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  • This time, surely, I can finish the next update within a week of the last, I say, before yet another unintended three-month hiatus.
    So, if you don't mind me asking, where is your avatar from?
    It was a commission that one of my editors bought for me some years back. I do not remember who the artist was, but the full image is here. I added the pride flag for this icon version myself.
    Grey Rook
    Grey Rook
    Ah, I see. Thank you for your time.
    So many scenes I want to get to, yet getting there is the difficult part.
    I've been there. I am still there honestly.
    Something I'm trying is just x number of words a day. To build a writing habit/practice and to flesh stuff out so that I know what I need to build in the preceding scenes.
    I can spill extensive digital ink on worldbuilding that is almost entirely divorced from my main story, but writing an actual update for that story feels like pulling teeth.
    Make it make sense.
    The Halloween and Goth underpinnings of the Phantom Ascension universe are undeniable, however. Ghosts and the Grimm Reaper, two different types of vampires, and dark faeries all exist, and as a magical girl series, technically everyone could be accused of witchcraft. I feel almost obligated to find a way to force in spiders and skeletons and werewolves, because it does not feel complete without them.
    I need to find a commission artist who can and would still draw in that early 2000s animecore nightcore desktop wallpaper style.
    Sometimes I feel like I am writing only the highest-class classical literature of magical girl stories. Other times I feel like I am writing the equivalent of My Immortal.

    Today, it is a bit of both.
    The fact that I am making an effort to save Evanescence songs for only key moments makes this better and worse.
    Hey it's been awhile since I've heard from you so I hope you're doing fine.
    I'm better, but it's still rough. I really do appreciate your concern, though.
    Good. You were talking about needing someone to beta and then go silent so I was worried. Still ready to beta whenever you're ready to go forward. But that shall keep so just worry about you okay?
    Thank you very much :smile:
    Feeling like more of a zombie than a ghost lately. Just want this semester to be done already.
    If it's getting too much, focus on what you'll do after each goal. Carve out time to relax or make plans for after the semester is done, and that helps a bit in my experience. <3
    *hugs tight* I know things are hectic now, but they'll lighten up soon, once school is done. Just remember to take some time to breathe, okay?
    Probably a good idea. Thank you both.
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