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  • I`ve noticed you have new avatar, it is very cute))
    But i don`t recognize character on picture.
    Veloce Visrin, Carciphona manga. A very good read, though this one comes from an early art of her as a child. Art of older Veloce lines up with some of Eye's character development quite nicely.
    Thief of Words
    Thief of Words
    I keep having to remind myself that Veloce isn't a guy because of her bishie fashion sense.
    Greetings, Great-Winged-Angel of the questioning.
    It is I, the cactus who is also a lizard.
    I have arrived to share a hug!
    I spun the bottle and it pointed at you. On the sliding scale of internet acquaintance, that means you get a big hug if you want one.
    Yes please. *HUGS!*
    Czlyydwr Llrngwl
    Czlyydwr Llrngwl
    If there's anything I'm confident in, it's the ability to give big, warm, cuddly hugs to people I like. d<(^_^)>b
    Hey Eye, who's your new avatar supposed to be?
    Alice Liddle by Logan Cure (this particular pic has quite a few sfw and nsfw variations, so google that stuff instead of asking for a link)
    One of these days I'm going to actually be able to make a promise and keep it.
    Might not be working on TLI right now, but have been working on Noelle Quest (Hope is an Anchor, Hellgodsrus's Travellers-centric quest) and a very... interesting take on a story featuring Eye... from everyone else's POV. It's amazing fun to work on and there's been lots of positive reactions from the Beta readers, so I'm looking forward to releasing it at some point.
    Take all the time you need.
    Ok. I think Taylor Beats Up Nazis Impact: Interlude 1 is about the best single chapter I've ever read. All the likes. Forever.
    I'm constantly surprised by the amount of praise Taylor Beats Ups Nazis gets. All I can say is I hope my other works live up to that greatness - though, fair warning, they probably will for different reasons.
    Finally caught back up with TLI. Dang, picked a heckuva time for a hiatus eh? Anyway, all the hugs! ... I should go.
    I dunno, tbh. That being said, feedback is always wonderful :p Anything in particular stand out for you?
    Eheh... I'm much better at pointing out flaws, of which none are really coming to mind at the moment. If I like something I just, well, like it...I guess your dialogue and characters are fun and engaging?
    Though on a completely different track, I've seen a couple omakes involving a bunch of tiny/chibi Eyes, and I'd love to see all the fun/trouble they could get get into beyond the short one shots they're involved in. Just as some fluff when the fluff must flow.
    Keep getting sudden strings of likes on Taylor Beats Up Nazis (And Some Other Guys). Has it been getting linked somewhere, or...?
    If anyone's wondering about the status of Totally Losing It, it's 'on hold because one of the authors is unavailable'. Back in August.
    I don't suppose we might get some random updates for Totally Winging It in the meantime? Maybe just showing some of the noodle incidents in TLI.
    Hmm... maybe? But probably not. We haven't got anything like that planned out.
    I'm eagerly awaiting Endbringer Taylor shenanigans. <3
    Y'know that feeling when the document crashes and you lose several hours of unsaved work? Now imagine that ten times, once an hour.
    I tend to use google docs for writing. Cloud + auto-save as you write is a bit of a lifesaver.
    Aye that it is, it's just I'm not too comfortable with my degenerate and filthy handholding stories being on our googly overlords servers so eh, personal preference I suppose.
    Given 99.99% of my writing these days is done in collaboration with @hellgodsrus, it really is invaluable.

    And anyways, if our googly overlords want to read any of the stuff I've written, they can afford to pay for their own brain bleach.
    Wasted six hours on the Keep making a tapestry. Wasted 20 hours ingame because I loaded the wrong fucking one. FML. Curl up and regret time
    Go on trip for sole reason of enjoying swimming in hotpools. Forget swimwear.
    Can hire: nothing is long sleeves. Need long sleeves because my skin's bad enough I'm worried about getting kicked out because open wounds. Could buy: if I could find anything and have eighty fucking dollars to spare... which I don't, believe it or not.
    Windows had a big update aND FUCKED UP EVERYTHING
    Anybody know what the fuck "microsoft windows search filter host" is and how the get ti to calm the fuck down?


    I haven't received any such windows update... then again, I never use Chrome...
    There was a windows update. I ended up rolling back. Nothing to do with chrome beyond the update changing a few settings in it
    Well, as uncomfortable as I am over the Mantle issue, I feel a lot better about it now than I did last week.
    I didn't know where to post about it anymore, so I figured here would be as good a place as any. I really liked what Ford did laying out their intentions - I think controversial issues would go a lot smoother if all sides could do something like that. I hope the future of SV and it's content hosting is as bright as the final impressions I got from that thread.
    Though I am left wondering how far is okay, in terms of explicit content, before a tag is required. Thinking about making a public thread somewhere to ask the staff questions like this - public so that the staff don't get swamped with reiterations of it every time someone else thinks to ask.
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