King's Academy for the Prodigious

[X] The angry delinquent and his violent impulses. It was in the teacher's manual and school's policy that bullying is prohibited. You need to mete the proper punishment upon this boy before he starts hanging around the wrong crowd.
Is the Interactice Terminal's shell from the Greater Self or was it made in this dimension/on campus? Have pets been disappearing? I hope we haven't made any enemies.
On Nexus, yes. And bringing pets on school's ground is against the rules, so if anything went missing it shouldn't be pets. But anyway, the current makeup of Gigi's Interactive Terminal are Monster's meat.
On Nexus, yes. And bringing pets on school's ground is against the rules, so if anything went missing it shouldn't be pets. But anyway, the current makeup of Gigi's Interactive Terminal are Monster's meat.
RIP Rangers, Summoners, and Beast Master-type adventurers. Not allowed to bring their Pets to school :V
[X] The issue of the students bringing out distracting items, like cards and mobile handheld devices, in the middle of class. As an educator you will not tolerate the students being this disrespectful! Well, that was what the teacher's manual recommended for you to do in this situation.
[X] The argument between the pale girl and the glasses wearing boy. This particular scene seemed familiar to you somehow. Ah yes, it was from your studies on romance. It seemed that this couple was having some issues and decided to air out the dirty laundry in public, so to say. However, you were having none of that, not in your classroom at least. That couple should resolve their issue without dragging everyone along with it.

[X] The argument between the pale girl and the glasses wearing boy. This particular scene seemed familiar to you somehow. Ah yes, it was from your studies on romance. It seemed that this couple was having some issues and decided to air out the dirty laundry in public, so to say. However, you were having none of that, not in your classroom at least. That couple should resolve their issue without dragging everyone along with it.
[x] The issue of the students bringing out distracting items, like cards and mobile handheld devices, in the middle of class. As an educator you will not tolerate the students being this disrespectful! Well, that was what the teacher's manual recommended for you to do in this situation.

Mobile phones? The probability of them using those for aidoru gatcha games is too high. This cannot be permitted :V
[X] The argument between the pale girl and the glasses wearing boy. This particular scene seemed familiar to you somehow. Ah yes, it was from your studies on romance. It seemed that this couple was having some issues and decided to air out the dirty laundry in public, so to say. However, you were having none of that, not in your classroom at least. That couple should resolve their issue without dragging everyone along with it.
[x] The eyepatched girl standing on your desk. From your studies on mortals, you knew that standing on furniture was a rude and bad behavior that should be frowned upon. Proper decorums and socially-accepted behaviors must be enforced, lest your students become lowlife scums!
[X] The eyepatched girl standing on your desk. From your studies on mortals, you knew that standing on furniture was a rude and bad behavior that should be frowned upon. Proper decorums and socially-accepted behaviors must be enforced, lest your students become lowlife scums!
[x] The eyepatched girl standing on your desk. From your studies on mortals, you knew that standing on furniture was a rude and bad behavior that should be frowned upon. Proper decorums and socially-accepted behaviors must be enforced, lest your students become lowlife scums!
[X] The angry delinquent and his violent impulses. It was in the teacher's manual and school's policy that bullying is prohibited. You need to mete the proper punishment upon this boy before he starts hanging around the wrong crowd.

Violence will be met with tentacles
Welp, gonna call votes in 12 hours. Update is probably gonna be a little late, gonna be a bit busy tonight and tomorrow's night.
[X] The issue of the students bringing out distracting items, like cards and mobile handheld devices, in the middle of class. As an educator you will not tolerate the students being this disrespectful! Well, that was what the teacher's manual recommended for you to do in this situation.

Yeah, everything else seems fine, a girl trying to make others hear, a couple having a love afair, two fellas having a nice discussion... But when I'm in class, you can't be distracted! I'm enough distraction for everyone :V
I'm gonna point out now that class hasn't actually started yet. Technically speaking, unless these people refuse to put things away once we start class, they haven't actually done anything against the rules.

The Chuuni is on our desk though, and so must be disciplined. Oh and the bullying thing might also be important I don't know.

But the Chuuni is the actual problem here.
I'm gonna point out now that class hasn't actually started yet. Technically speaking, unless these people refuse to put things away once we start class, they haven't actually done anything against the rules.

The Chuuni is on our desk though, and so must be disciplined. Oh and the bullying thing might also be important I don't know.

But the Chuuni is the actual problem here.

And we don't know any of that :D We have no common sense and thus we can choose freely what to do and still be in-character /o/
[X] The angry delinquent and his violent impulses. It was in the teacher's manual and school's policy that bullying is prohibited. You need to mete the proper punishment upon this boy before he starts hanging around the wrong crowd.