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  • Hey Omnicron, I was just rereading your Fate quest and got all hyped up about it again, is there a plan to bring it back or is it dead-dead? And, if so, do you remember what Vercingetorix's super-secret NP was going to be, and any cool enemies you where going to throw at Mads and her?
    hey Omicron, I like your new quest and I was going through the exalted general thread and I saw you had posted about the grave of swords there. Do you think it would be spoilers for me to read that, or is it okay? sorry for bothering you.
    No bother at all! The Grave of Swords is just setting material, it's written for Storytellers and readers to get a grasp on the region and how it works. It contains no real spoilers for the story.
    Where did you learn the term 'character thesis'? I just realized I learned it from you, and it's an interesting thought-tool.
    Howdy Omicron. I just finished reading everything you posted about your Ayethel D&D setting thread. Have you written anything else about it (either here on SV or in a Google doc)?
    Thanks for being a fantastic author and mod!
    I'm afraid not! I was intending to run a D&D campaign in that setting and expand it as I worked on it, but then I got distacted by other projects as usual, so I stopped working on it u_u Thanks for the kind words, though!
    That's a shame, but I understand. I'd love to participate in something like your Knight of Dust story with Ayethel if you start such a thing in the future. Perhaps a tabletop RPG server on Discord would be a better fit for your schedule if you want to play games like D&D in the future?
    Sorry about the Ilforte thing. At least the thread is seeing a lot of participation?
    Please don't send Nemo after me.
    Can I get a source on that quote?
    Gideon Falcon
    Really? What context was somebody in a Victor Hugo novel boasting about having dragons?
    La Fin de Satan is essentially a religious-historical epic. God sends the Flood, personified as a watery giant, who addresses the personification of Chaos and tells him that God has found man wanting and demands that Chaos takes humanity back. Chaos responds contemptuously that having dragons, he has no need for mere men. The Flood turns to God, who then decides that humanity will be allowed to thrive again.
    Gideon Falcon
    Oh, that is really cool. I'm big into the whole Dragons as Chaos Monsters mythology, and knowing Victor Hugo made such an awesome quote talking about it is really neat. Thanks!
    Just noticed your birthday was a few days past. I hope you had a great day. You've been an amazing writer to follow not just for jaw dropping fight scenes but for very human characters with compelling stories to tell. Congrats on setting a high standard that others can aspire to live up to.
    Pretty stellar of you to give Starrk's hyped power (both as the Primera, and as one whose presence was sufficient to crush any and all Hollows that came near them out of existence) in your quest. I like it.
    Um, dude? What happened? Why you post several empty post?
    Yeah, sorry. My phone's screen is cracked and sometimes it just bugs out and gives itself random inputs. I was asleep while this happened. Kind of embarrassing.
    Ah, it's fine, then.
    I'm not sure where else to ask this, but was I banned from the NN discord server? I know I made an honest mistake and I apologize, but I think that's disproportionate for not having seen a message and would like to defend myself. I don't want to bother anyone here but I literally can't message anyone from the server on discord to ask.
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