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  • TH-sama! There's been a long and distant cry of thousands of russian readers that can't read english even if their lives depended on it! They've spent their lives without the blinding brilliance of...
    May I have your permission to start translating Halkegenia Online into russian?
    I've just finished reading HalO and I really enjoyed it.Its one of my favorites crossover fanfiction.Now I really want to know how Mortimer will handle albion's invasion.I would like to ask is there any plans for v4 of HalO
    If I can ever break out of my funk.
    Tun Tun
    Tun Tun
    I hope you can and I'll be waitimg for v4
    Aye, I'm still in the midst of V2, but what I've read already has made me a fan of yours, TH~
    The revelation of who Saito was came at the most hilariously opportune time for me, though I'll admit I was guessing he'd be an Undyne Swordsman, so a joke could be made about his Undyne/Undying Loyalty. Ahh well, it ended as it did, and it was satisfying either way. Keep it up, in any work you do~! ^_^/)
    I found HalO last Saturday, and have now read v1, v2 and Melancholy Heart on Just wanted to say I'm really enjoying it so far. :)
    I was going to start with the refactored v3, but I was wondering whether the version is refactored or not? I vaguely remember you saying in an Authors Note that you posted them to FF after revising them, but I just wanted to confirm before reading.
    The FF versions are not the Refactored ones.
    Sorry to be a bother, but I was wondering, would it be OK to borrow some of Halk O's characters/world building/inspiration for a snippet I am trying to write?
    I've been receently referred by a friend to your story Hekelgenia online. Are the three different listed 'versions' revisions of the story wholesale? Or more along the line of books 1 2 and 3?
    Books 1 2 and 3.

    Refactored denotes the mostly finalized version of each volune
    Happy birthday!
    Bleh, don't remind me. :(

    Also, heads up, I accidentally hit the report button.
    I'm just salty about losing two and a half years of time to depression rather than writing HalkO. I'll probably be thirty by the time I finish now T_T
    I haven't read halkgenia online in a while and now I'm lost. What's this 3.0 refactored thing?
    It's a drastically shortened and edited version of v 3.0 with spellchecking. I'm halfway through with doing the same to v1.0 but suffering from writer's block and some personal things right now.
    Ooops. Your question reminded me that I haven't participated in spellcheck since the new year began. Kind of got greedy and picked up more translation projects, and now I'm bogged down. Sorry for being useless.
    Man it's been a long time since I looked in on your work... I still need to catch back up on Halk Online
    Hey, man. Just want to say how awesome your story is. That said, I saw your Story Only thread. Why don't you ask the Mods to move it to the Archive Section of the forum? It's there for a reason.
    We are starting to (really) miss you in the HaLO threads. My suggestion, go in, look around, and declare it National Cheese Day, act like Monty Python, and then exit, stage left. Just to confuse the hell out of them while also showing you're still there.
    It happens. Keep the writing ball going and you should be able to get into the mood after a while, unfortunately for me I only get that when I'm drawing, not writing.
    Sakuya's Butler
    Sakuya's Butler
    What Exsequens said. Its more insidious then writer's block.
    I didn't make the progress I wanted to today either. But at least I'm writing again. I think what I need is to get myself on a clean break.
    One of the main reasons people don't like it when you misgender characters is because many people have to deal with being misgendered in real life, and they don't want to be reminded of that when they're just talking about webcomics on a forum.
    In this case I'm going to stand my ground and say yes. I'm satisfied with the fact that when it really matters I'd be on your side. But this isn't one of those times. That's all the more I'm going to say about it.
    Alright. I'd rather not push this into a debate either.
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