Xantalos Feb 27, 2017 Hmm. It seems either my graphics card or my motherboard itself is fried. Luckily I have all relevant documents on a USB if the latter.
Hmm. It seems either my graphics card or my motherboard itself is fried. Luckily I have all relevant documents on a USB if the latter.
EVA-Saiyajin Feb 24, 2017 So can he like, make threadmarks of his own, or are you the only one able to do it as the thread creator?
So can he like, make threadmarks of his own, or are you the only one able to do it as the thread creator?
Xantalos Feb 22, 2017 Laptop's getting looked at day after tomorrow, so I've been doing some notes in the meantime. There's a way for the 'good guys' to win now!
Laptop's getting looked at day after tomorrow, so I've been doing some notes in the meantime. There's a way for the 'good guys' to win now!
Xantalos Feb 17, 2017 From a Dead World's still my priority writing-wise - Respect Your Elders should be an interesting collab though.
From a Dead World's still my priority writing-wise - Respect Your Elders should be an interesting collab though.
Xantalos Feb 13, 2017 O.O Haven't read a book in too long. That post-book marathon high... it's an irreplaceable feeling.
Xantalos Feb 5, 2017 Right, time to get to work on turn 2. Just need to determine what the rest of the world was doing...
Xantalos Feb 3, 2017 Well over 19k in and the ogres are done! Now it's just Estalia and I'm all done.
EVA-Saiyajin Feb 1, 2017 Is it alright if I write the reasons for keeping Sleek alive now if I put it in a spoiler?
Xantalos Jan 29, 2017 We're cresting 17k now. With luck I'll manage to get the ogre section done soon. The rest will go smoothly.
We're cresting 17k now. With luck I'll manage to get the ogre section done soon. The rest will go smoothly.
Xantalos Jan 28, 2017 Huh, the Mountains of Mourne are an actual mountain range in Ireland. I don't feel so bad about being unoriginal with naming things now, GW.
Huh, the Mountains of Mourne are an actual mountain range in Ireland. I don't feel so bad about being unoriginal with naming things now, GW.
EVA-Saiyajin Jan 25, 2017 Holy crap, Sleek Sharpwit is the same Sleek Sharpwit I'm in ever growing admiration of? And not dead? Holy cramp I need to write up why he's one to be kept alive. I've been reading Headtaker see, and Sleek is kind of awesome for a Skaven.
Holy crap, Sleek Sharpwit is the same Sleek Sharpwit I'm in ever growing admiration of? And not dead? Holy cramp I need to write up why he's one to be kept alive. I've been reading Headtaker see, and Sleek is kind of awesome for a Skaven.
Xantalos Jan 25, 2017 Thanks, Dragon Age 2. You were a fun game. Except for Anders and Isabela, but that's not important. On to Inquisition, then.
Thanks, Dragon Age 2. You were a fun game. Except for Anders and Isabela, but that's not important. On to Inquisition, then.
EVA-Saiyajin Jan 24, 2017 https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/the-eternal-realm-warhammer-dwarf-dynasty-quest.35630/ If you're interested.
https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/the-eternal-realm-warhammer-dwarf-dynasty-quest.35630/ If you're interested.
Xantalos Jan 23, 2017 And there's done the plague! Now it's just the ogres and ... that's Cathay. Huh, that was quicker than I thought it'd be.
And there's done the plague! Now it's just the ogres and ... that's Cathay. Huh, that was quicker than I thought it'd be.
Xantalos Jan 22, 2017 Writing for Pestilens is really turning out to be fun as hell. It's interesting to go into the theology of their plagues and why they do it.
Writing for Pestilens is really turning out to be fun as hell. It's interesting to go into the theology of their plagues and why they do it.
Xantalos Jan 20, 2017 Man, making Nipponese names without blatantly ripping off historical figures is difficult. ...ah fuckit, that'll do fine.
Man, making Nipponese names without blatantly ripping off historical figures is difficult. ...ah fuckit, that'll do fine.
Xantalos Jan 16, 2017 And finally got that dang scene written out to a reasonable standard. Onward to Nekehara!
Xantalos Jan 14, 2017 How do people summarize events in such small amounts of words? Scene why you so long you're only 2 authority
How do people summarize events in such small amounts of words? Scene why you so long you're only 2 authority
Xantalos Jan 13, 2017 Man I wish I knew the slightest thing about military tactics. Ah well, if it looks cool enough it doesn't matter if it's stupid RLwise
Man I wish I knew the slightest thing about military tactics. Ah well, if it looks cool enough it doesn't matter if it's stupid RLwise
Xantalos Jan 10, 2017 Approximately 8400 words in at the moment, and I should be done in the Vaults relatively soon. I might even be done before January ends!
Approximately 8400 words in at the moment, and I should be done in the Vaults relatively soon. I might even be done before January ends!
Xantalos Jan 7, 2017 Ah, it's an excellent feeling to make progress, even if I mistakenly stay up far too late. Dark Lands done, at ~7.5k words total! Onward!
Ah, it's an excellent feeling to make progress, even if I mistakenly stay up far too late. Dark Lands done, at ~7.5k words total! Onward!
Still need to figure that one result facet out though. Maybe it'll become more clear once I fully determine where all your unassigned heroes are going, I've been making sporadic progress on that. Should give me a better idea of what'd be happening in that particular bit.