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  • It's been over a year since the death of Phantom Blue.


    You were too good for this world man! I hope you find all the treasures in Quest Heaven!

    Can't believe I just noticed now.
    Hi. Do you mind if I ask you some things about Crossville? Not to be annoying and pester you for an update. I mean under the hood stuff. I'm going to be running a quest with more or less similar concepts in the future.
    I guess it'll be fine, let's take it to the PM then.
    Hi. Um...I've looked back at the Killer for Hire quests, and for some reason, I have the impression that you mentioned Malakai was a actually a teigu? I can't seem to find that anywhere though...

    Just wanted to confirm if I was hallucinating or something.
    I told some people on roll that Malakai was a teigu. You aren't delusional.
    Ah, okay. Thanks! :)
    I see your name in the viewers of my quests a lot, but I don't think I've ever seen you post, just pointing out. You just like lurking?
    Yes. I like to lurk since I usually can't think of something good to post. That and I prefer reading what other people write. Debates and the likes aren't my thing.
    Either you really are the face of procrastination or Refuse is dead. I respect your choice either way.
    The former plus uni stuff taking up my time and energy.
    Ah, well good luck then. Just leaves me with a few more weeks to not decide.
    Oh hey you picked IRtDaBCQ back up. Haha, hey remember when we chatted about rewards for omakes and other stuff for our quests? Turns out you can just not give any. Well, at least in the quest I' currently running, I suppose the rewards system might be more useful in your quest.
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