Lordsservent Nov 21, 2015 Hi wdago, I know we haven't met before, but would you mind doing an interview that involves your coffee shop?
Hi wdago, I know we haven't met before, but would you mind doing an interview that involves your coffee shop?
Oh I am slain! Nov 15, 2015 Slowly catching up on Equilibrium. I'm now time-travelling in August. \o/
Limstar Oct 22, 2015 Hey hello fellow jakarta resident! I've actually seen your coffee shop but I didn't come in, haha. Good luck with the business btw. Are you in HIPMI or TDA? Ignore this if it's too stalkerish, wkwk.
Hey hello fellow jakarta resident! I've actually seen your coffee shop but I didn't come in, haha. Good luck with the business btw. Are you in HIPMI or TDA? Ignore this if it's too stalkerish, wkwk.
Zen Sep 6, 2015 So stalking the most recent entries on your chat thread, I see you're opening a coffee shop? Good luck with it!
So stalking the most recent entries on your chat thread, I see you're opening a coffee shop? Good luck with it!
Pensive Rumination Aug 25, 2015 In your fanfiction account, raiding the fav list for new stuff to read. Thanks ahead of time!
shadenight123 Aug 18, 2015 Minus 16, wdango. Minus 16. Can you feel it? Can you feel me creeping closer!? It is time, wdango! it is time! MWAUHWMAUHAUAHU!
Minus 16, wdango. Minus 16. Can you feel it? Can you feel me creeping closer!? It is time, wdango! it is time! MWAUHWMAUHAUAHU!
wdango Aug 12, 2015 There is beauty in strength, and there is beauty in weakness, and there is beauty in that which preserves and protects fragility.
There is beauty in strength, and there is beauty in weakness, and there is beauty in that which preserves and protects fragility.
shadenight123 Aug 11, 2015 I'm coming for you, wdango~ You can't escape me~ Soon, very soon. I'm drawing near~
wdango Jul 30, 2015 You are Judas, the traitor, and there is no salvation for you, so know despair in your heart, and suffer for the rest of eternity.
You are Judas, the traitor, and there is no salvation for you, so know despair in your heart, and suffer for the rest of eternity.
RazorBlaxe May 17, 2015 Poke. Why? Dunno. Just woke up. Felt likes you needed to be poke or the universe will discombobulated or something if I don't. So, POKE. ALL THE POKES DAMNIT. ALL THE MOTHERFRACKING POKES.
Poke. Why? Dunno. Just woke up. Felt likes you needed to be poke or the universe will discombobulated or something if I don't. So, POKE. ALL THE POKES DAMNIT. ALL THE MOTHERFRACKING POKES.
Nanimani May 17, 2015 Wow. I've posted more than half as much as you. Much less ratings, though. Hum. This says something.
ebolasos Apr 28, 2015 So wdango.....you should watch Boku no pico Its a nice short anime that i think you'll like.