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  • I really liked your Total War snippet. I'd actually like to see more (although, probably have the units a bit toned down or something, from incomplete data transfer or something like that, with some kind of fail deadly system to trigger the actual, fluff based super tech).
    Also had a fun thought about her setting up an emergency Patterning system in her commander suit so that if she is fatally wounded she will be Patterned. Then she gets fatally wounded, only Panacea or Othala saves her life and now you have Taylor and Pattern!Taylor. You can see how dangerous that could be.
    Yeah, that could be bad. Or even... interesting.
    Will she develop anything other than the AKs? Admittedly, my Spring thing doesn't like letting me play as the Core, so I only really know about the Arm units...

    Also, Dragon might try to hack a Kbot or something later on, and be almost baffled by the EW gear everything carries (which is one method of explaining the vision radius....)
    Well, it ought to be possible for her to redesign the PeeWee to use a pattern, using the data for the Arm pilot. (Though that is a horrific solution) or use the AK pilot pattern. I suspect that it would take some adjusting, but then she can just let the AK-PeeWee pattern be copied for any units she's already 'prototyped' so to speak. Either way she is making sapient life though.
    Hey, do you have Aim, or anything like that?
    I have Xfire and am usually on that. (PM for username lulz)
    Why is the Aquila link in your signature to the second post in that thread?
    *spits out drink* Feth the what?
    Well I have zero clue how that happened but it's fixed now. Thanks for that. Bloody bizarre really.
    The campaign you posted on the RP thread? Can I be in charge of some of the enemies?
    It's on the document. The SS won't be deploying a lot of Shock Troops to Stalingrad, they have the Alptraum Meister's being deployed there, who need no additional protection beyond their charges. My curiosity is what you think a regular Wehrmact officer can do in relation to the SS or Night Witches really.
    I dunno. From my skim of the document, the SS uses... either magitech or alchemy, correct?, to make wierd critters. But conventional forces by day? Is that going to have an impact on something?
    Check the conversation for more.
    So how are you doing? Would you like to talk sometime. I hope you are doing well.
    Reasonably well, up for a little before getting some sleep, busy day today. Post in Gaea (yay!) later...
    sum sine regno
    sum sine regno
    Good luck. I need to get sleep, had long day doing firearms safety course. Now all I have to do is send all my info in to get gun licence, and the I can legally own and acquire guns. Then after that I'd have to try for my hunting permit.
    sum sine regno
    sum sine regno
    So why don't you post in the bakery sometime. Interesting stuff is happening now.
    Hey man, sorry about the argument in your thread :) . Would the Dockers become like what I posted in the pics?
    just glad it's over with. As for the guys with jump packs pictured. Probly not immediately. Jump packs require a LOT of training to use safely. Comparatively, Carapace/Flak armor, Las rifles and a few grenades is easy to train. Especially if Rose will be leading the squad personally.
    oh and feel free to come back to the thread, just try not to get in such a huge argument again okay? (I know it wasn't all your fault bro.)
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