• And yes, This Messenger does know. I'm not going to repost everything in the first post, so simply check there to see what you see.
    btw, after some testing, we figured out that banded dragonite is crazy good in your game. Might want to ask Illusion about it and try it out.
    For the league: ghost team with Curse, Destiny Bond, Pain Split, and Confuse Ray. Doooo ittttt. ^_^
    Pandemonious Ivy
    Pandemonious Ivy
    You want everyone to hate me. Gotcha. :p
    Oh I am slain!
    Oh I am slain!
    Bonus points for using as few actual attacks as possible. Just stall for days. :D

    (Besides one or two Taunt/Magic Guard/Bounce counters, of course.)
    Happy Goddamn Birthday, Me. Bring in the dancing lobsters!
    Happy birthday to you sir. *brings in an entire club of dancing lobsters*
    Happy birthday! Oh... that was nearly a week ago. Well, anyway, happy birthday! Good luck in this next year!
    Pandaaaa, you sob, come to #WD! Immmmmmmediatly!
    Pandemonious Ivy
    Pandemonious Ivy
    Not while you're misspelling shit on my profile, you scrub.
    You are leaving us alone with people who shouldn't be with us alone. Stop having stuff to do, come nerd with us :<
    Updating a classic joke:

    Two Wailords fly into a bar.

    The bartender asks what he can get them.


    And the second Wailord says, "Damn it Frank, you're drunk."

    (If you're still busy, how 'bout just a pure Flying Wailords quest? :D )
    Hi, Pandemonious Ivy,
    Rise appears to have had a resurgence of new readers, including myself.
    Is it on hiatus, perennially delayed, or defunct?
    There was nothing on the thread or your signature to indicate what the go is.

    I do not mean to pressure you, but I would appreciate it if you could clear up my confusion.
    Pandemonious Ivy
    Pandemonious Ivy
    I appreciate the concern, it's just slightly delayed while I deal with a bit of writer's block. I'll be trying to update within the next few days.
    Thanks for clearing that up.
    Update when you feel ready, and we will wait, with various degrees of patience. (Not looking at any 'Oh, I am slain's in particular.)

    Knowing it is on the back burner, not on hiatus or defunct lets my get a bit more invested in Rise without it being on a hiding to nothing.
    Hey...I'm not gonna make a thread post about this but I'm not sure what "escalation" entails and it still links to Eldritch Abomination. Could you clarify?
    Pandemonious Ivy
    Pandemonious Ivy
    Constant oneupmanship. You win a medal, I win a trophy. You take an Apple, I uproot the tree. You burn me, I cut out your eyes. Ahem, I'll fix the link though!
    Alright, that'll work. So Serial Escalation then, I think.
    Pandemonious Ivy
    Pandemonious Ivy
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