InternetWarrior Oct 20, 2016 Hey, do you plan on continuing "But still they come"? There doesn't seem to have been much activity over the last 20 days, unless it moved somewhere.
Hey, do you plan on continuing "But still they come"? There doesn't seem to have been much activity over the last 20 days, unless it moved somewhere.
Spartakrod Sep 12, 2016 Open your eyes, feel the wind blowing between the trees, smell the scents of nature, and look into the heavens, then you will know beauty
Open your eyes, feel the wind blowing between the trees, smell the scents of nature, and look into the heavens, then you will know beauty
Spartakrod Sep 11, 2016 Is it bright where you are? Have the people changed? Does it make you happy? ~You're so straaaange.~
CyborgneticSpyder Sep 2, 2016 Hear the news?:
Spartakrod Aug 26, 2016 Young Katusha went strolling by the hour On the steep banks, O'er the rocky ground.
Spartakrod Aug 26, 2016 Полюшко-поле, полюшко, широко поле, Едут по полю герои, Эх, да Красной Армии герои.
Spartakrod Aug 12, 2016 Mom and dad are never at home anymore, older siblings largely absent these days, grandparents don't really connect. Feeling Melancholic.
Mom and dad are never at home anymore, older siblings largely absent these days, grandparents don't really connect. Feeling Melancholic.