Winged Knight

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  • NemiTheNen
    Very, it's so nice and fast and smooth as a baby's bottom over here.

    I don't know why, but the shiney new forum is making me think of restarting Lovehammer.
    Winged Knight
    Winged Knight
    I'm glad you've been all right.

    Might be neat. Would it continue from the standard universe, or perhaps be an AU? There's still a lot that could be done with what's been hashed out so far. Heh. This reminds me I've got stories to update for Lovehammer back on SB, actually. I really should get to that.
    Probably not a continuation since I didn't follow it to the end. I dropped right the fuck out of it when Djibriel accused me of running Mamoru/Shields as a Sue.

    Stunning levels of hypocrisy make me ill.

    (A tendency towards being Over Powered, and maybe in need of pruneing, I'd concede. But his sailor crystal/star seed is in the same category as Metallia's and Usagi's.)
    Okay, I realize that this is going to seem random but you're the only poster on this forum I know who actually has extended experience with Legend of the 5 Rings and I'm trying to set up a game. I've never actually done the GM thing before so could you possibly hopefully give some help/advice?
    Winged Knight
    Winged Knight
    I'd be happy to! If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to send me a wire.
    Decided to just transfer the story chapters of Fate/Once More over. The omakes can remain as links for now. It felt too clunky otherwise.
    How's the new place treating you so far?
    Winged Knight
    Winged Knight
    Quite well, all told. I'll likely post both here and on SB, hopefully getting at least a little more exposure for my writing. How about you?
    Orion Nexus
    Orion Nexus
    Still a little small for my tastes, but I'm following some BROBs that used to be on SB mostly.
    Speak of the Devil is completely transferred. Now I've just got to organize getting all of Fate/Once More and its omakes over here.
    Still in the process of moving everything over. The first pages of my story threads are pretty much going to be walls of text...
    So you've decided to set up a fall back as well?
    Winged Knight
    Winged Knight
    Indeed. If things go really south, I want options. And even if events don't go awry, a chance for more exposure for my stories is nice too.
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