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  • Your posters are so *rude*, my god.
    I apologise for being an asshole, but you simply pulled too much this time. I am done after the next fight, and will be staying gone until Dandeer isn't ruining one of my favourite storys anymorem
    Dude leave that shit in the thread. If they want to go away because the thread's furious, it's not okay to follow them and bring that to their profile page, no matter how disappointed you may be.
    I'm honestly impressed that you're actually using a voting system that complex. I'm also 'miring it, cuz it looks like it works hella well. Good shit man!
    I'm trying to strike a golden mean between, "unregulated write-ins making the discourse too dense to penetrate," and, "you shall have these options, *only* these options, and ALLES IN ORDNUNG!"

    I'm glad it looks like it's working! :D
    Oh, to be clear, I have no idea if it's working or not, but just going through the logic it *has* to be a better option than anything anyone else has ever been seen doing.

    Or, to use your words, I have no idea how close to the golden mean it is, but it's not at either extreme and that's more than anyone else has ever gotten.
    Very fair! Here's hoping for success, then!
    Oh wow, I didn't even think to check my profile page once I got back home. Thanks for the kind words! I'm working on an update tonight, but I'll definitely go have a look tomorrow.
    Well I have just posted a relatively short but pivotal update so if you wanted to drop over and vote you would be welcome.
    Oh, hey, missed the report for this somehow. I'll pop on over, if I'm not too late.
    So, uh, from the DBAE thread it looked like you were planning to be around Wednesday/Thursday, but no sign of prodigious toaster pastries. Are you okay?
    I RETURN. Belatedly. Working up that backstory post (turned into a weird af short story while I was writing it), doing an IC post in DoFP, and closing up the Terminus vote.

    Been *busy*, my friend.
    *frustrated fuming* -ing knives being so sharp I'M OUT WITH AN INJURY TODAY can't type for shit with my thumb like this *irritated growling*
    In-laws are in town (my wife's family wants visits or to visit so much more frequently than my own). Posting will be irregular.
    You QM 2 quests. You participate in a RP where you also co-GM. And you have told us you are a professional writer. Just how many words do you write in a day?
    Less than a year after graduating college, my wife and I are in negotiations for a house. Something has gone very, very right in my life.
    Over the past three weeks, we have received seventeen edible arrangements. Do we exhibit a particular fondness for fruit?
    I have returned from the hospital. While my wife will require protracted home care, I will now return to normal posting.
    She heals *fast*. The going theory is that Wolverine is her secret Grandpa.

    Driver ran a red light. This time she hydroplaned in half a foot of water. She has weird things happen to her in January. She's not allowed in cars during that month anymore. XD
    Well, its another year till January. Let's hope nothing else happens in the meantime, eh? Here's hoping she's out before February!
    Bleh >.<
    March then?
    Well, 'tis February now, but I do hope she gets out soon. ;)
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