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  • Hey sorry I deleted my post in the RoP thread to rewrite a portion of it. If u wanna re-quote and re-reply to it, to maintain the order of discussion, I can respond then
    I'll try to do that once I see your rewrite.
    Hey! I've been re reading bits of Refactored as you drop them on I'm glad that you and the story are both kinda still alive, though at this point I'm more curious about any hypothetical new projects you might or might not be working on.

    I hope you've been well these last few years.
    Hi! tbh i think True Scrins being extragalactic show in Tiberium Wars cinematic/Kane`s Wrath ending makes them seems very old.
    As you just did a chapter dump on us for HalkO, let me say this...


    Ahem, that is all.
    I mean it's just official dropping the ROI sidestory. But I am working on something new with Anzerke
    Sakuya's Butler
    Sakuya's Butler
    That's still a reason to SQUEE!!! as it were.
    Well you can always pm me

    my door is always closed but people kick it down anyways :D
    Hey Triggerhappy, I want to start reading Halkegenia Online but I'm a bit confused by all the threads and such, do you have a recommended place to start? Thanks.
    You're gonna want to go to the archive section of creative writing and find the 'refactored' versions. It has the most up to date version of the story with the best grammar and spell checking. Not to mention it is the most in line with future planned rewrites if I ever get back to it.
    Cool, thank you.
    hey, wanted to ask how you were doing. we on the HalkO were getting a little worried since things seem to have gone silent. hope nothing IRL has gone bad for you.
    Is that a drawing of a gay chef that you are using as your profile picture? It has a very yaoi-esque aesthetic to it.
    . . .


    It's Alexander Hamilton from the Hamilton animatics on youtube.

    The quote beneath the avatar is also a verse from the song 'Non Stop' on the Hamilton soundtrack.
    Ah, okay. It was a good guess though. I have a lot of fujoshi friends, so I recognise an uke when I see one.
    . . .

    TH, something happened to the paragraphs in the chapter two you just posted. There are jumps to the next line in the middle of sentences.
    Yeah, I'm aware. Tying to fix it manually.
    Feel free to go over it yourself if it still looks wrong. I've just about gone cross eyed for the day.
    Can there not be peace between webcomic fox boys and smug anime catgirls?
    Is is just me. Or are you changing your avatar hella often?
    I did it once like a week ago and once earlier today, but I had my old-old one for significantly longer.

    That's nothing on 3 years ago when sometimes I changed it multiple times a day :p
    Hey, TH. So, I recently came across the web serial, The Wandering Inn. I'd suggest checking it out. It shares a lot of similarities with HalkO.

    (But honestly, HalkO is a better story with a better premise. The huge success of TWI makes me wonder what could have been in HalkO if you'd continued and/or spun it off into an original story).
    Honestly it doesn't interest me much. Also, I don't know if HalkO is dead just yet.
    Diablo Snowblind
    Diablo Snowblind
    I hope to see HalkO come back to life soon, then.

    The LitRPG genre in general is something you should consider closely looking into.
    I noticed you have a new avatar.

    Let me be frank:

    It. Is. CREEPY.
    If I may make a few guesses: 1.) Uncanny Valley 2.) Asymmetric facial features 3.) The huge ears are more bat-like than fox-like
    I don't think that's what uncanny valley means since nobody is going to mistake my avatar as anything but a cartoon drawing. Could be the eyes looking head on though. Since it creates the impression of looking straight at the viewer. When you say asymmetric features, do you mean how the face is a little misaligned (I'm aware, not some of my best work) but I didn't think it would be noticeable in an avatar portrait.
    Yeah, looking at it again, it might be the very wide-eyed stare that unnerves people. And by wide-eyed, I mean the iris is fully revealed+a bit more sclera shown, which gives the character an intense/unhinged impression. IRL, a normal eye would only have 2/3rd to 4/5th of the iris shown.
    TH-sama! There's been a long and distant cry of thousands of russian readers that can't read english even if their lives depended on it! They've spent their lives without the blinding brilliance of...
    May I have your permission to start translating Halkegenia Online into russian?
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