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  • We rare and few Dwarven Sver's are watching your quest with much interest. The Cross may know more of the Esoteric Lore's, SSS and his schools of magic, and Altran studies of the dark when comes to the lore of all things stout and strong none may match us. We will be watching.
    *snickers into his ale*
    In all seriousness I play drawaves and have for a good long time so I am happy to see someone finally doing them justice. Though there is a rather large lack of our northern breathen these days and most of the old has drifted clearly in to the none cannon territory.
    Lack of lore I think my tablets auto correct ate that.
    Turn 1 DorfQuest Results Update Done! Yaaaaaay! *faceplant* Unit Requires Additional Cider.
    aflejaklfjeak typppiiing *faceplant* Results Update for dwarf quest will be when it happens Sometime tomorrow.
    Day's slamming me. May not be home to update Glory and Grudges for a bit. Looks like Runesmith/Blacksmith was winning, last time I checked.
    A Nation's Virtue
    A Nation's Virtue
    Untrue. Attrative and Runesmith are what's winning right now.

    ...totally. Yeah.

    Nice try. I've got a vote counter program. >:|
    In two days, you have managed to get a fourth of the activity I have managed with 3 weeks. Please, teach me your secrets!
    Beards. Short, angry beards.
    And alcohol.
    Thank you, oh wise Tau.
    Alternately, I miiiiight have stolen some of Cornuthaum's mind control rays when he wasn't looking. Either/or.
    No, you may not build a battlemech in Glory and Grudges. No fusion reactors allowed! No matter how large and pleading your eyes are!
    Mmm. A choice between Guns and Vikings. My, will be interesting to see which way SV goes. Two of their favorite things, far as I can tell
    Snrk. "Well, she gave me a choice between Marriage and Death, and I never take the easy way out." Ahhhh, Tenchi Muyo GXP. Good times.
    Ork Kwest: Where the PC is a Violent Scottish Soccer Hooligan Big Game Hunter With Green Skin and Delusions of Grandeur. It rocks.
    *amused thought at Gwynquest* If Hades gets to keep his Black Knight Gear, Gwyn just upset the balance of Greek God Power. Steel > Bronze
    I come from 14 generations of stubborn Scots. Warhammer Fantasy Quest: The Others SINGS DIRECTLY INTO MY SOOOOUUUL.
    *peeks at Deus Ex Mechanicus Reboot Quest* Welp. I'll be in my office. Call me when the Orks are dead. ^^;
    So, got my hands on Tenra Bansho Zero. ...Amusing setting. Prolly a bit clunky to PLAY, but it's got some cool ideas. AKA, Samurai 7 the RPG
    Man. I sure hope editing a post doesn't trigger an alert for others, or I just pissed off everyone in the Deus Ex Mechanicus thread. Whoops.
    Wooo. Stuff's been moved over to here and scraped or whatever. Currently have my stuff on Hiatus, though, I suppose. Just haven't had oomph.
    *Checks e-mail* ...why are people sending me mails on SB about Knight's Quest? o_O I've posted in that thread like...once. Heh.
    Whoops. I have mail on SB. ...can't get to it, though. Ah well. Guess I should get 'Ere We Go over here one of these days.
    Y'know who would be the best villain to borrow and give to Taylor as an AU power set? Music Meister.
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