3:49 PM, finished with 17 posts and 12 votes.

  • [x] Transform into a cat. You are, after all, Tevildo, Lord of Cats, and cats are common around here. It will make spying easy. You are able to speak in this form. However, you will need to spend power if you wish to shift back to a humanoid form. (Learn Shapeshifting)
    [x] Try to secure an apartment to live in. You do not need to eat or sleep, but if you can manage to either find the money to rent an apartment or simply convince them to give it to you then it could greatly help your cover.
    [X] Go to one of these sources of power you sense. They could make a good ally… or servant. (I roll to see which one you go to)
    [X] Observe the monsters stealing energy, trying not to get noticed. If they notice, offer assistance to them in exchange for learning their secrets.
    [X] Go into your Annatar, Lord of Gifts, form. This is a fair, elvish form that will make diplomacy easy with others. However, elves do not exist here and others may become suspicious of you. (Learn Bewitching Voice)
    [X] Go to one of these sources of power you sense. They could make a good ally… or servant.
    [X] Observe the monsters stealing energy, trying not to get noticed. If they notice, offer assistance to them in exchange for learning their secrets.
    [x] Go to one of the monsters you have sensed and try to take the energy it has gathered or if possible make it your servant.
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Finding a Teenage Girl
[x] Transform into a cat. You are, after all, Tevildo, Lord of Cats, and cats are common around here. It will make spying easy. You are able to speak in this form. However, you will need to spend power if you wish to shift back to a humanoid form. (Learn Shapeshifting)
[X] Go to one of these sources of power you sense. They could make a good ally… or servant. (I roll to see which one you go to)

Your mind made up, you begin incarnating yourself.

In a back alley, outside the sight of men, a black smoke condenses. It whirls around and towards a center point, a tornado without an eye. Eventually it stops, and there is nothing but a large black cat in its place.

"Meow," you say, walking out the alley. It is time to begin your plans.

You decide it would be best to get some servants first. You first need someone of sufficient power to aid you. You almost go for one of the weaker ones you had found, but decide they wouldn't have the power to truly affect things. As you wander looking for one, you consider the chances this many people with great power would be in a single city. Perhaps it is a meeting place from all across the country.

Or, worryingly enough, it could be that the magic from last time you reincarnated has not diminished but instead is concentrated in fewer people. This might mean that every major city could have a dozen people who are very powerful.

Random encounter?
Roll: 27, Req 90 = None

Eventually you notice one of them inside a building called a Junior High, a sort of educational system for young humans. How inefficient of them, you think, teaching everyone instead of just those who will need it for their labor.

You wait outside it until a bell rings and students come pouring out. One teenage girl who is significantly taller than the rest–though still quite short–exits the building. You can see her Fëa, her soul, shine brighter than the rest of the children's Fëar combined. She clearly has power, more than even most of the Noldor, who are the High Elves and whom were your most persistent enemies.

You stalk her as she leaves the school alone. As a teenage girl, she should be easy to manipulate. Your studies of this world have revealed that all young females like small mammals such as cats. You walk out in front of her.

"Meow." The brown-haired girl looks down and sees you.

"A cat? How strange." She continues on. Just as planned.

"Meow," you say walking beside her. You repeat yourself, and she looks down again.

"Stop following me."

"Meow," you disagree.

She glares at you, then continues her way to a large building.

It is not as tall as your old tower, but it is still much larger than any building built in the Third Age, when your ring was destroyed, which is only further proof that technology will be very useful for your plans if it has helped humans accomplish this much.

She enters a elevator and you follow her inside.

"Shoo! I don't know the policy on pets, but I don't have time to take care of a cat."

You stare at her. "Meow." The elevator doors close. It will not be long now before she succumbs.

"Well, it doesn't look like he has flees. I guess a little while won't hurt." She mutters to herself.

The elevator opens, and she steps out quickly followed by you. She enters one of the doors, before turning around.

"Want some milk?" She asks, bending down and seemingly looking at you with pity. You enter her apartment and look around. What a shameful place to live for someone so powerful.

She pours some milk into a bowl and puts it on the floor. However undignified it may be, you haven't had any food in millennia, and need to keep your cover besides, so you lap it up.

"I really don't have time to take care of a cat… I guess I can just get him out tomorrow," she mutters to herself. It seems she is still resisting. Well, you did not take over Numenor* in a day after all, these things take time. You can simply sneak back in to continue spying on her if she tries to kick you out.

She then sits down at a table and takes a book out. You jump up onto the table to see what she is reading. As you lie down, she begins to pet you. Good, that means she is getting attached.

Hopefully the book details mechanics, though that is admittiably unlikely. More likely is that it relates to her studies, hopefully including this world's magic.

It does not take long for you to realize it is a story. Not even a story detailing history: It is fiction. And the only conflict in the book seems to be two characters loving each other. What a useless book. This does not bode well for her prospects of being a useful servant. You stalk away, causing the girl–whose name you still need to learn–to look up, startled. She goes back to reading soon enough though.

You begin exploring the apartment. She may have something related to her magic here. It would be good to get information on her before revealing yourself, and to decide if you even should reveal yourself to her.

Annoyingly, it does not appear she has anything important. It is a rather small apartment, and you search through the rooms finding nothing interesting. That in itself is interesting.

Eventually you start smelling food. You run into another room and notice she has started cooking. She seems to enjoy it. If cooking well is all she uses her power for, you will be greatly disappointed**.

"Hey there little guy," she says as she finishes cooking and puts her food on the table. She gives you a little piece of chicken which you eat. She seems to examine you more closely.

"You're missing a claw?"

You internally rage. How dare she mention that permanent wound, from when your ring was cut off and your power went into decline. But you manage to stay outwardly calm.


She goes back to eating. You consider what to do next whilst she does so. Eventually she finishes, and gets some papers out from her bag she brought back from her school. Finished with your immediate plans, you act.

[] Talk to her. You do not need a human form for this. (Learns Bewitching Voice, costs 10 P per use)
-[] Convince her to serve you, still calling yourself Tevildo Lord of Cats.
-[] Trick her into thinking you need her help.
--[] Optional: Write-in what you need it for.

[] Sneak out to get an army… of cats. (Learn Invest Will, which allows you to command minions from afar)
-[] At night
-[] During the next day

[] Sneak out to spy on the monster gathering energy. Hopefully you will be able to learn how it does it. (Learn Inspire Fear)
-[] At night
-[] During the next day

[] Follow her to her school. (Learn Illusion)

[] Find another of the people with great power. (Learn Illusion)

[] Write-in

*This refers to when Sauron got captured as a prisoner of war by a kingdom of basically super-humans and then became the Kong's most trusted advisor, converted them to worshipping Morgoth (Similar to the Devil), and doing human sacrifices, forcing Eru (God) to sink their island killing most of them.

**In the LotR verse the distinction between using magic and mundane tasks (usually some sort of craft) is blurry. There isn't really a difference between being very skilled at something and using magic.

AN: You can add the use of any ability in any of the plans to modify it, such as creating a more human form to talk to her in. The options I give you are mostly just suggestions.
Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Feb 18, 2018 at 8:56 PM, finished with 21 posts and 2 votes.

  • -[x] At night
    [x] Follow her to her school. (Learn Illusion)
    [x] Talk to her. You do not need a human form for this. (Learns Bewitching Voice, costs 10 P per use)
    -[x] Trick her into thinking you need her help

Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Feb 18, 2018 at 10:02 PM, finished with 24 posts and 5 votes.

  • [x] Talk to her. You do not need a human form for this. (Learns Bewitching Voice, costs 10 P per use)
    -[x] Trick her into thinking you need her help
    -[x] At night
    [x] Follow her to her school. (Learn Illusion)
[] Sneak out to get an army… of cats. (Learn Invest Will, which allows you to command minions from afar)
-[x] At night
[x] Follow her to her school. (Learn Illusion)
[x] Talk to her. You do not need a human form for this. (Learns Bewitching Voice, costs 10 P per use)
-[x] Trick her into thinking you need her help
out of all the powers bewitching voice sounds like it would be the most useful out of the powers available

we should say that we were once a wizard named gandalf before being transformed into a cat, it will be hilarious.
[x] Talk to her. You do not need a human form for this. (Learns Bewitching Voice, costs 10 P per use)
-[x] Trick her into thinking you need her help
[x] Talk to her. You do not need a human form for this. (Learns Bewitching Voice, costs 10 P per use)
-[x] Trick her into thinking you need her help
[x] Talk to her. You do not need a human form for this. (Learns Bewitching Voice, costs 10 P per use)
-[x] Trick her into thinking you need her help
we should say that we were once a wizard named gandalf before being transformed into a cat, it will be hilarious.
That should be part of your vote then. So your vote would be

[x] Talk to her. You do not need a human form for this. (Learns Bewitching Voice, costs 10 P per use)
-[x] Trick her into thinking you need her help
out of all the powers bewitching voice sounds like it would be the most useful out of the powers available
--[x] Say we were once a wizard named Gandalf before being transformed into a cat

This would still be counted among the other votes that don't include the Gandalf part in relation to other votes, so don't worry about this making your choice more likely to lose.