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  • I'm just curious, what (if any) are the guidelines for posting some form of omake or one-off for Stark Transcendent? After that little rage-post I'd made about wanting to punch Reed, I may or may not have thought it out a little further, and wondered if there's protocols for offering up one-shot alternate takes.
    You can just post this stuff in the topic - I generally link to them in the OP afterwards, and anything more than a paragraph or two tends to get a minor benefit, be it tech points, reputation, hints etc. Really good or in-depth ones get significant results, and if anyone did something really committed at some point (neat fanart or whatever) I'd probably pull out all the stops. :)
    Any chance space quest will also come back from the dead?
    Yeah, the fullstop on everything wasn't intentional, just a repercussion of a new timeconsuming job which sapped me of much in the way of creative energy to spend.
    So the new Kiwi Space Race quest, how goes it?
    Want to continue soon, but don't have access to internet atm to do so (outside work, which doesn't really count.)
    Is there any chance you could make a Story Only archive of Stark Transcendant? I'd really like to read it, but the formatting for the index post gets badly mangled by my phone.
    So, uh, what are your plans for the future of the iron man quest? I mean, I'll stay on SB for it if I have to, but I was just wondering since you did make an account here.
    I am updating on DLP still, not sure if I should move here since presumably people will be looking over there...
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