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  • You ok or going stir crazy too?
    Little bit, yeah. Can't be helped, though, lockdown is the safe thing right now.
    Saw that the governor of Georgia is allowing the state to open up Friday. Hope you stay safe and nothing go wrong for you.
    Want to write: Old World of Darkness/Generic Urban Fantasy (Possibly Dresden Files?):
    What would have become Threat Null is instead thrown into another setting, where people are ignorant, supernatural predators are fought by plucky wizards, and consensus reality is more accepting of magic than hypertech. Clearly something must be done with all this Reality Deviance.
    Just too lazy right now dammit.
    I feel you rates of the disease at my place keep going up.
    I believe you're also from India? Greetings and well-wishes from Shillong. I wish you and yours all the best.
    Same to you! I'm not in-country right now, but good luck! Heard that things aren't the easiest right now under lockdown.
    Surviving. It could be worse. Most of the cases are out west, so the NE is relatively normal at the moment, lockdown aside. Fingers crossed.
    I believe you are from India and just heard they are locking down the country. If you are from there I hope everyone you know will be safe.
    Thanks! Yeah, it's a bit grim but at least it's being done early. With luck there's little spread to be had.
    Stay safe, the US isn't in very great shape at the moment.
    Thanks! I live in Texas but the city I live in has a Democrat mayor who is trying his best to make sure the least amount of people die. Right now I am furloughed from work so I got nothing but time.
    When they say in this order
    1. Work from home
    2. No, you can't take hardware and gear back home.
    3. Research deadlines are unchanged.
    You start to question your sanity. It's Kafkaesque.
    Deadlines almost done, just one left. Writing has (slowly) resumed. Damn, I'm rusty.
    Great to hear! I was missing your work, looking forward to your return.
    Your real-life is what counts here - no rush or pressure, your quality as a writer is never in doubt for us. :)
    Ah, I wish I'd gotten more enthused about 40k again before your Titan quest went on Hiatus, this is delightful!
    I have a pre-30K one running actively (at least in March once deadline pressure slacks a bit). You might like that one.
    All updates on hold until Thursday, deadlines are quite bad right now.
    Sorry to hear life is keeping you busy but you seem intelligent and hard working so you got this.
    Quest idea premise: Warcraft/WHF:
    1) Luthor Harkon the Mad Pirate stealing the Lich King's hat.
    2) Thrall meets Grimgor Ironhide. Things devolve.
    3) Kel'Thuzad losing a magical duel to a giant mostly-sleeping frog.
    Quest idea: Ork Warboss in the beginning of the Great Crusade. You're dead in the medium and long run, but in the short run the goal is to krump as many of the big 'umies as possible. Like, quest finishes in a month but is a hilarious carnagefest of Orkiness meeting Primarchs head-on.
    Sorry to ask, but do you recall the Warhammer quest where we played as a techpriest who was just the biggest asshole, but still actually knew what he was doing? Got shot in the head in a Hive city and walked out after healing himself, ended up having to eat dead Ork to survive?
    I didn't do one that ate an Ork, no. Never read a quest like that one. I have done a few other techpriest quests, but not something like that.
    Just wanted to tell you how bloody amazing you are for running two daily quests! Furthermore, both has dived into some interesting topics with a fair risk/reward factors. I'll be following both with a excited eye.
    Thanks! Be warned though, I have a publication deadline IRL on the coming Thursday, so updates may slow until that point, picking up afterwards.
    so been wondering there some interesting story`s you have done in the past are those on pause or... ?
    On pause for now, the only one I'll for-sure reboot is On the Quest for Knowledge on QQ. That one's come too far not to.
    right qq don`t often go there but oke
    You still alive or is life kicking you?
    Interviews this week, the update is acting tough to write. Need time.
    Good luck on the interviews and take your time mate. How things work out for you and you get the time you need.
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