• Oh shit the Technocracy has subverted the forum administration

    We're all doom--*shot by HITMarks*
    There is no subversion. We were already here.
    oh my god they were already in control

    they were always in control

    *is dragged off for reprocessing*
    Why on earth would you do this to yourself

    Now you have to explain your opinions concisely in simple terms

    It sounds terrible

    (Seriously, tho: congrats, mate)
    MJ12 Commando
    MJ12 Commando
    If I didn't loathe myself why would I have gone to law school? *thonking*
    But how can I call you the Barristerminator now if you've moved from the table to the bench? :<

    (congrats :D)
    His job is to terminate the appeals sent in by advocates.

    Unfortunately Advocaterminator just doesn't have the same ring to it.
    MJ12 Commando
    MJ12 Commando
    I am a litigative organism

    Dispositive motions over settlement negotiation
    Fun fact, Emperor Nero regulated the fees for lawyers limiting them so that the lower classes could be represented and emptying prisons of those who had been put behind bars for minor offenses but were too poor to afford a lawyer.

    The more you know.
    Hey, thanks for your insights in the Hostile Discourse thread. I realize the atmosphere of N&P is pretty shite, but I always enjoy your posts.
    You know, for the longest time I thought "Barristerminator" was a portmanteau of "barista" and "terminator", not "barrister".
    I have determined that if I want to see case studies of the Dunning-Kruger effect in action, I just have to look at the incredibly verbose and mostly-content-free posters trying to debate law with you.
    "megadeath misery poker".....So, if I were to theoretically release a card game with this name, how many royalties would you want?
    MJ12 Commando
    MJ12 Commando

    It's a great term isn't it
    Yes. It is. It....sums it up neatly. I mean. I would totally watch a tv show called ideological megadeath misery poker.
    Maybe this is gonna sound weird, but I need to thank you. It was your writing about Joker that eventually made me start thinking, and start preferring Superman, which made me read a lot more Superman, which put me in a way better headspace because Superman.

    So, uh.

    Hey, I hate to have to bring this to your attention (and I hate the fact that it being so close to april 1st that this may be taken as a 'joke', even though it's not), but Vashon tried to dox you over on QQ. :shrugs:
    MJ12 Commando
    MJ12 Commando
    Emphasis on 'tried'

    Like, holy lol. His effort was so incompetent I almost feel sorry for him.
    Robo Jesus
    Robo Jesus
    Indeed. Even so, it would have been dickish in the extreme for me not to have said anything to you once I learned of it though. Especially as it seems so few others bothered to even speak up. =/
    You ever consider running an exalted quest? Your Maget one iside really good, so you can clearly deal with bad mechanics.
    moar panopticon quest when u big meanie? :mad:

    (I actually feel really bad making this post, because I sound like a demanding jerk who can't appreciate the fact that you've already written more words than War and Peace, but I'm really nervous about the Quest and I really like it, though I suspect that the reason there isn't more is because we, the players haven't been active enough.)
    MJ12 Commando
    MJ12 Commando
    you maaaay have figured out the primary issue

    Also I ran straight into a giant wall of legal work

    When you spend 12 hours writing briefs you kind of don't feel like writing for fun you know.
    I sympathize with you, my fellow lawyerkin as I too am being forced to write maaaany pages on legal theory.

    I, um don't really know what to say other than that. :V
    Life 5 procedure to resurrect the thread! More seriously I hope you'll find the inspiration and time to work on PQ again soon.
    Hello MJ12 Commando, I am planning to do a review of a comics series so I was wondering how do you store the pictures that you need for posting them permanently on SV? Pinterest?
    People usually host them on Imgur because it's a reliable and quick service. I've used it for stuff I needed and I think it's pretty good (not that I'm a professional when it comes to this).
    I see. Thank you. I was under the impression that Pinterest was the only right way.
    Oh my God my phone autocorrected something wrong on my last messages. The message was supposed to be "that she had me do" and I was referring to the Dr being a PoC. Oh God that came out wrong
    I am not even remotely suggesting shin did anything
    I was talking to my therapist about what she had done, oh my God this is awful
    Phone dying, awful mistake D:
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