Ttw1 Jul 26, 2017 Was temp banned on spacebattles for an unknown reason and an unknown amount of time.
Ttw1 Jul 10, 2017 I'm thinking of running for president in 2060 and starting various gofundme pages for that purpose, but it is so far into the future (1/2)
I'm thinking of running for president in 2060 and starting various gofundme pages for that purpose, but it is so far into the future (1/2)
Morphic Tide Jun 7, 2017 Well, hello, mister Likebomber. Might you be willing to actually reply to my thread? SV has no thread necromancy, so it's entirely valid.
Well, hello, mister Likebomber. Might you be willing to actually reply to my thread? SV has no thread necromancy, so it's entirely valid.
Ttw1 Jun 3, 2017 I've taken an engineering class that taught me how to draft, use AutoCAD, and use AutoDesk Inventor. ∴ I know how to use protractors, (1/2)
I've taken an engineering class that taught me how to draft, use AutoCAD, and use AutoDesk Inventor. ∴ I know how to use protractors, (1/2)
Ttw1 Apr 21, 2017 My weird tastes are described generally in this post
My weird tastes are described generally in this post
Firebird Zoom Apr 18, 2017 Do not mess with the Firebird, I have already gained a reputation as a very proficient likebomber on another forum. Do not push me.
Do not mess with the Firebird, I have already gained a reputation as a very proficient likebomber on another forum. Do not push me.