Sucal Sep 13, 2016 Never get involved in games where 'sleeping' or going to work is signs of my guilt
Wizard_Marshall Sep 8, 2016 For some reason I missed the fact that a bear-something is in the passenger seat.
Sucal Mar 8, 2016 Seriously, why do people think its a good idea to make me get invested in something I didn't previously give a shit about?
Seriously, why do people think its a good idea to make me get invested in something I didn't previously give a shit about?
A Nation's Virtue Aug 13, 2014 Might I ask you to link me to those RWBY recaps done by Matt the Mammoth Rider please?
Sucal Jul 7, 2014 Thought for the day. Trying to maintain a 3 to 1 like vs post ratio is a pain in the ass.
Sucal May 5, 2014 Thought for the day... A lot of this forum is far too serious and legalistic for me.
Sucal Apr 26, 2014 I need to rebuild my original bastard list.... not to mention my previous coming up to a 2:1 like to post ration
I need to rebuild my original bastard list.... not to mention my previous coming up to a 2:1 like to post ration