• Under the presupposition that my computer spontaneously shitting its pants and shutting down didn't delete all my work, update incoming soonish
    Writing this update with lizardmen doing Ye Olde Englishe dialogue may have been a mistake
    Why is there so much Johnny Bravo porn in the Samurai Jack fanfic section
    The question mark was deliberately omitted to show existential despair. And I wasn't even looking for porn, I just wanted to find this one Samurai Jack fanfic I read like 5 years ago O.O
    Bummer man.
    Eh, I found the fanfic eventually (one of exactly two Jack fanfics in existence that I've found so far that are tasteful, well-written, and not filled with smut) so it wasn't all bad.
    *reads past writings* I Must Develop A Time Machine To Shoot My Younger Self In The Face For These Heinous Crimes I Have Committed
    Word Crimes are, in fact, quite integral to the statehood of writership.
    I'm glad you feel at least somewhat better.
    Nix's Warden
    Nix's Warden
    Not to be rude man, do you have any ETA of when the chapter is gunna be posted, I don't mind waiting but now that you've said its basically finished I'm jittery and checking the site every 5 minutes to see if it dropped.
    Don't have an exact ETA, but I'd guess maybe... 5 days? Trying not to low-ball it - I'll post another status once I get it back from my beta.
    Getting close to finishing. Almost done ork section, and the mind fog part is one I've had a vision of for a while, so should go quickly.
    *writes one paragraph after like 3 weeks of inactivity* I AM UNSTOPPABLE
    Nix's Warden
    Nix's Warden
    And this is why I guessed around June 28th for the update release. P R E D I C T A B L E
    It is odd how the way my muse works cycles like that. It goes from total stillness to a crawl to a jog to a breakneck sprint over a 2 to 3 month period, adjusted depending on the type of writing I'm doing.
    ...yeah, looks like lizardquest is in for a large update. 2.5k in and I've completed all of two research options.
    But don't hurt yourself (or us), it's not necessary for every thing to be big and detailed and expansive such that each bit is a tiny story.
    Chamon priests and guns, it was necessary to go into a fair bit of detail for them.
    Made some skavenquest progress for the first time in a long while. Surprisingly easy to flow with it once I get going.
    Yup, this is gonna be a big update. Topping 6000 words and I'm only just getting to the ork part.
    I got so used to your Ancient Aliens avatar vis a vis Skaven. All hail Count Duckula the Enormous!
    All things must end, and Ancient Aliens Guy is preparing himself for his transition into side-characterdom. Qwæk Duckula will reign long and prosperously.
    Me: I should spend this free time before bed writing! That'd be a nice and sensible idea that would get me closer to finishing this update.
    Apparently there's gonna be a book 5 in the Inheritance Cycle at some point in the distant future. With this news a fragment of the hype I felt as a wee fetus has been returned to my flesh
    Huh. I remember how utterly enamored I was with that series as a child. Probably would have enjoyed Inheritance (book 4) a bit more if they'd got it out when I was still in lower school.

    What's an AmA?
    It's the one and only fictional thing I've ever cosplayed for. Yes, a random-ass book series.

    Ask Me Anything, those reddit interviews people do sometimes.
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