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  • I am honestly quite glad I'm not the only one that thinks a bunch of nines should be able to completely change the game.
    How are you a Idiot?
    Well, one answer is that I am the kind of idiot who forgets to answer a post for 1½ weeks.

    But there are other reasons as well, like how I voted in favour of a reckless charge in Zelda Dynasty, that I blindly trustcharacters in Quests almost by definition, that I spend time on SF when I should be working on my thesis and that I even at the age of 9 hadn't learned not to stick nails into power sockets.
    Heck, you were in the Dungeon Keeper Quest, right? There I somehow managed to miss the reveal of our Patron God, despite that not so much being sub-text as text.

    I suppose my title could also have said 'Rampant Shipper', but if people cannot tell that themselves after sharing a thread with me, they should probably count themselves lucky. Warning them of my blind idiocy seems more important.
    For the longest time, I wondered where that avatar came from, it seems so cute and diabetes inducing. Then danbooru happened.... Suffice to say, Reisen freaking out upon seeing a kiss to the hand between two immortal nemeses makes for a very good avatar material.
    Indeed it does!

    Of course, almost every panel involving Eirin or Reisen in that doujin is worthy of that.
    To be fair, hachi's Kaguya x Mokou doujin have at least one avatar-worthy picture....
    I like your display pic and want to know where it came from but at the same time I feel like not wanting to know. Wtf is wrong with me..... Also nice name. +1.
    For some reason, I keep thinking your avatar is some sort of catgirl until I get a closer look at it. It somehow fools me every time.
    I think the lagomorphs will be angry if you keep confusing them for carnivores.
    Soon they're going to realize that we're actually sockpuppet accounts of each other, so all those Oddish votes only count for one. :D
    No such thing the hive mind will have more sockpuppet!
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