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  • Just reread AYGPTE for the Nth time still holds entertainment for me hope to see a new chapter soon.
    SOON (TM ).
    Read the story again hope to see what the actual name is eventually because I'm getting frustrated searching for words with 5 A's 5P's 4O's and a R
    Damn this story is extremely frustrating me in how much of a tease Tanya's prospective name could be anything.
    Hope to see it continue someday.
    Hayden Crystensen finally took his revenge for all the flak he got back in the Prequel Trilogy. Easily in the top three for the best Vader in my memory.
    Happy Birthday!
    Shadow Archon
    Shadow Archon
    You're welcome!

    And, no problem? I wasn't even aware you were heated about it. You used little to no profanity, zero insults, and didn't utter a single derogatory comment. Considering the worst I've been through on the internet, that was milder than mayonnaise. So, yeah, don't worry about it.
    Wow, those are some pretty low standards. I feel better already. :V

    But seriously, thanks.
    Shadow Archon
    Shadow Archon
    It's kind of hard not to have such low standards when you're a liberal living in Louisiana. :V

    You're welcome!
    Okay, I would like to say sorry to everyone who was offended when I was shitting on that weird dating sim about dating pigeons, because
    Mom, Dad, I think I'm can-sexual.
    I need to develop a new emotional spectrum for feelings right between "I love it" and "Seriously, what the fuck".
    I found a thing:

    Apparently Rome is a good case study for what happens when you have a poor premodern agrarian economy with an essentially modern banking system.
    The video doesn't go into enough detail to bring up things that'd be closely applicable to the economy of Praes, but does lead me to understand that one of the advantages Praes shares with Rome is a pretty decent taxation system(that seems likely to be further improved by Tanya's work in your fic).
    (I don't know what it is about your fic that makes me feel compelled to share resources as I find them, at essentially random intervals, on essentially random websites between the two options, it just does for some reason.)
    My indelible tardiness, probably. :V

    Thank you, I'll check it out once I get back from uni.
    Just found out some homophobic guy from Russia made a submod for TNO to completely remove the LGBTQ social laws slider, and I feel, like, "Yeah, that's where I live, isn't it."
    The thing is, the asshat was apparently too lazy to remove all related events that still refer to LGBTQ issues, only now they don't provide positive modifiers to the state. In fact, there is a slider to outlaw any sexual minorities outright, obviously, most of the countries start on that level. Ironically, two of the states that can pass the normalization laws are located in Russian superregion.
    I'd have expected him to, you know, set all countries to outlaw and make it impossible to change, but apparently that's just too much work for him.
    Maybe the acronym burns his delicate retinas or some shit.
    Can we live a real life?
    ( A real life! )
    And do we even know what that means?
    Can we live a real life?
    And know people outside machines?!
    Can we live a real life
    Between the devil and the digital sea...
    But seriously, new SAOA episode kicks ass.
    My favorite moment is
    when both Kirito and Yui start laughing at the ridiculous Auntie Suguha.
    Like, lol, talk about family bonding.
    Yeah, people, many of you don't sit on SpaceBattles, and I would like to know your opinion on this thing I write, too.
    No bulli, plz.
    Played Life is Strange again, after all this time. Pretty intense, even when you know how it ends.
    Fuck, maybe I shouldn't have played the fifth episode right before it's time to sleep.
    That moment when you find out your mayor got so mad at people posting videos of them hanging out in parks and streets he decided to impose the curfew one week ahead of the schedule.
    Hope you're doing okay, what with this pandemic and all - and heard it isn't fully contained in Russia.
    Anyway, most cases are confirmed in Moscow, which only makes sense, since something like one in five of people in the country live here, and it's not on a full lockdown yet.
    Maybe that'll change, but the shops are working, the metro is working too, ( they can close it, but they can't really stop it, something to do with ventilation ) I'm fine, everyone I know is fine, and we didn't even start buying toilet paper like we are making ready for World War 3 to start.
    Soon, toilet paper will be the currency of the new world order, just you wait. Witness me!
    Ugh, and I thought EU4 world conquest run is no fun.

    Really want HOI4 to have an option to drop the World Tension after WW2 ends, otherwise, WW3 starts in three years tops.
    Rewatching Saga of Tanya, and goddamn Visha looks like a kicked puppy with those eyes. Did I forget it? Repress it? Repress sounds good.
    People hating on Worm having multiple inconsistencies, blatant retcons and glaring plotholes, when the guy admitted he churned the whole thing out from multiple contradictory drafts and wrote the updates really, really fast without stopping. I'm mostly amazed he's managed to write something remotely coherent by the end of it. Making sense on closer inspection would've been incredible.
    Sometimes, I read a fanfic I enjoy very much, then come back to it in a few years and realize it's utter trash, even if entertainingly so.

    Well, the same could be said for some books I've read.
    Anyway, I don't mind people trying to improve on Worm. 'M just saying, if you feel so strongly about the whole thing, then the original work must've accomplished at least one primary literary objective: make you feel strongly about it.
    Sometimes I'll start reading a fanfic, realise that it's utter bilge, and keep reading it even though I know it's crap. I enjoy it just enough to use it as a passtime, but after I stop reading I'll probably never think about it again.
    SAO Abridged, you still deliver, and what you deliver is glorious.
    Fact. "Misogynist alchemy."
    I mean, Asuna has her share of problems with -ist words, but yeah, that was hilarious.
    It was *beautiful* and *hilarious*. :D
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