plotvitalnpc Jul 11, 2015 Will be building a new computer come Wednesday, or maybe Thursday. It won't be broken OR horribly outdated.
Will be building a new computer come Wednesday, or maybe Thursday. It won't be broken OR horribly outdated.
plotvitalnpc Feb 16, 2015 As a chosen of endings, I'm apparently the cream of the crop when it comes to bureaucracy. Too bad I'm not.
As a chosen of endings, I'm apparently the cream of the crop when it comes to bureaucracy. Too bad I'm not.
plotvitalnpc Dec 27, 2014 Was accidentally a cat for a period of time. Would have been deliberate if the animation on THAT gif worked.
Was accidentally a cat for a period of time. Would have been deliberate if the animation on THAT gif worked.
plotvitalnpc Nov 9, 2014 If the ears twitched with just a LITTLE less time in between, they could be in sync with her heartbeat.
If the ears twitched with just a LITTLE less time in between, they could be in sync with her heartbeat.
plotvitalnpc Oct 21, 2014 Akinator has an impressive grasp on my psychology and a knack for guessing what cute female anime character I'm thinking of. Spooky shit.
Akinator has an impressive grasp on my psychology and a knack for guessing what cute female anime character I'm thinking of. Spooky shit.
plotvitalnpc Sep 27, 2014 So I'm kinda confused that twekve people have liked my post in the two hours since but not one of them has posted.
So I'm kinda confused that twekve people have liked my post in the two hours since but not one of them has posted.
Speckled Burd Aug 1, 2014 It will never cease to amaze me, how your avatar manages to move despite my attempts to find one which does the same all ending in failure.
It will never cease to amaze me, how your avatar manages to move despite my attempts to find one which does the same all ending in failure.