TheFictionAddict May 4, 2016 The sun ain't gonna shine anymore The moon ain't gonna rise in the sky The tears are always clouding your eyes When you're without love
The sun ain't gonna shine anymore The moon ain't gonna rise in the sky The tears are always clouding your eyes When you're without love
AuraTwilight Apr 26, 2016 Forgot to ask you, if you want to bind one of the rats, make a d20 binding check. :3 You can add your charisma bonus and your level.
Forgot to ask you, if you want to bind one of the rats, make a d20 binding check. :3 You can add your charisma bonus and your level.
AuraTwilight Mar 1, 2016 So just to clarify, when you say IRL stuff will keep you from acting, how long-term of a basis is that? Should I skip your turn order in D&D or...?
So just to clarify, when you say IRL stuff will keep you from acting, how long-term of a basis is that? Should I skip your turn order in D&D or...?