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Before this Quest begins, I want to mention that @Arthellion's Star Wars: The Chosen One Quest...
Character Generation - 1


Sharp Talons Cleave The Worthy
Before this Quest begins, I want to mention that @Arthellion's Star Wars: The Chosen One Quest inspired me to start a Quest in this system, however, I wanted to make a Fantasy Quest with this idea before that. Seeing him use a D20 system in a Star Wars setting inspired me to check out how D20 works and now I want to try it out and experiment with it. That said, make sure to go and check his Quest out if you haven't.


[] Show Rolls: You get to see how badly the Random Number God fucked you over, or how much of his mercy he has shown you for the time being.
[] Don't Show Rolls: Gives everything a more mysterious feel. You never know when you're actually failing or winning. A hint of realism.

There are many children with potential out in the mortal plane. Each one of them is unique. However, almost all of them remain unaware of the threads of fate that run through the universe. They are the fabric upon which everything is built. And the weave of fate has chosen you and blessed you with a destiny and purpose. You will become a legend.

20 Fate to spend.


[] Human.
[] Orc.
[] Lizardman
[] Elf.
-[] Drow.
-[] Wood Elf.
[] Half-Elf.
[] Half-Orc.
[] Dwarf.
[] Cambion. (-3 Fate.)
[] Nephilim. (-3 Fate.)
[] Demigod. (-10 Fate.)

WEALTH & LIFESTYLE (note: only select the first word, like "wretched" or "royal" to make the vote tally a bit more tolerable to the eyes.)

[] Wretched.
You live in inhumane conditions. With no place to call home, you shelter wherever you can, sneaking into barns, huddling in old crates, and relying on the good graces of people better off than you. A wretched lifestyle presents abundant dangers. (+2 Fate. Gain Trait: Hardened.)

[] Squalid.
You live in a leaky stable, a mud-floored hut just outside town, or a vermin-infested boarding house in the worst part of town. You have shelter from the elements, but you live in a desperate and often violent environment, in places rife with disease, hunger, and misfortune. (Gain Trait: Hardened.)

[] Poor.
A poor lifestyle means going without the comforts available in a stable community. Simple food and lodgings, threadbare clothing, and unpredictable conditions result in a sufficient, though probably unpleasant experience. Your accommodations might be a room in a flophouse or in the common room above a tavern. (-1 Fate.)

[] Modest.
A modest lifestyle keeps you out of the slum. You live in an older part of town, renting a room in a boarding house, inn, or temple. You don't go hungry or thirsty, and your living conditions are clean, if simple. (-2 Fate.)

[] Comfortable.
A comfortable lifestyle means that you can afford nicer clothing and can easily maintain your equipment. You live in a small cottage in a middle-class neighborhood or in a private room at a fine inn. (-4 Fate.)

[] Wealthy.
A wealthy lifestyle means living a life of luxury. You have respectable lodgings, usually a spacious home in a good part of town or a comfortable suite at a fine inn. You likely have a small staff of servants. (-6 Fate.)

[] Aristocratic.
You live a life of plenty and comfort. You move in circles populated by the most powerful people in the community. You have excellent lodgings, perhaps a townhouse in the nicest part of town. You dine at the best restaurants, retain the most skilled and fashionable tailor, and have servants attending to your every need. You receive invitations to the social gatherings of the rich and powerful and spend evenings in the company of politicians, guild leaders, high priests, and nobility. (-8 Fate. Gain Trait: Spoiled.)

[] Royal.
A royal lifestyle means you are literally born into royalty; perhaps the son of the warrior-queen of an island nation, or the beloved daughter of a kind, wise king in the mainland. You are destined for a satisfactory and abundant living where everyone constantly looks to your smallest whims and needs. You can live anywhere you want, be it a royal palace or castle, or simply taking the land from a peasant and building yourself a luxurious vacation manse there. For even a perceived insult, you can order the guards to off the head from the wretched proletariat. (-10 Fate. Gain Trait: Spoiled.)

Name and gender will be decided later in character-creation.

Basically, a D&D Quest, except the QM doesn't know jackshit about D&D and has only barely gotten the hang of the D20 system. This will be fun as shit, I tell you.
Name: Cesimir Ludenwick
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Drow Demigod of Bargaining

Alignment: (The "x" represents the character's position on the axis.)
.-Good - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - Evil
Lawful - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - Chaotic

Level 4
Experience: 4,650
Experience To Level Up: 7,500

Main Profile
Hit Points (Lvl+Con)x2: 16
Magic Points (Lvl+Wis): 6+10+10=26
Armor Class (Lvl+Dex+Con+Str)/3: 4+(14)=18
Initiative: +4
Fate (currently): 6

Strength: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 18 (+4)
Dexterity: 19 (+4)
Wisdom: 16 (+3)
Intelligence: 16 (+3)
Charisma: 17 (+3)

Drow Sign Language
Draconic (Very Poor; only basic phrases)
Telepathy, 15 m.

Willpower (Wis) +2
Athletics (Str) +4
Acrobatics (Dex) +4
Brawl (Str) +7
Fencing (Str) +8
Spear (Str) +2
Blunt (Str) +2
Marksman (Dex) +3
Bluff (Cha) +8
Craft (General) (Int) +2
Craft (Trapmaking) (Int) +2
Craft (Leather) (Int) +4
Persuasion/Diplomacy (Cha) +7
Appraise (Int) +4
Sense Motive (Wis) +6
Intimidate (Cha) +7
Torture (Int) +5
Ride (Dex) +6
Animal Handling (Cha) +4
Arcana (Int) +1
Perception (Wis) +6
Perform (Cha) +4
Legal (Cha+Int) +5
Bartering (Cha) +12
Economics (Int) +4
Politics (Int) +5
Strategy (Int) +7
History [Drow] (Int) +8
History (Int) +5
Swim (Dex) +5
Climb (Dex) +6
Art (Cha) +3
Etiquette (Cha) +3
Survival (Wis) +4
You can cast spells without verbal, somatic, or material components, although in some cases it may be required or useful to do so. You are now a magic caster, using your Wisdom ability modifier for your spells. You do not learn spells from tomes, but rather, learn them through meditation, self-invention, or from other psychic trainers. Learning from spelltomes is still possible, but the rate at which it is done will be hampered, like with any other non-wizard. Removes the division in MP counting. +10 Magic Points. Telepathy, 15m. Read Spells for more effects.

Drow Ex-Agent
Once, you served in the Spider-Queen's army. When encountering an officer of the Drow army or raiding party or an equivalent, make a d20 roll, DC12. Upon success, they know, recognize, and respect you, giving you a +5 modifier to all following interactions unless insulted. Critical failure gives opposite effect. Critical success gives doubled effect.

Son of Business
When bartering, you have an advantage. When bartering, upon a failed roll, you may reroll once automatically.

You can live up to 750 years naturally.

Superior Darkvision
As a Drow, you can see even in pitch darkness, but only in various shades of grey.

Cold-Blooded Manipulator
Upon a successful Bluff check, you gain an advantage on all Charisma-related rolls with the person you manipulated for as long as they don't figure out the bluff.

As a Drow, you can cast Deeper Darkness, Darkfire, Dancing Lights, Darkness, Faerie Fire, Detect Good, Detect Magic, and Levitate at the cost of 1 magical energy for any of them, with no material components required. Your ability modifier for these rolls is Wisdom.

Keen Senses
As a Drow, you receive a +2 to all Perception skill checks. However, when in contact with sunlight, you take a -1 penalty to vision-based perception checks and Attack Rolls.

Magic Resistance
As a Drow, all magical damage is effectively halved. You also have an advantage on all saving rolls from magical effects.

Tel-Quessir Meditation
As a Drow, you take less time to rest properly when sleeping. In addition, instead of normal "sleep" you enter a meditative trance in which you are fully aware of your surroundings, which proves invaluable considering how many assassination attempts would take place otherwise. In addition, you are immune to magical sleep effects and you get +2 to any saving throw against magical enchantment effects.
Wealth: 397 Golden Pieces, 1 Silver Pieces, 9 Copper Pieces.
- Spelltome; "Arcanis Supremus." Grants the user +10MP and doubles regeneration rate. Contains tens of pages of spells to peruse, but none rise above 7th level.
- Arrows, 16.
- A compass.
- Ink and quill.
- Diary. 42 pages, 3 used.
- A kobold bone amulet. No actual magical powers.
- Magical morningstar. Deals 1d4 piercing + 1d4 bludgeoning + 1d10 magical (Force) damage in addition to the strength modifier.
- Mithral, magical saber. Deals 1d8 slashing or piercing damage, as well as 1d10 magical (acid) damage.
- Mithral, magical tri-edge dagger. Deals 1d8 piercing damage, as well as 1d8 magical (Acid) damage, +2 to hit.
- Masterwork handcrossbow. Deals 2d6 piercing damage.
- Quiver of Unlimited Ammo. Contains ordinary bolts for a handcrossbow. Each day at dawn, the quiver regenerates 3d10 bolts and 1d6 special bolts. It can hold up to 50 bolts and 10 poisonous bolts. Its special, poisonous bolts deal 1d20 non-lethal sleep damage that renders the target unconscious for 1d4 hours minus their Constitution modifier. When their modifier exceeds the number of hours rolled, they get an amount of Constitution saving rolls equal to the points of Constitution that exceed the roll, however, if they fail, at least one hour will be remaining.

- Cloak of Stealth. Adds +4 to Stealth rolls when worn.
- Stealth leather armor. AC14, grants an advantage on stealth checks.
- Flash ring. Can be used once per day. On use, it causes a magical flash of light that deals 1d6 nonlethal Thunder damage to opponents standing in 4 meters of range and stuns, deafens, blinds and silences them for three rounds. All other targets in 10 meters of range suffer similar debuffs but they last only two rounds and don't receive Thunder damage.
- Boots of Speed. When these boots' heels are clicked, they grant you magical speed. Walking/running speed is doubled and any creature that makes an attack against you suffers a disadvantage on their roll. This effect lasts up to 100 rounds (10 minutes,) daily. Clicking the heels again disables the effect.
- Bag of Holding. Can hold 250 kilograms of items, not exceeding 64 cubic meters of space while its parameters outside remain the same. Destruction will result in the creation of a hole in space-time that leads to the Astral Plane and all items will be lost.
- Magical ring; "Cruelty of Lolth." Grants 1d4 poison damage to any weapon held in the hand that the ring is worn on. Additionally, the poison lowers the opponent's Strength and Constitution attributes by 5. Lasts for around 3 minutes. A gift from your mother.
- 10 healing tonics. Heals 1d8+2 hit points on use.
- Chariot, drawn by two horses picked from a breed known for high speed. Durable.
- Keelboat from solid wooden construction.
- Personal warhorse with armor.
- Slaves; eight humans, three orcs, eight goblins, three half-elves, six others.
- Residence; large manse in the upper parts of the city.
All of the magic spells that you have memorized.

As a Drow, you can cast Deeper Darkness, Darkfire, Dancing Lights, Darkness, Faerie Fire, Detect Good, Detect Magic, and Levitate at the cost of 1 magical energy for any of them, with no material components required. Your ability modifier for these rolls is Wisdom.

Psychic Senses
Allows you to detect psychic energies, sense auras, their flavor, intensity, and color. Basically, you are a Jedi who senses the dark and light side. You can also sense invisible entities and you see through illusions, as well as sense magic in a range of 40 meters unless concealed. Passive.

Arcanis Supremus: Contains tens of pages of spells. No spell rises above 7th level. There are plenty of spells inside, not listed here and not memorized by you. Instead, you must look inside and read to find a spell.

Prestidigitation (.25MP): Performs a simple magic trick.

Telekinesis: Allows you to lift items with your mind, throw them at enemies, and perform similar maneuvers. Weight, speed, and quantity of items state cost in MP.

Jump: Allows you to jump higher with the MP growing with height. You can also add speed and momentum at varying costs to make deadly leaps across the battlefield.

Psychic Invention: At your mind's whim, you can invent new spells, but their effectiveness may prove doubtful.

Mindcrush (3MP): Deals 3d6 psychic damage to one opponent of your choice. Alternatively, amount of MP spent can be lowered with MP cost.

Charm Creature (1MP): You attempt to charm a single creature. It has a Wisdom saving throw. Upon failure, it considers you a good friend. When the spell ends, it doesn't know it was charmed by you and may in fact still remain friendly.

Suggestion (2MP): You speak (or telepathically convey) roughly up to two or three sentences worth of commands. The creature follows them if it fails a Wisdom saving throw. Creatures can be ordered to perform harmful actions or ones that go against their alignment, but in that case, they receive an additional Wisdom saving throw with an advantage.

Dominate Creature (5MP): You attempt to mentally dominate a single creature. If it fails a Wisdom saving throw, it is fully under your control for 1d4 days. Every six hours, it may retry the Wisdom saving throw.

Enthrall (7MP): You dominate a single creature. If it fails a Wisdom saving throw with an advantage, it is under your control for an hour. Each hour, it may attempt the Wisdom saving throw again without the advantage, but the DC grows by 4 with every such saving throw, until at 40, it becomes impossible to break the spell.
Advanced Defensive Combat Training
+4 to CMD.

Make an additional attack if the first one hits.

Designate one enemy. The designation may be changed. Receive +2AP against that enemy's attacks.

Fighting Style: Bautha Z'hin
Level 1: +1 Dexterity.
Level 2: +1 to hit an enemy who was attacked by an ally in the same round, +1 Dexterity.
Level 3: Receive "Dodge" feat for free.
Level 4: LOCKED.
Level 5: LOCKED.
Level 6: LOCKED.
Level 7: LOCKED.
Level 8: LOCKED.
Level 9: LOCKED.
Level 10: LOCKED.

Fighting Style: Draa Velve
Level 1: +1 Strength.
Level 2: May dual-wield without Strength penalty.
Level 3: May duel-wield weapons that aren't Light.
Level 4: LOCKED.
Level 5: LOCKED.
Level 6: LOCKED.
Level 7: LOCKED.
Level 8: LOCKED.
Level 9: LOCKED.
Level 10: LOCKED.
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Quest Mechanics
Most of the time, I will roll a d20, apply appropriate modifiers and compare the outcome against a DC (difficulty) rating. The typical schtick. Naturally, there are exceptions, like percentile rolls or damage rolls.

Yes, you can write fanfiction. For every 500 words in an omake, you get 1 Fate. The amount of Fate from an omake is doubled if the omake can be (and the QM can be convinced to,) tied into the canon of the story, in which case it will also have IC repercussions. Popularity among players or visible effort put into the omake may also yield additional benefits.


Any more notes on the system and mechanics will be put in here.
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Well, I'm beyond flattered.

[X] Show Rolls: You get to see how badly the Random Number God fucked you over, or how much of his mercy he has shown you for the time being.
[X] Modest
[X] Don't Show Rolls: Gives everything a more mysterious feel. You never know when you're actually failing or winning. A hint of realism.
[X] Half-Elf.
[X] Wealthy.

Saving Fate for the later stuff, but some wealth is a useful power.
[X]Squalid You live in a leaky stable, a mud-floored hut just outside town, or a vermin-infested boarding house in the worst part of town. You have shelter from the elements, but you live in a desperate and often violent environment, in places rife with disease, hunger, and misfortune. (Gain Trait: Hardened.)
[X]Don't Show
Votes will be locked in roughly 24 hours from now, but this timeframe may extend up to 48 hours depending on the quantity of votes submitted.
[X] Show Rolls: You get to see how badly the Random Number God fucked you over, or how much of his mercy he has shown you for the time being.
[X] Modest
Adhoc vote count started by pancakes on Jan 26, 2018 at 3:50 PM, finished with 18 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Show Rolls: You get to see how badly the Random Number God fucked you over, or how much of his mercy he has shown you for the time being.
    [X] Modest
    [X] Don't Show Rolls: Gives everything a more mysterious feel. You never know when you're actually failing or winning. A hint of realism.
    [X] Half-Elf.
    [X] Wealthy.
    [X] Show Rolls: You get to see how badly the Random Number God fucked you over, or how much of his mercy he has shown you for the time being.
    [X] Elf.
    -[X] Drow.
    [X] Wealthy.
    [X] Show Rolls: You get to see how badly the Random Number God fucked you over, or how much of his mercy he has shown you for the time being.
    [X] Half-Elf.
    [X] Wealthy.
    [X]Squalid You live in a leaky stable, a mud-floored hut just outside town, or a vermin-infested boarding house in the worst part of town. You have shelter from the elements, but you live in a desperate and often violent environment, in places rife with disease, hunger, and misfortune. (Gain Trait: Hardened.)
    [X]Don't Show
    [X] Don't Show Rolls: Gives everything a more mysterious feel. You never know when you're actually failing or winning. A hint of realism.
    [X] Demigod. (-10 Fate.)
    [X] Wretched.
    [X] Show Rolls: You get to see how badly the Random Number God fucked you over, or how much of his mercy he has shown you for the time being.
    [x] Half-Orc.
    [x] Squalid.
    [X] Half-Elf.
    [X] Royal.
    [X] Show Rolls: You get to see how badly the Random Number God fucked you over, or how much of his mercy he has shown you for the time being.
    [X] Demigod. (-10 Fate.)
    [X] Wretched. (+2 Fate. Gain Trait: Hardened.)
[X] Show Rolls: You get to see how badly the Random Number God fucked you over, or how much of his mercy he has shown you for the time being.
[X] Elf.
-[X] Drow.
[X] Wealthy.

Draco Malfoy queeeeeeeest.
"My father will hear of this!"
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[X] Show Rolls: You get to see how badly the Random Number God fucked you over, or how much of his mercy he has shown you for the time being.
[X] Half-Elf.
[X] Wealthy.
Plan Why Is A Demi-God Super Poor? Maybe His Daddy's Testing Him ;) ;)
[X] Don't Show Rolls: Gives everything a more mysterious feel. You never know when you're actually failing or winning. A hint of realism.
[X] Demigod. (-10 Fate.)
[X] Wretched.
[X] Show Rolls: You get to see how badly the Random Number God fucked you over, or how much of his mercy he has shown you for the time being.

[x] Half-Orc.
[x] Squalid.
[X] Show Rolls: You get to see how badly the Random Number God fucked you over, or how much of his mercy he has shown you for the time being.
[X] Half-Elf.
[X] Wealthy.
[X] Show Rolls: You get to see how badly the Random Number God fucked you over, or how much of his mercy he has shown you for the time being.
[X] Elf.
-[X] Drow.
[X] Wealthy.


A drow quest!!!!!!
[X] Show Rolls: You get to see how badly the Random Number God fucked you over, or how much of his mercy he has shown you for the time being.

[X] Demigod. (-10 Fate.)

[X] Wretched. (+2 Fate. Gain Trait: Hardened.)
[X] Don't Show Rolls: Gives everything a more mysterious feel. You never know when you're actually failing or winning. A hint of realism.
[X] Half-Elf.
[X] Wealthy.
Let's just see how things are going for now.
Adhoc vote count started by Birdsie on Jan 26, 2018 at 5:11 PM, finished with 19 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Show Rolls: You get to see how badly the Random Number God fucked you over, or how much of his mercy he has shown you for the time being.
    [X] Modest
    [X] Don't Show Rolls: Gives everything a more mysterious feel. You never know when you're actually failing or winning. A hint of realism.
    [X] Half-Elf.
    [X] Wealthy.
    [X] Show Rolls: You get to see how badly the Random Number God fucked you over, or how much of his mercy he has shown you for the time being.
    [X] Elf.
    -[X] Drow.
    [X] Wealthy.
    [X] Show Rolls: You get to see how badly the Random Number God fucked you over, or how much of his mercy he has shown you for the time being.
    [X] Half-Elf.
    [X] Wealthy.
    [X]Squalid You live in a leaky stable, a mud-floored hut just outside town, or a vermin-infested boarding house in the worst part of town. You have shelter from the elements, but you live in a desperate and often violent environment, in places rife with disease, hunger, and misfortune. (Gain Trait: Hardened.)
    [X]Don't Show
    [X] Don't Show Rolls: Gives everything a more mysterious feel. You never know when you're actually failing or winning. A hint of realism.
    [X] Demigod. (-10 Fate.)
    [X] Wretched.
    [X] Show Rolls: You get to see how badly the Random Number God fucked you over, or how much of his mercy he has shown you for the time being.
    [x] Half-Orc.
    [x] Squalid.
    [X] Half-Elf.
    [X] Royal.
    [X] Show Rolls: You get to see how badly the Random Number God fucked you over, or how much of his mercy he has shown you for the time being.
    [X] Demigod. (-10 Fate.)
    [X] Wretched. (+2 Fate. Gain Trait: Hardened.)

Adhoc vote count started by Birdsie on Jan 26, 2018 at 5:11 PM, finished with 19 posts and 13 votes.
Thus far, we have: "Show Rolls," "Wealthy," and "Half-Elf." "Demigod."

Voting will conclude in circa two hours. I'm hoping the players can discuss a bit more and a few more votes can fall in.
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[X] Show Rolls: You get to see how badly the Random Number God fucked you over, or how much of his mercy he has shown you for the time being.
[x] DemiGod
[X] Modest
Character Generation - 2
Show Rolls - You get to see how badly the Random Number God fucked you over, or how much of his mercy he has shown you for the time being.
Demigod. (-10 Fate.)
Wealthy - A wealthy lifestyle means living a life of luxury. You have respectable lodgings, usually a spacious home in a good part of town or a comfortable suite at a fine inn. You likely have a small staff of servants. (-6 Fate.)

Fate Left: 4

Fate has blessed you with a life of fortune. Upon being born, it was clear to everyone around you, that the baby that came to this world was destined for greatness. Your parents were an unlikely match; one was a deity, and the other one a mortal.

You are...

[] Male.
[] Female.

Your parents named you...

[] Write-in. (Name.)

Your mortal parent is a...

[] Human.
[] Orc.
[] Lizardman.
[] Elf.
-[] Drow.
-[] Wood Elf.
[] Half-Elf.
[] Half-Orc.
[] Dwarf.

[] Write-in.

As a demigod, you are the descendant of a god or goddess. Gaian mythology speaks of a triumvirate of Three Great Gods who ruled over the universe in ancient times. These gods were - still are - the law that binds the universe.

Your godly parent is...

[] A greater deity... (-8 Fate.) [LOCKED]
-[] Mithras, Great God of Order.
-[] Veddartha, Great Goddess of Magic.
-[] Torath, Great God of Destruction.

[] A lesser deity of...
-[] Magic.
-[] Death.
-[] Nature.
-[] Love.
-[] Sea.
-[] Fertility.
-[] War.
-[] Trickery.
-[] Knowledge.
-[] Light.
-[] Adventure.
-[] Write-in.

Upon your birth, your godly parent entrusted your caretaking to your mortal parent, who was your...

[] Father.
[] Mother.

By the name of...

[] Write-in. (Parent's name.)

And they are a...

[] Military commander.
[] Rich and influential merchant.
[] Sophisticated artist.
[] Studious scholar.
[] Write-in. (High-class occupation. Don't go overboard with it, but creativity is appreciated and may be rewarded.)

The land you are native to is...

[] Albion. An island nation, teeming with wild dragons, adventurers, knights, lords and barons, intrigue, and kings. The land is currently in a power dispute, trying to find a new, rightful king.
[] Al-Hassad. A desert realm that is rife with treasure and scattered city-states who war amongst each other for influence, power, and arcane might which is important in the local culture.
[] Kvardia. A northern country, where it snows for most of the year. Full of high mountaintops and dangerous landscapes, the land is united only through a force of viking raiders and pirates that declare themselves rulers.
[] Write-in. (Any ideas?)