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  • If I weren't banned I'd tell the whole thread, but since you brought it up in PMAS:

    the 4th dimension /is/ time. The first, second, and third dimensions are spatial dimensions; the fourth and fifth are temporal dimensions. In PMMM there's definitely five dimensions - forward in time like normal, backward in time like Back To the Future, and then side to side.
    You were banned? I thought it was lifted ages ago. Huh. Aleph must've been really angry that one time. Shit. Kinda lucky I only got three days out of my escapade.
    And, as it seems, we've found fourth spacial dimension in PMAS, not fourth overall.
    You could always say that you're sorry and won't do it again. Threadbans have been lifted before, I think. Need to look at the rules.
    It's gone in a few weeks anyway. I just have to keep my shitposting in check.

    May as well take this to my profile if you want to talk more about this though. No sense in bugging Shadowhisker with notifications if they aren't relevant to him.
    Hello, users of SV! I am Shadowhisker, and I've been stalking these forums. Only now am I joining in. Hope you guys'll have me!
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