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  • Fudge. Time to take the comp to the shop on monday. No clue why I get random reboots, but might be a software thing I'm missing. -_-
    @TikiTau sorry to bug you but I was wondering if your Dwarf quest has had any progress?
    I feel yeah grimdark sucks but at least in a quest you can control the direction to not be grimdark.

    Is the feeling so bad that you might give up on the quest and put it up for adoption?
    Dunno if I'm tot hat point yet, I still feel rather possessive of Kurzak and his antics, but it's currently at the point of 'ugh, need to update, what a chore', which is not generally conducive to writing.

    Taking advantage of that TOR 12x class quest xp boost isn't helping. *lightsaber noises*
    Well take whatever time you need and look forward to when you return to the quest for Dorf fun.
    ...so I accidentally upgraded to Windows 10. Well, seems alright so far! (clicked the wrong button, y'see)
    how is windows 10 working out for you? thinking of upgrading myself but im not sure if I trust it.
    well, nothing's caught on fire yet? Only real 'glitch' was I had to install the newest Nvidia drivers, and they were a little twitchy to install (Chrome didn't want to admit my java was up to date). Fixed that with GeForce Experience, seems fine so far.
    That happened to me to lol
    Quasi Hiatus for Grudges and Glory. Too scatter-brained/stressed due to work/real life/etc. Update next month barring a random Muse Attack.
    Thanks for giving us a heads up!
    Eh. Only seemed fair. I actually had results and stuff rolled up for the turn, just Too Much Real Life right now to sit down and try to poke the silly viking dwarf quest. *shrug* It'll ease off next month, I think, so i might get my muse back.
    How is your life treating you these days? Giving you any time to work on the update perchance?
    you know it is days like today that I remember I technically live in a subtropical swamp. *eyes Yet More Damn Rain* blah. -_-
    So, how is the next update coming along?
    Pretty much in perpetual limbo at the moment. Had enough RL stuff (Storms, work, etc) happen over last few months that I just kinda lost the momentum, haven't really had much luck getting it back.

    Or, to steal Blizzard's line: It'll be done when it's done. :p
    Aww. :(

    Well, I hope you get your muse back for it soon. Tis far too awesome a quest to die out, y'see.
    I lied! :D
    Hey Tiki, mind if I throw an Omake in the Glory and Grudges thread sometime? I know SV doesn't have a hard and fast rule about necroing threads but I figured I should get your permission first.
    Got it, thanks.
    Is the Wrath of Morgrim generally the only kind of cannon the Norscan dwarfs have or do they also make smaller ones?
    Eh, haven't really decided, I'm afraid. Hmm. Suppose it is more common than the standard field gun. So you'll have some field guns, but I suppose Norscans tend to make fewer, but larger, cannons and tend to use them defensively, as opposed to the Southerners making larger numbers of cannon.
    Eeesh. Got through storms OK down here in Houston, but dear god, spare some positive vibes for some of those unlucky few along Brays Bayou..
    Seriously, weather, you can take your storms and bugger off. Go to California. They'd like this much water. We've had enough down here, kthx
    Bloody hell, I wish the rain down here would muck off. Houston's enough of a swamp without 20ish days of rain straight.
    All I Want To Be In Gunstar Autochtonia Is A Jade-Caste Macross-class Battlestar. Is that so wrong? :3
    *tries to shoo plot bunny away* Nuuu, I don't know enough to write Worm CYOA Cyberpunk Tinker (Ala Ghost in the Shell, Appleseed.) Stoppit!
    *eyes weather* well, fuck you too, Posideon. Fuck you too. Sigh. Water clean up on day off, yay!
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