Tam Lin

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  • You. Your "Underpowered Quest" seems to be close to my projects: Outrealm, Mystics, Martial Way and Epic Tale. They involve a lot of spiritual mysticism and 'dream world' stuff. I'm going to keep reading and might even participate. Maybe we can exchange notes sometime.
    Worthless Writer
    So...only Manilla is nice then? Come on!

    You're telling me Pinays aren't pretty? is that what you're saying?

    I thought the crime rate was high in the other islands. There is some city with a lot of muslims that I hear is a war zone, but other than that...
    Tam Lin
    Tam Lin
    > only manila is nice

    That's the inverse of what I'm saying. Manila is shit.

    > pinays aren't pretty

    True, but the exceptions are stunning.

    > crime rate


    Davao has a really low crime rate, because the mayor has taken to doing vigilante style criminal executions which is something of an open secret. I'm voting for him this election.
    Worthless Writer
    Is Manilla not a tourist trap?

    Come on. There has to be some reason all these white boys flood your country to marry pinays. Well, we both know the real answer but...still.

    Vigilantes? Shit, if that's how you get down I'll MOVE there. Criminals run the show in the west, from the top (politicians) down (gangster thugs). When you're done with him send him my way please.
    Remind me to show you the actually adorable and goofy pictures I have my tiger hand-puppet (his name is Howard).
    Tam Lin
    Tam Lin
    Can I remind you now?
    Aires Drake
    Aires Drake
    No, because I just left work and will be passing out as soon as I can get home and shower
    I saw your fan art on Palett swap. And laughed out loud for the first time in a bit. That squirtle's expression...
    Yes. Being intolerant enough to run someone off the board is absolutely something to be proud of.
    Christ. Just when I thought avoiding that staying in the fiction section of the forums would be enough to avoid all the horribleness. NOPE.
    Apparently, I'm a neo-nazi. A gay, Filipino, neo-nazi.
    MJ12 Commando
    MJ12 Commando
    The person in question was infracted for that, and I never said you were a neo-nazi. I did, however, point out that your logic could be used to justify suppressing the public outcry against neo-Nazis.
    Tam Lin
    Tam Lin
    Oh boy. *Rolls eyes* And censorship is any better? "Free speech" vs "B-but I'm offended" is go.
    Well, maybe we should form block in order to witchbomb Mami? :V
    Tam Lin
    Tam Lin
    I'm already trying to find a reaction image for when she gets witchbombed and we have 0 plans on how to deal with it.
    Heh. This reminds me with Panacea Quest, albeit less.. Questionable. The faction infighting is craaazy.

    Not sure if there are other person that's willing to witchbomb, though. Gonna look at those previous dicussion - problem is, I don't know where it is. Maybe before Masami, and before telling Mami?
    Tam Lin
    Tam Lin
    They're just going to keep putting it off and run around like headless chickens when it finally does happen.

    Maybe for anyone who wants to actually discuss plans, we can discuss it in PM so we can have our votes in reserve.
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