Khawy Oct 7, 2016 Happy B-day, mate :v Happy B-day, mate :v
Generic_Generica Sep 20, 2016 I keep confusing you with @Ugolino because you both have the exact same avvie with almost the same thing below your avvie. This is so confusing. (T_T) (But don't change avvies on my account, I'll figure out who's who eventually.)
I keep confusing you with @Ugolino because you both have the exact same avvie with almost the same thing below your avvie. This is so confusing. (T_T) (But don't change avvies on my account, I'll figure out who's who eventually.)
Look to the Left Sep 14, 2016 Ah I get it. You're Killer Hero while @RexHeller is Hero Killer. Nice one.
Sasha Sep 10, 2016 Started a new quest today. It's a RWBY quest, so I'm sure if you'll be interested, but if you are please let me know what you think!
Started a new quest today. It's a RWBY quest, so I'm sure if you'll be interested, but if you are please let me know what you think!