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  • One episode per day sounds about right. I don't need to run towards trauma when trauma casually saunters towards me.
    My first impression of Anime!Misato?

    How the fuck did anyone entrust her with a military command?
    I wouldn't give her a bottle opener, lest she interacts with it like a childish middle middle schooler and then immediately starts treating it like a soldier under her command with training and combat experience, despite the opener seeing a giant robot for the first time in its life.
    Eh. This metaphor has gone places.
    From tomorrow on, I embark on a journey full of loss and suffering.
    ... Yeah I'm gonna finally watch Evangelion, so I decided to leave my will here just in case.
    To The Lord Chungus, I leave a jar of Nut-s
    A jar full of delicious, nutritious nuts
    And maybe an acorn
    If I find one
    To Strypgia, for making me care about Evangelion characters in the first place, I'm leaving absolutely nothing. This is your fault, Strypgia. This person killed me with his WAFFy fanfic, and everyone should know it.
    And lastly, to Timerider I'm giving the rest of the money he needs to pay to the Colombian drug dealer, even though he tattled on me and that unfortunate occurrence in Barcelona.
    That's right, Timerider. Two. Dollars.
    Can someone explain to me why Saratoga now looks like she's about to wish to destroy all the Witches with her own hands?
    For inspiration... maybe I should try playing Dark Souls 3?
    I mean, anything will look more fun than dying repeatedly after awhile, right?
    ... right?
    Apparently, there's a whole bunch of complications in convicting a state that committed an international crime. How utterly astonishing.
    Past the realm of screaming and swearing, you shall find nirvana. Or zen? I always mix them up.
    *Screams escalating into continuous expletives*
    Is something the matter?
    Eh, business as usual. Thanks for asking.
    That reminds me I'll need to change the status.
    Started my first Quest! Soooo nervous, but also excited to screw up in the most entertaining way possible.
    Hey, good luck!
    Thanks, I'll need that. The first real update got waaaaay out of hand. I may or may not have murdered it once and made another draft from it's still warm corpse.
    It's been two weeks already? Oh. Well.
    Look, I'm not asking for the moon from the sky, but porting mobile games for international release would be nice? Who am I even talking to.
    It's not like only North America has money, you know. My enigmatic interlocutor.
    Fucking Goblin Slayer. It's like a lovechild of Dark Souls and Berserker decided to take up goblin genocide for a living.
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